Do niggers really believe this shit?

Do niggers really believe this shit?

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There's literally a flat Earth thread on the front page.

Yes they do

They are a people who are very susceptible to hearsay and their biggest all time favorite is superstitions

Prove to me the Earth isn't flat if it's so silly.

LOL straight lines. Fields of corn are their weakness. Going straight has always been a problem for black people that they needs maps.

you prove that it is
go walk to the edge and take pics
ill wait


it doesn't need to be true for you to believe it.

Why do I have to prove it is a certain way but you conveniently don't?

>Do stupid people believe stupid things?

Bro, I know niggers who think Vanilla ice cream was black before the white man changed it.

The average nigger is fucking stupid as dirt. I honestly don't know what niggers would do without other races helping them.

All these Finns keep talking about how good black licorice ice cream is, but I can't find any stateside.

>Do niggers really believe this shit?

Black "historians" learned everything they needed to know about rewriting history from reading Holocaust(tm) stories.

Well it's true, no?

Oh man that does sound really good. I wasn't even aware that that is a thing. It's not surprising that blacks can't tell the difference between that and vanilla.





How do you expect them to braid a map when they couldn't even read.

Blacks who never invented map making or navigation, never used the stars to guide ships, never invented the compass were able to braid "escape routes" in a foreign country where they have never been beyond their plantation borders.

Yeah, I totally believe that.

Oh God, I know black people who believe shit like this too. If anyone ever mentions shit like this around me I know that person is dumber than a bag of hammers and isn't worth dealing with.

How far is that shit going to get them? Through a fucking grove of trees???




How the fuck would braids on your own head be easier than just drawing a fucking map?

It isn't a lie if you believe it


Are you retarded?

Maps would be spotted and confiscated. Hair is hair. Discretion is key when planning a prison break.

>How the fuck would braids on your own head be easier than just drawing a fucking map?

Because head braids are a secret language passed down for the Egyptian Kings that the plantation owners were unable to read because white people never stole the hidden math that all blacks posses when they stole the entirety of black history and knowledge.

Stop and think. Maps required writing utensils and paper.

The only thing more effective at keeping black slaves from running away would be a moat.

Why isn't vanilla ice cream black?
Vanilla is black.

Is it because people associate black with disgusting?

No the flat earthers believe that the edge is surrounded by a giant wall that happens to be Antarctica, that's why ships don't fall off you always get funnelled back around. I shit you not, I worked with this 20 year old that truly believes this shit. Humanity is fucked!

Did negro slaves ever escape in the North American colonies?
Where would they go?

I know they did sometimes escape in Suriname: they would go up river and live with the native tribes.
But staying with their master was usually a more comfy life.

Detroit, Canada, funnily enought they ruined both of those places

math..learn it

It's because ice cream is white because cream is white and the vanilla content is very small, though it's a strong spice.

You simply scrape out the contents of the vanilla bean and steep it in the custard/milk. It doesn't change the color of the cream, it just makes it absorb the flavor.

Ice cream is good, and white.

>mappy hair
>contains Ptolemy and Fibonacci magick, and National Treasure map stolen by Nick Cage
>need rep hair ayyy shunz

Because you don't use black part of the vanilla husk.

In fairness the average white person is a brainwashed normie too.

By that logic pretty much every flavor should be white.

I meant why don't they ever add black food dyes?

The majority of African (places not North Africa) history records were literally passed down by hearsay instead of recorded in libraries until white people came. This is why they believe any shit like how they were highly advanced peaceful tribes with flying cars before colonialism ruined it all.

How the hell would they make a map with braid bigger than a latifundium so they could escape from the plantations?
Here these could have an area of more than ten thousand hectares and these maps wouldn't go that far

Well yeah, they just dye it to make it look fun for kids.

Because there's next to no black colored fruits in nature, unless they are rotten.
It's not a color that symbolizes 'edible'

This bitch was telling people to send her money through paypal if they wanted sources too. This is just another money-grubbing whore.

vanilla seeds, which you scrape from the bean pod, are black, but they are tiny and do not dye the ice cream.

That's what the little black dots are in vanilla bean ice cream.

Well no, fruits like strawberries definitely color ice cream. Blueberries and blackberries will make your ice cream purple. Vanilla seeds are small and do not do that.

There is also no such thing really as "black" food dye, it's usually very very dark green or something.
Hence those Burger King black burgers giving people neon green shits.

Or a large leaf (no pun intended) and berry juice.
Braiding a map into hair? yeah, no

>How the hell would they make a map with braid bigger than a latifundium so they could escape from the plantations?
>Here these could have an area of more than ten thousand hectares and these maps wouldn't go that far

Because African languages used advanced counting systems that whites don't understand.

