Wait a moment. I recognize this logo.
Is Morrowind Muslim propaganda?
sun and moon is islamic?
>playing as the second coming of a messianic figure and killing the egotistical ugly deity
no, it's christian propaganda
Oh yes, the moon and the sun/star are trademarks.
Morrowind (the original not the shit ESO game) is an amazing achievement, one of the best plots in any fantasy world. Makes Oblivion and Skyrim look like pre-school shit by comparison.
Reminder that games get less good when the company smells shekels
Daily reminder that the Red Mountain is Saudi Arabia and chitin is oil.
Vivek is Trump btw.
Morrowind is an accurate portrayal of current year Britain.
Fucking outlanders and fucking "Empire".
Agreed. It is far from perfect, but it's an amazing game and world. It made the Dunmer a bit of a Super Special snowflake race, but that's mostly just a by-product of the amount of flavour that went into the people and the place.
Chitin is cheap and renewable, though.
Ebony would be a better metaphor.
>Implying Dagoth Ur isn't going to make Morrowind great again
Kirkbride's concept art was amazing.
I played the complete quest of Morrowind like 20 times and it doesnt seem like Islamic propaganda at all
this in the Azura star
Yep. Morrowind has always been aimed at cuckolds, Oblivion is the patrician Elder Scrolls game.
>Morrowind: for cuckees
>Oblivion: for cuckers
Literally every RPG has the same tropes.
You start off as an Arthurian squire surrounded by english tropes, then you encounter germanic, roman, egyptian myths in succession. In the north you find blatant scandi stuff, in the south, the sand people. Then after they have exhausted RL lore they introduce Cthulu stuff and finally aliens.
>in morrowind you are the chosen one and become an alpha ageless figure immune to disease
>in oblivion you play lapdog to the actual hero
Have you heard of the (((high elves)))?
It's actually Hindi/Indian.
Orcs worship a literal lump of shit.
Trinimac was eaten then pooped out be boetiah, making malacath a god of shit
Yes, they are based
I dont get why people hate high elves
>eugenic politics and racial purity maintenance
>aboriginal race of Tamriel
>not a degenerate nordcuck
>have lifespan of several hundred years
>great at magic
>did I say that they are not degenerate nordcucks?
Not entirely. Dark elves are very alien compared to Hindus, they do draw influence but its not based on that entirely
It's probably just a coincidence, polack
well, which one is it?
Bullshit, you play as the second coming of Mohammed. A key plot point is convincing the tribes (various Muslim tribes, most of their architecture is Muslim influenced) that this is what you are, which involves gathering the moon and star (Muslim imagery) as proof. After all that you eventually destroy the Tribunal (a reference to the Holy Trinity obviously). There's a lot of evidence showing that this game is Muslim propaganda with the ultimate goal as bringing down Western religion.
>ancestor worship
>chosen one
sound like all three
>Implying you actually mantled Nerevar and weren't just a pleb-tier tool of Azura
yeah, but dunmeri culture is mostly about ancestor worship. The Nerevarine simply helps the Ashlanders gain that old Velothi culture back.
>On a certain day, to uncertain parents, incarnate moon and star reborn
>Trump is a second Jackson who looks like Patton
>Neither blight nor age can harm him. The Curse-of-Flesh before him flies.
>Trump has done business in New York for a lifetime, dealing with democrats and the media, but played them all to his advantage, and for all their burning hatred, they are unable to do anything against him. Also, at the age of 70 he is one of the most high energy presidents in our lifetimes.
>In caverns dark Azura's eye sees, and makes to shine the moon and star.
The anti-terror surveillance centre's opening ceremony was in a dark 'cave', with the shining moon/orb.
>A stranger's voice unites the Houses. Three Halls call him Hortator
>the Trump admin controls all three branches of government
>A stranger's hand unites the Velothi. Four Tribes call him Nerevarine
>Trump is forming a coalition with fellow nationalists. In Europe the most pro-Trump countries are the V4/Visegrad Alliance.
