I know there are various theories for Europeans, like the cold climate selecting for intelligent forward thinking people, and the plague wiping out most lower IQ people.
But what is the explanation for the east Asians?
I know there are various theories for Europeans, like the cold climate selecting for intelligent forward thinking people, and the plague wiping out most lower IQ people.
But what is the explanation for the east Asians?
Other urls found in this thread:
Absolutely zero negroid DNA
Neanderthal DNA
I've often wondered this myself.
Neanderthals developed better tools than we did.
>no tech to create nails for building houses
>proceed to get creative and create shapes that match perfectly together to keep your building up
trial and error
Bushido and Seppuku
Central Asia is far colder than europe ever was. Asians also were pressured by cold and harsh winters, even more so.
Because the asians especially chinese are ruthless against their enemies and peasants who tried to oppose them and would slaughter their entire bloodline. I read somewhere that majority of east asians can trace their origin to some chinese warlords from the brons/iron age.
Language and culture, same with the jews.
Far away from niggers
Explain this
and this
They have the highest concentration of Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA
While I do think East Asians have a very high intellegence, I believe that their culture and education has a high emphasis on memorization. Memorization skills allow them to score very high on standardized tests, such as SAT or IQ tests. Japanese ans Chinese often struggle to think outside the box
The root for this emphasis on memorization can seen all trhoughout Chinese history. For example, to be A Qin scholar, one had to memorize all of Confucius's works, and be able to recite sentence X of paragraph Y of page Z of book 3, etc.
For non-nips: Lying about IQ test scores.
For nips: No mongol invasion to mongrelize the population into bug niggers
Dumb strawmen.
Mao's incompetence and communism.
Cultural shifts in the last few decades in China shying away from honesty/honour etc. and also a very large population of educated people.
Manipulation. IQ test results are not representative when a country has a huge population and only the best of their strikt education system or especially trained students are sent to take those test.
you need to go back to china
Strawman does not mean what you think it means, and throwing that word at any argument you want to deny won't solve everything all the time.
>Recent studies show a higher Neanderthal admixture in East Asians than in Europeans
Yeah, that's pretty weird.
>last few decades
hah. more like last 1000 years
Nice. Doesn't exactly imply lack of intelligence though does it?
And you need to not be so…… american.
Monkey eater to the rescue of his cockmaster.
>cold climate
Having crossed Siberia East Asians are snow beasts with high IQs but SOUTH east asians are dummies.
my other posts do. i was referring to your comment about chinese honor/honesty
>Cultural shifts in the last few decades in China shying away from honesty/honour etc
das boosheet and you know it. the chankoros lost all sense of morality long before the last few decades.
That's high IQ crazy, like North Korea or the French Revolution. They do stupid shit for ideological reasons, but it's fairly well organized.
Low IQ-crazy is raping virgins to cure AIDS and being content with the endemic civil wars and corruption that plague sub-Saharan Africa.
hows it like at french university? do the professors allow you to cheat like in your homeland? you can have them fired fod discwimination if they dont by the way
>black plague
ironic that most historians say it started from china.
in any case, civilisation did. civilisation selects for higher iq males especially, which also has a side effect of increasing female iq raising the average.
all civilisations started around river plains. the seasonal flooding pushed tribes to centralise in order to create flood works, thus forming the first hierarchical states.
But it look good on paper, that's how communism works.
I can never tell when it's NATO propaganda or just retarded americans.
Because Ghengis Khan was a genius and the Mongols were tougher than diamond encrusted tungsten.
Nah, China just had these really long periods of peace where it could develop tech and ideas. Asians may seem more intelligent but in the grand scheme of things they're not that different.
fucking lol "NATO propaganda" what the fuck are you as a person? are you really an empty-headed bugman or do you just fetishize asian culture because you cant find pride in your own?
Frankly, IQ is bullshit. If you get trained in schools with IQ test related exercises you'll have higher average IQ than those who are trained for more traditional math and shit.
language is a key too i think.
See your posts are nonsensical ad hominems like the JIDF used to post.
You probably don't even understand what you're saying and just regurgitate garbage because fuck critical thinking.
Not to the extent that the PRC has, I mean certainly it had not been to the standards of Japan but there was a reason the 19th century is called the century of humiliation or whatever. Communism has fucked them over like nothing else ever has.
They were patriarchal earlier, and never got BLACKED like the Middle East did.
Patriarchy makes for genes men favor, and men like intelligence.
Matriarchy makes for the sorts of genes women favor, like ones for violence and sociopathy. The Native Americans, and the blacks, both of those were matriarchal societies.
>the sorts of genes women favor, like ones for violence and sociopathy
how come?
chinese and japanese have pretty simple grammars compared to euro languages
dunno about koreans
I had to read a book by (((malcom gladwel))) and he stated that asians lived off of rice
Rice is very delicate which required precise irrigation to the gnats ass.
Leave the flood gate open for seconds too long and the rice field will go bad.
book was slightly redpilled because it called out the Irish for being lazy niggers just hoping for the best starving through winters
you have zero fucking reading comprehension if you think these posts are nonsensicle. its becoming more and more obvious that you are an imagination-deprived chink.
My theory is high IQ didn't just evolve because of harsh climate. It evolved because of other harsh circumstances including War. As Asians and Europeans became more urban, they became more warlike. The populations with higher discipline, strategy, and coordination would conquer and dominate their rivals.
The leaders and generals(smartest strategists) would get hundreds or thousands of concubines in the process and create more ambitious and strategically minded children.
Terminal stage of americanism.
Asians an Europeans share recent common ancestor unlike niggers, this means that the reason behind east Asian intelligence is likely the same for Europeans i.e cold climates.
You're only born intelligent, and molded to be intelligent over the time your brain grows and gains more information and processes it, your race has somewhat to do with it, but it's mostly dependent on how your brain formed from your biological mother and father's DNA. In Einstein's case, his brain was unusually convoluted, and his parietal lobes were also asymmetrical.
Sacrificed brawns for brains
bet they wish they minmaxed instead
They didn't. The west is so ignorant of the east that the only news that makes it tend to spin them in a positive lights, Japanese especially, because of long held bias that they are inherently more cultured. And much like how blacks today are superior physically because of breeding for better slaves, only well educated easterners made the move to the west, so their descendants would often be well educated as well.
I just realized the jews are trying to help us.
It only appears that way because the majority of Asian Immigrants who come to America are either Asias Brightest students or very rich families. I've been to Asia and the majority of them are like any other minority they are very hive minded and also not very intelligent.
north korean has the simplest language in the world. I learned north korean is about 3 days. I was able to read an entire wikipedia page in NK in just 2 hours of studying.
This is good theory. This explains why the jews (Khazars) are so smart. They had the most warlike kingdom in the history of the world.
Title ?
It's their society.
they got all kinds of traps spread around their lands.
Escaltors that try to eat em,elevators that fall on they heads,
Trucks without brakes.
the truth is if you are in china and you are not above the average, you die.
Fierce environmental pressures, and plenty of fish.
>study 30 hours a day, 9 days a week
>cram myriad of useless data into head to pass some exams
>get like 5 points of IQ more than degenerate whites who screw around in school
Was it worth it, Asian people?
Malcom gladwell outliers
oops gave myself a (you)
It's because, A) in china's case, they cheat, and B) in japan, they are so ashamed of the past, they are running full sprint into the future. Honestly neither society had achieved anything after the invention of gunpowder. Literally the few things asians had invented before 1939 was perfected by europeans. Before the 20th century, they just sat around in straw huts and shit, hell, alot still do today. But they do have very very good discipline that I wish modern europeans also had