One, two, many.

Whites can not comprehend the power of having only three words to express all numbers from one to infinity.

check mate gaythiests

>Do niggers really believe this shit?
Niggers believe all sorts of fucking nonsensical bullshit. That's why they're niggers.

You have a hell of a lot more chocolate or banana in ice cream than vanilla. Also different things give more colors to things than other things you know

wait so you be sayin...
*smacks lips*
nigga you be sayin...
*collects welfare*
*steals a phone*
*dates a white 1/10 landwhale*
*talks about MUH DIK*


How the fuck you gonna know when the food is cooked right if it always looks burnt you nigger faggot

*are unable to read

>vanilla ice cream is 100% vanilla shell

you're the one making claims

When you fly a plane from Los Angeles to London, why do you fly pic related? If the Earth were flat why wouldn't you fly a straight line across the US?

So pretty much the earth is a cardboard box that and each wall (Antarctica) is a portal wall that transport you back to the other side of the world. That's more reasonable to them than the world is round like every other planet?

the burden of proof is on the person making the claim, jabroni

At risk of being labelled a newfag

Wtf flag is that?

>the burden of proof is on the person making the claim, jabroni

Yeah? Prove that!

your beliefs are being attacked and, because you have nothing to back them up, you resort to childish behavior

>he's a spherical-Earther

>niggers need a map to get out of the field.

I believe it.

This is the path the airplane takes when you fight against cammy as guile or ken

The Earth is PHAT prove me wrong!!!

>your beliefs are being attacked and, because you have nothing to back them up, you resort to childish behavior

Irony is wasted on the insipid.


an actual rare one. central african republic

Vanilla beans are black. Vanilla extract is brown but you only need a few drops, so it doesn’t change the natural ice cream colour.

The majority ingredients in ice cream are milk, cream, egg and sugar. Natural ice cream colour is slightly yellow.

not if phoneposter

The curvature of the Earth is an important component to not only a lot of science and math but also a lot of everyday shit.
In the Navy, you can't just rely on computers to navigate. The navigators are taught how to use instruments including sextants, weather radars, and sea charts to determine the ENTIRE COURSE, every adjustment of the ship's direction, speed, etc are all logged with the specific degrees and when it needs to be done BEFORE THE SHIP IS EVEN UNDERWAY.

If ship navigators, pilots, and LOADS of other professions rely on calculations that include the curvature of the Earth, it is YOU that is making an outstanding claim and it is YOU that has to provide proof.

>If ship navigators, pilots, and LOADS of other professions rely on calculations that include the curvature of the Earth, it is YOU that is making an outstanding claim and it is YOU that has to provide proof.

Celestial Navigation is unnecessary for those tho never leave their parent's basement. Their floor is flat, therefore the world is flat.

you sure that makes sense ?

You amazing motherfucker. Have boobs and a (you)

>you sure that makes sense ?

My initial post was ironic.

The reply indicated the target poster didn't understand it's meaning.

Ergo, target poster displays his incipience, and that my ironic post was wasted.


Never knew leafs could be this retarded, I though this was a United States thing.

can you imagine the amount of vanilla you would need to put in ice cream to make it black lol

You'd be amazed how awful Canadians are.

We're actually thinking about building two walls.

really ? cause it just seems like you're stupid.

cute boobs

It's like $300 IIRC

weird that you need tonnes for ice cream but just the tiniest bit will ruin a whole gene pool

It wouldn't even taste good lmao


Talking about niggers

>really ? cause it just seems like you're stupid.

Really? Because it just seems like you're stupid.


Proper punctuation and capitalization are important in life. And the 7th grade.

I do flat earth threads from time to time just to make it look like this is a non-serious board.

>The only thing more effective at keeping black slaves from running away would be a moat.

I keked.

Go to google maps 3d view

kys nigger

Black people were harvested for their hair to turn into rocket fuel for NASA's Apollo program.

Obviously because it would be longer to fly over the pacific and all of eurasia.

the first sign of a pedant losing an argument.

How would you read a map on your own head?

>the first sign of a pedant losing an argument.


Ooh, somebody got a Word A Day calendar for their birthday.

a big guy like you can handle two scoops

How did it take us this long to ask this question.

Expected childish response, time to hide all posts, children shouldn't be on Sup Forums

If told that their hair contains platinum, too many of them would 1) claim that this is because they are a race of gods, and 2) shave their heads and attempt to sell the hair.

nigga i take 7

>Expected childish response, time to hide all posts, children shouldn't be on Sup Forums

Flies anrachro-capitalist flag. Calls people childish...

first you add some water to dirt. then dip your nappy head into it and pour pasture.