did the median IQ pool of this board drop 30 points over night? where did all you retards come from?
Did the median IQ pool of this board drop 30 points over night? where did all you retards come from?
Mass scale sliding and shilling.
the US probably.
The Americans finally rolled out of bed at 1600 GMT.
All the redditors left
mind altering soundwaves.
something big is brewing
this board gets massively shilled in coordinated waves. if you can't fight the spicy memes, flood the channel with garbage.
Why dont we find out how much they are getting paid to troll?! Its more than obvious. Faggots
it's the reddit invasion you retards
since r/the_donald fags came in waves the board's quality has gone down the drain
a combination of stupid shills and stupid "natsocs" honestly.
All of the paid shills have come out to try to convince all of us that Net Neutrality is a bad thing.
It's true that the threads today are pretty shitty, I scroll down the catalog and nothing catches my eyes, the few threads that do can't gather enough traction.
But that's just a daily thing, plenty of days are like this, too. Not to mention that t_D had some maintenance or something last night, so a few of them must still be here.
>over night
You're one of the variables responsible for the 30 point drop.
T_Dfags aren't upping the slide
no we're getting slid pretty hard right now. and as usual, the mods are not enforcing the rules at all. typical
multiple raids going on. There has been too much unsustainable salt mining. The brainlets got too upset.
It's not intentional sliding, it's redditors & underage newfags making lots of shitposts on bait & shitpost threads and significantly boosting the traffic and pushing down decent threads to the archive
>it's not intentional!
>it's 100% completely and total intentional!
>not intentional
>posting via a nation where camels outnumber humans 6 to 1 and 12 people total have internet
... right
Underage and redditors do not even know how bumping works, since they have the brain of a peanut
came from T_D faggot
Hit a nerve there, reddit?
slide threads and shills, sage and move on
your cover is blown
blaming everything on reddit doesn't prove your stance it proves our stance that redditors dont even come here that these are all paid shills, employed by people worse than reddit.
multiple proxy having shills saying the same dumb bullshit baiting us into tribalism fuck you and kill yourself idiot
and where is your proof?
HAHA Yeah it does they came from T_D the mass influx of retard christcucks is a good example of that among the ANCAP retards.
Sup Forums has been the center of the internet since early 2016 and as a consequence, we are the main target of Shariablue, CtR, /leftypol/ and other Communist hives. Also leftist propaganda sites like Huffington Post and Salon regularly snoop around here.
Just ignore the shills. After awhile they're just a slight buzzing noise.
>baiting us into tribalism
Holy fucking shit you've just outed yourself as r/the_donald
go fuck yourself reddit and leae this board forever
fuck off retard
>fuck off retard
t. reddit retard
fuck off back to your shithole
fuck off retard
fuck off retard
fuck off retard