Fucking crackas lmao
Fucking crackas lmao
Fucking Krakow lmao
What do niggers do?
>rot in jail
Do white "people" actually think water is spicy?
Lmao yeah bro they actually do
Whitefag here, I put raw ghost peppers on my food because shit's good as fuck
Follow-up question: Do niggers actually think Black Lives Matter?
Wine tours are amazing. Sorry proletarian, you aren't allowed to join the upper classes in this. Now shoo shoo.
>ask to have sex
I'm liking the implication here
Shit niggers do.
>Watermarking your memes
Fucking Trap House lmao
You forgot:
>- commit genocide on non-whites
>- take everything over
>- invent and create everything around you
>- run this motherfucker
OP is a nigger faggot
>Didn't include blacks killing each other more than any other race on race crime
Also, White people are responsible for the disease of liberalism.
kek fix it, please.
Niggers can't spell but you should
Besides veganism, I don't see anything inherently wrong with any of these things. Is this all niggers can come up with?
>ask to have sex
Did niggers just admit to being rapists?
>asks to have sex
Guess we should start raping like blacks and Mexicans
>"ask to have sex"
As opposed to just raping people.
Point taken, Tyrone.
One of my white coworkers doesnt put pepper on her eggs because she things thats too spicy
yeah my niggas don't have to ask have sex
lol fucking crackers asking for consent
Former mailman here.
What did we ever do to warrant all that?
What's wrong with Casseroles? Anyone who does not like Casseroles has strayed from Gods light.
Does the Dutch postal service wear hats? For whatever reason, dogs lose their shit when they see a man wearing a hat.
Pick cotton
Okay, who cares? Is that all you got lol?
>complicate starbucks orders
That's because you have a tiny attention span.
What are black black people?
Is they niggers that are more niggerer than other niggers
>Build the only civilizations that aren't complete shitholes
>Conquer the earth
>pay taxes
>not commit crime
It's not my OC, i just found it on the internet
>ask to have sex
Unlike niggers who just rape.
Fuck I redo high fives if the first one isn't good enough
Kill yourself.
I think they mean when in a relationship. Like the stereotypical white couple have to pin sex on the calendar rather than just letting it happen naturally
I can't drink a glass of water because my mouth always burns like shit and I start sweating.
HUNGARIAN food is SPICIER than any niggerfood on the planet. Guess what? Hungarians are white.
>being this buttmad over a harmless joke
yeah. this thread confirms that whites are bunch of low level players.
It's the fucking british spelling you uncultured swines.
And considering we are the ones that laid the foundations of western society, I think it's rather fitting.
things are only considered famous or successful when they get a lot of white people to like it. you're all just living in the generous white world
Woah chief, I don't even drink coffee.
Island snow nigger here, we love spicy food, I think its just Americans, there food is not very spicy at least the stuff I had when I went over.
I dont understand niggers really. First they all are "only wypeepo wear socks with sadals" then all of the nigs are wearing those adidas sandals with socks.
Niggers are stupid
>being unironically this new
>iPhone poster OP
Get out
(((Citation))) in article:
Drink leen
Murder each other in high numbers (not high enough)
Day drink 7 days a week
Collect welfare
Have too many kids to take care of
Smell bad
Look bad
Lose their teeth
I have a ton more, but you know...
Hungarian food is fucking awesome.
No, it's literally the northeast yankee faggots and California freaks, the rest of us eat hot fries all the fucking time and we love Chipotle.
Niggers are literally making fun of liberal shit holes that have so little culture that they don't even know how to fucking cook.
Pic related, no liberals and only a tiny percent of niggers are capable of cooking these properly.
Its called being efficient Jamal.
Same here leaf.
The fuck is wrong with brunch?
Drunk at noon, eating eggs Benedict.
You didn't bring dog treats with you on the regular.
Just a stranger getting near their property, especially if you drop it off at those door mail slots. They probably recognize you too
better than
>drive bys
>spending welfare on weed
>burning down your own city
>having more babies just to get more welfare
>killing your own kind because they like a different primary color than you
>when you have a skype interview
>wear shorts in the winter
What type of heat-coddled tropical jungle bunny do have to be to not go out in boxers during a winter storm while eating a sundae?
>No, it's literally the northeast yankee faggots
Fuck off, faggot. I was born and bred in PA and I love hot shit. The only downfall to being in the northeast is that my superhot peppers in the garden, while still hot as fuck, aren't as hot as they would be if I was in a more equatorial climate.
>Ask to have sex
Cool, op is a faggot and a rapist
Lived in Michigan, knew a guy that would only wear a bathing suit and flip flops in the winter
Shit, that poor latptop
What is this creature
That's Jews.
Is it nature or nurture for whites to hate niggers?
>redo high fives
>wear shorts in winter
ya got me
Being white and not cancer is like living life as a god.
Nigger, you go to Maine or NH and ask for some bbq beef brisket and watch them flip the fuck out. Ask for fried chicken and get ready to puke.
Yankees are stupid uncultured scum.
Homo Erectest
>ask to have sex
only a nigger would consider this a negative in comparison to raping a bitch.
>Ask to have sex
what the fuck
That coffee one is funny
do you really ask your partner to have sex ?
I don't see the problem with any of this except asking for sex because everyone knows you just grab a girl amd start rapin
Honest question here guys. The Jews are obviously doing something right. They have so much influence in so many things! Banking, entertainment, government insiders, etc. What the fuck do we do about it? Even in the face of this Jewrey I still believe whites are the most prolific race the world has seen, but the Jews success and their imminent total rule comes from their parasitic nature. How the fuck do you defeat an enemy that, despite numerous attempts, has never been defeated, and indeed turns these attempts to its advantage? How do we stop these guys before it's too late, if it isn't already?
Every time a white boy calls me boss I take it as clearance to treat them like the scum on the bottom of my shoe. God I hate that shit.
My dog barks at niggers and I reward her with bacon every time. Fuck niggers
>ask to have sex
As opposed to rape?
nurture. close proximity = hate. The only people to ever teach me to hate niggers were niggers acting niggery.
literally nothing wrong with any of this
Of course no one asks.
But if someone says "stop" white people actually stop. Unlike the monkeys
kek, that one was funny
I like how this weak shit is the most offensive stuff they can come up with about white people.
If the fact that they can't come up with even one good insult isn't proof of white superiority, I dunno what is.
Shut up black boy. Keep reinforcing those stereotypes. That'll show them
It is true. Had a small dog that was gentle as could be, but freaked out with a killing rampage at the site of niggers!
>northeast yankee faggots and California freaks
Nigger here in cali we eat more spicy shit than anywhere else in america
If liberals knew how to BBQ, they wouldn't be liberals.
Pic related is one of the family smokers (ignore the pineapple I'm going to plant). Boston Butt was the first thing my dad taught me to cook on it. BBQ gives you a great appreciation for combining spices and is the epitome of Southern (white) food culture.
Try that again.
Not verbally usually but I certainly don't dive in unless I'm 100% positive she's into it.