>He honors blood of the tribe unmourned. He eats their sin, and is reborn
>His mercy frees the cursed false gods, binds the broken, redeems the mad
He understands the business circles, the media and Jews.
Their wrongs and the self-fancied, false gods of the tribe he will both set right, liberating them of old sins and setting them free of the path they were bound to. Whether they like it or not.
>destroy the tribunal
They were doomed to begin with. Ur had the heart, they couldn't maintain immortality like before. Almalexia went insane and killed sotha sil, and you dont have to choose vivec. Vivec accepts his fate, regardless. In the end the dark elves go pagan instead of worshipping 3 dudes who played operation of the heart of a god.
Got that right.
It's funny cause I always saw the Nerevarine as Jesus, Dark Elves as the Jews, the Temple as rabbis and The Empire as Rome.
And on SEA, Japan etc. Aesthetically some Muslim influences but yeah it's only real world inspirations.
Unlike Nords they are rather unique.
Which ends up killing everyone in Morrowind. The Tribunal (Christianity) is the only thing holding back disaster (the meteor above Vivec), Mohammed destroys the tribunal and causes the destruction of the island costing countless lives.
>I dont get why people hate high elves
>subjugating other races
>snooty faggots
>cowardly magic users
>one of the oldest races; didn't learn how to harness or make Dwarven tech
>disgusting, pinched faces
>believing they're superior to races they've been unable to conquer for 1000's of years even with a headstart on home turf
If anything its Asian/Indian.
Plus its really great, because you act kind of like a detective in a sci-fi, and get to learn the "technology" behind what is considered to be divine magic by the locals.
Also the Tribunal cucked and killed Neravar for magical gibs and Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong.
what are you talking about? muslims are redguards
Nord's were done so poorly it hurt. What also triggers me is imperials not being racially separated between colovians and nibeans more in oblivion
kek sure, which high elf was pretty?
Idk about you but when i see a high elf i chop his head off immediatly.
High Elves are actual Jews.
Their religion -despises- existence, but unlike the Dunmer who see the world as a challenge to be overcome in order to ascend to the aether, the Altmer seek to literally destroy the world so they can undo creation and become one with the aether.
>thinking fictional cultures are exact copies of real world cultures
Dont you remember who sent the meteor in the first place??
it may not actually be literal.
I really dislike how derivative the cultures of the races in-game are of real-world cultures, the worst being Imperial and Nord.
Nah, they're basically the same as some sects of Hinduism dude. I think you need to do some research.
Better question:
Did Skyrim help to elect Donald Trump.
Of course a developer with pro-Islam sentiment would portray the Tribunal (Christianity) as a fraudulent religion that should be crushed. This is just more proof that I'm correct.
proof that things can be twisted to have almost any meaning you want them to
Wasn't that the old Shergorath?
no, that would be niggers. I'm talking about culture, dress and architecture, also weapons.
Besides that you have a khajiit
I thought it was from Mehrunes Dagon
The Thalmor are the Jews and the Dark Elves are Muslims
No malacath is a steaming log
Christianity has run its course, constant reforms for more power has destroyed peoples faith. It no longer can protect us desu. We could use paganism today
The question of our time is, is Talos divine?
morrowind is a triumph of worldbuilding
This is correct. I don't see how that point is relevant to the discussion though.
Ye it was sheo
It was Sheogorath.
Michael Kirkbride studied creative writing, painting, and comparative religion in college.
Morrowind is mainly influenced by Hindu and Babylonian myths
It was Sheogorath who did it, if I recall, just to be a shit (as usual).
Vivec actually convinced the meteor to just stay there, and made it his quarters.
After Vivec was vanquished one of his top scientist invented a machine to keep the meteor suspended that was fueled by Dunmer souls.
