Australian born Chinese gets deported

It's happening i am going to china due to deportation reasons. My dad is deporting me to china to live with my grandparents because i am a lazy leech whos been dumbed down by western upbringing as he say. I will be coming back to Australia in 6 months with the intention of undoing my western influence.

Looks like you've won Sup Forums

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Try not to eat doggos

Only the country can deport you. Your dad can just send you away.

I look forward to you out-competing anglos once you can leverage your time in China against them. Get rich of:
>Polluting the environment
>Exploitng pesants
>Nepotism & bribery
When you return to Australia you'll fit in much better.

You're not being deported. You're being sent from your dad's house to your grandparents house to learn disciprine because you are likely a lazy bum.

Sup Forums has nothing to do with you being a sponge.

tell your dad to deport himself pls

why are you spamming you r9k shit on Sup Forums chink faggot?

You're not being deported


Hmm what so you mean i will fit in Australia better while doing those things?

Your father can not "deport" you.

Your parents do not own you, you retarded chinese insect.

No one cares you non white, one days whites are gonna fuck over chinks real bad

Fuck off to Reddit

Blaming society on your laziness is fucking retarded. I thought you chinks got all the vitamins and minerals from eating doggos. You deserve everythong thats coming for you. You had all the oppoortunity but let you and your famiry down. Shamfur dispray. Now go suck kims nutsack.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out m8

If you can quickry get a job, maybe your dad wir ret you stay.

Sure buddy. Let's wait for someone to do something

What? Im not blaming society. I just want to be a lazy leech neet but my dad was the one who said i am like this due to western upbringing. Personally i dont even give a fuck. Im not starving or homeless. My dad's the one who's blaming western upbringing for me being like this not me. Learn to read dude,

Thats the thing. Why should i get a job when i can already survive on welfare? I could perhaps fancy working once a week for 3-4 hours bur whos going to hire me for that?

Lol the modern millenial. You don't feel any sort of guilt for taking money from those who work their ass off?

No, it's my right. Dont hate the player hate the game. If you don't like it lobby the government

It's your right to be a leeching faggot who never does anything with his life? Is this in your dingo constitution? Also fuck off it's not your right you are a fucking chink.

Sorry son, it is. Otherwise my welfare application would've been denied on the spot.

Welfare for 10 years. The great thing about Australia is if a person has no ambition in life Australia wont let you starve. Working just isnt my thing

so you admit your just as bad as an abo

Why do you even come here then

We've had this thread like at least 10 times in a week. Fuck off.

Why is it a right of you to infringe upon someone else's rights because you want to be a lazy cunt forever?

Are you sure you aren't a nigger?

You post this too often. What date are you leaving?

Because nobody is stopping him and our flawed government system is cucking us.

Come here? I was born and grew up here. Hey, guess my dad was right afterall. Im like one of those bogan dolebludgers except im asian so i just hoard centrelink cash instead of wasting it on ciggies and alcohol and pokies


So clearly you are an adult, why do you have to do what your father says dumb chink?

>Why is it a right of you to infringe upon someone else's rights because you want to be a lazy cunt forever?
It's my right to receive welfare. The rest is not my problem
Are you sure you aren't a nigger?
No im in Australia not coontown

Grandparents might cut my inheritance because i rarely see them.

Australia just got a lot less alluring. Fuck dingo cunts.

no why come on Sup Forums?

To be hated on and told your a faggot leech?

You post every while using the same card pic, your obviously scamming for attention of some sort, Not even joking try Reddit they love names and attention and ranks. You just shit up pol with your whoring

chinks are slaves to their parents for life

So you have an inheritance AND get welfare lol. I don't believe it, trolling rice nigger.

If its not true with this user, believe me its true with some of the asians over here.

you guys are not even trying anymore this is the 5th day in a row i see this thread

Because it's real and im actually getting deported so i figured I'd let Sup Forums know of their small but hopeful victory.

My dad did a better job than you larpers in making Australia white again

This is our reality.

Well i posted a pic of me being on welfare for 10 years. You dont have to believe anything. You can even tell yourself I photoshopped the passport and made the travel ticket on a word processor


well go to reddit's r/australia or something, I'm sure they'll like you more.

Maybe if China's good stay there or just murder your grandparents and get their money, it's not like your race has much of a soul anyway.

