The JQ is being spread far and wide get in here and bash on them so we can kek when their shills arrive. We must have JQ threads going 24/7 for the exponential number of new fags arriving daily
It's Happening
what's the JQ
It reminds me of my birth in Treblinka, from which I escaped at the age of 3 years by using my pacifier to hold my breath for 68 minutes while all around me gas was filling the lungs of thousands of eternally persecuted chosen people until I could crawl out from under the wooden door, unseen by the ferocious Nazi guards, 600 of them, who were masturbating furiously while watching giant imperial eagles strip the emaciated bodies of flesh, leaving only bones, bones, bones, the bones which i wish to forget but they will forever remain real in my mind.
>what's the JQ
no wonder how you got here, boy. At least you are on the good side.
The Jewish question
I'm guessing it means the Jewish question, never seen JQ said on Sup Forums
Beautiful !
This thread is officially blessed by Kek.