After the Argonians swept up into Vvardenfell after the Oblivion crisis, the machine was broken causing the meteor to crash into Vivec (city) and trigger the eruption of Red Mountain, burying most of Vvardenfell in lava and ash.
The daedra have more power than the divines..who in reality might not exist anymore
Well they exist, the planets in the sky are actually their dead physical forms.
Maybe, but Chrisrinaity > Islam still
Nope, it's Sheogorath. He tricks the moon to think Vivec raised the city to spite the heavens or something, but Vivec stopped it and the moon from then on yielded to the authority of the Tribunal, serving as the base of the Ordinators.
One hell of a way of spinning Levitate 1000000000000000000000000 on Target as a constant/incredibly long-lasting effect.
Oblivion > Morrowind >>> Skyrim
Fight me.
Oblivion sucks but has great mods.
>not playing as a nord in: Skyrim , Oblivion and Morrowind and defending your home land
It's like you want to be a kike OP
The crescent moon is one of the oldest symbols in human history
The nursery cube death cult just stole it like they did everything else
Kirkbride was good, shame he's not working with beth anymore.
This. Argonians ruined it all
Morrowind is more like indians desu.
Well the shrines still work so something must be working.
Enjoy your sigil grinding before playing the game.
I thought Vivec himself held the meteor in place
No wonder Sup Forums is overrun with Sup Forumsacks.
Lorkans heart worked too. But he's not revered now is he??
I forget if he convinced the meteor or just did it with CHIM.
>inb4 CHIM shitstorm
You should see ESO, some zone chats are actually Sup Forums
The thalmor are the muslims that go around killing white natives of Skyrim. There is going to be a crusade at some point between Skyrim and the 6th game.
>the tribunal is the holy trinity
almalexia kills sotha sil, they lose immortality. Literally nothing matches up to christianity besides the fact that there's three. Remember when jesus killed the holy ghost and god got weaker? Of course not.
and even by your owm retarded theories, the game isn't even pro muslim, as you said that the loss of the "trinity" is what destroyed morrowind. Wouldn't that make the game anti-muslim as it informs you of the dangers of Islam?
It's shit though, unfortunately.
Best Elder Scroll game is Dagger Fall.
>gold has weight
>proper banking with letters credit
>all orcs are evil
>huge as fuck world
>home of the Bretons
Yes, Ysmir was a real bloke who archived godhood and it pisses off the high elves to no end because in their lore they're descended from gods and are the chosen people.
Why didn't they just mine the moon entirely into dust?
No thanks, I don't have shit tastes.
I want them to remake daggerfall identically to how it used to be with 3D graphics
Because Muslims are fucking stupid. Remember that Mecca is thought to be from the heavens too. Anyone saying Morrowind isn't Muslim doesn't know their real world shit.
what are some /pol approved vydia? Been playing total war and age of mythology, and dirt, because you cant shit up racing with social justice
ESO is great
I'd still be playing if Zenimax could give me better than 10FPS at noon on a workday.
EU4, CK2, any Paradox game basically.
Was it not already dead when it was resurrected in Morrowind? Was it not merely the play thing of the Dwemer before it was seized by Dagoth Ur?
Perhaps the Oblivion crisis sealed the gods away but as for total removal, that would be a stretch.
>Kirkbride was good, shame he's not working with beth anymore.
His lore is still somewhat influential.
for example Heimskr's speech is copied from one of Kirkbride's works "From the many headed Talos"
The concept of Alduin the world eater comes from "The Seven Fights of The Aldudagga"
the witcher iii is pretty based. comfy european countryside and folklore, not a single non-white in sight. slight flavour of nihilistic postmodern wank, but everything has that now.
Stop using a potato as a computer.
Considering the dark elves are dicks and the follower of Nerevar are pretentious cunts, I'd say no.
Lol Talos was a Breton mage trolling Norcucks, proving that bretons are the master race.
The original Deus Ex.
It's better than Skyrim