Try not to fall between an escalator or into a burst hot water pipe on the sidewalk

No im reposting this shit here until i get bored or on the day i leave

how many times have you been deported? Just go

Kill yourself chink subhuman.

I will, the flight is already booked as you can see. You'll be left to deal with pic related though

Nah, killing myself would mean no welfare.

Learn what filial piety is before your daughter marries a nigger.


Just kidding bro, Im also a Sweden born chink and I'm miserable. I wish I had relatives that help me survive a day there in China. If you're not trolling I wish you all the best, personally I'll take my own advice earlier soon.

least it looks like he somewhat cares about the country


Well ill be honest. Im the one who wanted to go to china. Western upbringing has cucked me. I feel that a more chinese mindset will help me undo my western.
The ticket? I paid and ordered it myself. My dad and grandparents does not recommend i stay in china for 6 months, my grandparents will only host me for 10 days and after that they will pay for my accomodation and give me an allowance to live alone in china. Apparently they do not understand the impact of a cucked western upbringing. They want me to stay in Australia because it's easier but if i continue staying in this softcock country ill forever be a westernised cuck.

Good. Western upbringing makes you weak and pussy with asian masculinity issues.

You anglos are so easily fooled it's sad.

What will living in china teach me?

Lmao no offense but you're fucking delusional. Living 6 months in a foreign country by leeching your grandparents wont undo your 'western cuckery' or what I would call being an useless sack of shit. All you do is wasting your time and someone else's money.

If you say so. A post from an user wont change my decision

I said least ya dumb chink. One day the chinks are gonna get fucked though, you just wait till the china sea kicks up something with America and you get put in a camp

>One day the chinks are gonna get fucked though
Well, I've been saying this to auspol many times and ill say it to you too - here's to hoping.

First learn the fucking language. That's the first thing you need do to uncuck yourself. You'll soon realize that moonrunes make more sense and can display meanings much easier/faster. It will take you 5 years to do get good at this.

Next Learn the history of China and how the CCP is a beacon of stability. Never give into western attempts to introduce democracy or other tactics to destabilize China. Hong Kongers are western running dogs and need to be controlled. Taiwan will return easily when the US looks away. Westerners get no say in how China is run PERIOD.

The last thing you can do is return with your new found ideologies and spread China's interests through the western world through soft power. You will marry a chinese woman, you will learn how to read every thing on the chinese menu, you will acknowledge that the CCP isn't perfect, but it's the best for the Chinese people. You will speak Chinese to other Chinese, you will speak English to non Chinese.

>spread China's interests through the western world through soft power.
>soft power
What do you mean by soft power in the context of this sentence?

Sounds like you're suggesting i do a lot of reading

Become a major portion of the middle and upper class of low population western democratic countries and vote for politicians who have chinese bias.

does face turn black when you eat dog?

I wasn't asking you. Your opinion is discarded

I'm going back to China soon to visit family. It's going to be embarrassing as fuck because I can barely speak Mandarin and can barely read it too. I tried learning a while back but it never stuck.

>back to china
Do us chinese disapora a favour and dont say "back to" it's embarrassing. You are not chinese nor are as chinese are you think you are.

What kind of doors do you have that can hit you IN the ass? The only thing I can think of that can hit you in the ass would either be your wife's bull's dick or your dragon dildo

Do what Chinese people do best. Out compete, out jew the local population. Every overseas community that has a large chinese population starts to dominate the local education and economic system using their naturally higher IQs. Good example is Malaysia, goverment had to stop Chinese influence from spreading. Westerners are too cucked to use goverment force to stop it.

After this political power follows. Westerner wants to be lazy and study cucked womans studies degree? You stay and study for 20 hours for engineering exam.

Good luck.

Don't get sick. And if you injure or maim someone and you think you'll get stuck with the bill kill them. You'll only pay for the funeral

This thread is weird. What's happening.

This is exactly what im looking to learn in china

Self-loathing chinkanon boasts his superiority over working members of society and other Chinese people

I agree, weirded thread I've seen an a long time

>boasts superiority over other chinese people
Now that's a weird post. I feel so superior to other chinese people that im being sent to china. How did you come to that idiotic conclusion. Im curious
why do you keep making this same thread?

Because it keep getting (you)s