>be at ship going to Sweden
>haven't had a shit in a week
>use toilet and shit at least 3 mega pythons
>try to flush the toilet
>doesn't flush.jpg
>try to flush again but doesn't work
>try to find the cleaner lady outside of your cabin
>nowhere to be found
>go back to the toilet and try to fix the jam
>its not getting any better, shit is already everywhere
>just when i'm about to give up, someone knocks on the door
>open the door
>a Somali man asks whether he can help me
>explain the situation to the Somali
>Somali understands right away and manages to open up the jam and flush the toilet
>thank the Somali and offer 20€ for help
>Somali refuses to take any money and says that my pleased smile was enough to make him happy
>smile confusingly and hear as the Somali walks whistling away
Today's occurrence made me rethink the way i view non-white people. I used to be hateful and didn't want immigration to Finland, now judge people on the individual bases, because i understand that there are many generally good non-white people
Somali refugee incident happened to me today; story
Is the second day straight that a Finn makes a thread shilling for the somalis.
Eat a turd fag, you got spotted already.
"worth it"
- t. emma akerlund
Fuck off, Somali shill.
Somalis are scum.
nigs are experts at avoiding parenting nigglets
what you saw was his natural instinct
Things that never happened thread?
>Mother in law comes to stay for the weekend
>She is actually nice to us for once
>We have a good time
i just leave the toilet blocked if they arent going to invest in good toilets.
its not my fucking problem if it doesent flush.
not my toilet.
This is only good-natured teasing, not unlike the "nuclear codes" thing. It actually brightens to read the tales of Somali altruism and perspicaciousness.
Wtf I love somalis now. Ok kids pack up we are moving to somalia. The people there are wonderful, so I ve heard
Finns are hardly white
Yesterday was about a bike accident, and how bad all Fins are because no Finn stopped to help you, and the only good samaritan was a nigger somali...
It is, you think it's a parody? Same pic too
Yesterday it was "on the train, lost my ticket, Somali ticket inspector lets me ride for free"
Youre not fooling anyone faggot
I was hoping for the story of the Finn with the jammed toilet with a monster shit in it which he shows to the cleaning lady, then it flushes so it looks like he just wanted to show off his duke.
Again? You said this yesterday and the day before that, and someone even mentioned that exact incident on faecesbook years ago
>Have a nice life
>No crippling depression
>Somebody loves me
Probably some somali fag, wanting to make an opinion shift on us about their sub human specie.
nice pasta saged
He used the same picture of Mr Lightbulb Head yesterday too
So why doesn't he go be an upstanding citizen in Somalia and help it not be a shithole
I agree
Reminder thatFinns are descendants of Genghis Khan
1 good doesn't mean all good
1 bad doesn't mean all bad
Use your judgement fellow Mongolian
Every single "didn't happen" story everyday.
But in retrospect, Invading Somali scum may be based and "our guys". They do after all 'remove merchant'
>t.finn tried to flush another somali corpse and somalian helped him
>He actually thought the majority are bad.
Of course the majority are good, if the most were bad no one would in immigrants. That's why the enemy is more dangerous, he is unseen because he hides among good people. That is precisely the reason why migrants should be checked strictly.
Not all somalis are bad.
just 99% of them.
Oh look anecdotal evidence, dropped. Also are you a heroin addict ? how do you go one week without shitting ?
The same Somali that helped you on the train yesterday?
Stop making these dumb threads.
Minority are bad.
a bike incident, this, and your lost wallet? Nigga shut the fuck up
Get your head out of your ass, cuck.
>95% illiterate
>55% unemployment
>3.5 total fertility
Truly a gift from God himself.
Today I saw somali with suit jacket and shirt, jeans and fucking sandals. Fucking disgusting.
wtf I love niggers now
somalis are garbage.
This is also true. Finn must have a hard on for smelly negros.
I hope you get ethnically cleansed.
Of course there are good somalis just like there are cucked whites.
But generally some racial groups have more "bad" people in them than others and thlse groups generally don't deal with the "bad" people, they just let them do what they want. You don't only get the good ones, you get them all. Do you understand?
Ah falling for the old depression Jew i see ya. Get some sustanon 250mg pronto. Might actually get one of your testies to drop faggot.
I was gonna say didn't I see a thread like this yesterday?
he was probably confused as to why you would dispose of the Somalian delicacy of mud sausage, that is why he refused payment
Cool a new copypasta, i like tye somali metro ticket checker one better. More "believable"
is there any reason not to nuke sweden, apart from fallout to neighbouring countries and water issues modern nukes are cleaner than old ones.
Damn Somali refugees are great people. This is the third different Somali refugee helping and doing a selfless act when he could make money post that I've seen. Seems like Somalis are really great people
Fuck off racist
>OP goes back to his seat on the ship
>hears small motor boat
>filled with armed somolians
>sees the somolian that helped him
>he's signaling them where to land
>somolians take over the ship
>behead everyone except OP
>rape him in the ass
>hold ship for ransom
>government agrees
>OP rescued
>Post this kind of nice somali story shit everyday
top cuck
What the fuck is this repeating Somalian love shit? 2 days of this crap.
Wtf is with these pro refugee threads
Ghanaians are top tier sub Saharan sub humans and here's why
>good primary and secondary education
>largest number or citizen owned small businesses in sub Saharan Africa
>thinks Somalis and black rhodiesians are barbarians
>has better infrastructure that South Africa
>11th safest place in the world for tourists, a genuine fact
>has deep respect for the white man
>hates the Muslims
>Muslims are light weight bro tier
>a good percent of people have access to Internet
>great sense of humor
>has a strong nationalist vibe with an emphasis on respect, community, and education
>highest employment rate in Southern Africa
>BTFO gays, punishable by death
>greatest African movie to ever be made was a Ghanaian production with very little nollywood help
>a great football club
>thieves beat in the streets
>Ghanaian is personal servent of the queen of england
Ghana is the jewel In the turd that is sub Saharan Africa, prove me wrong
Just... Just stop.
did you also give him head to repay him or not?
And then everyone on the ship clapped
Fuck off you UN shill troll, shilling for backwards African migrants, who are 100% responsible for the rate a sexual assault sky rocketing in Sweden over past 5 years.
Turn around and he'll rape ur sister when you're not looking
eat cum.
I think what clogged your toilet was your brain when it fell out.
it's obvious bait. even uses same stock photo. sage
This totally happened I believe you.
>Because anybody would search for help, if he puts a megaload of shit into a toilet.
>Because anybody would visit Sweden
Enjoy your genocide you chink.