Why are so many young white men getting murdered trying to buy drugs?
Why are so many young white men getting murdered trying to buy drugs?
This reason
I'm in my late 20s and I've never done drugs, but I'm too ashamed to admit it in real life
probably because those rich/affluent teens dont realize that the world is a mean/violent place and they fucked up and got killed for some stupid shit. Play with fire, get burned
id laugh so hard if it was weed too
they're young and were only exposed to the "cool" blacks at their school. no one ever told them that blacks are literally subhuman and hate whiteys guts and will kill you for 5 bucks
Their deaths are useful. Moreso than they are.
Because they're degenerates.
You're worse than a degenerate. kys you stupid shit.
I look really similar to one of those guys.
Never been happier to have tried pot once and decided drugs weren't for me.
This isn't a white problem, it's a pennsylvania problem.
They probably called up the local nig and offered to buy a huge quantity without arming themselves.
Fucking Russians hacking our drugs.
They're propagandized their whole lives to think that blacks are human.
It's funny how most crackheads are white
Link to this story?
They hit up a spic to buy drugs but decided to Rob the spic instead. They got got and the spic buried them 12 feet underground on a farm
"so many"
Should've tried shrooms
All violent crime can be traced to drugs. I tell you this daily and it falls on deaf ears. Duterte is right.
Detailed investigation report pg 7 or so.
This guy knows.
>Why are so many young white men getting murdered trying to buy drugs?
>so many
haha so 4 kids died amongst the hundreds of millions of youth who buy drugs regularly, what are you trying to prove, autist?
>but decided to Rob the spic instead.
I doubt it. Articles say he killed the 4 people separately, not all at once. I don't think they all came together. So I doubt 4 different people tried to rob this guy within a week. I read that the dealer has a schizophrenia diagnosis among other mental health issues, which might explain the murders.
Pg 5 actually
Ahahahah look at those corny ass white boys...
So are you, fucking gypsy shit.
Latest on Bucks slayings: Cousins DiNardo, Kratz charged with homicide
>man beats his wife cause she was being annoying
>somehow connected to drugs
Hmm.. okay, I believe ya. Why would you lie. And such absolute statement makea you sound smart. Ancap flag also indicates your superior intellect. Drugs wouldnt exist in AnCap society, rite?
Because of feminism.
Many times you are raised by a stupid feminist frustrated mother and by a cucked dickless father.
You end up becoming a pussy instead of a strong confident man.
You go out and you can't get hot girls.
So you give up and you go out to get drugs instead.
Regan's war on drugs.
Thug culture.
Easy access to firearms.
>crazy spic sets up a meeting
>forgets about it and somebody comes around
>must be government aliens trying to chip his brain
You come from the land of democracy.
Be proud you are not a degenerate.
>a degenerate.
>A drug dealer has confessed to killing four young men separately after selling them marijuana and then burning their bodies at his family’s farm
>The person with firsthand knowledge of DiNardo’s confession said the men were killed after DiNardo felt cheated or threatened during three drug transactions. DiNardo sold quarter-pound quantities of marijuana for several thousand dollars and sold handguns to area residents, the person said.
>Authorities had charged DiNardo earlier this year with having a gun despite an involuntary mental health commitment. In seeking $5 million bail on a stolen car charge this week, prosecutors said he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He also suffered a head injury in an ATV accident about a year ago.
tldr: schizophrenic drug and firearms dealer starts killing anyone who he feels cheats or threatens him, kills 4 dudes and gets caught by police within a week
The murderer comes from a wealthy family. They own several businesses and properties.
Because drugs are illegal so you have to go to some thug nigger to get them. Just legalize them and this no longer happens. Niggers profit margins would go to zero and they'd have to give up being gangbangers.
>burn the mary jane, get slain
Italy telling it like it is.
A strong family and strong family ties makes kids not want to turn to drugs.
Learn what Hitler preached.
They're soft targets, same reason why all the Jews in my neighborhood carry an extra wallet full of, what they call "Schvartz geld" ie: nigger money. True story, good thing Brooklyn is rapidly becoming out of the price range of Hasidium.
Gadsden flag =/= ancap you uneducated fuck. And a man beating his wife for getting in the way of important work is only a (((crime)))
Or just grow your own weed/opium/booze and never deal with the shit.
>buying your drugs from niggers instead of via the darkweb
Why are so many young white women getting killed by their boyfriends?
Story is these guys didn't try to buy drugs, but that they intimidated and stole from a guy with autism. They deserved it.
Her black boyfriend almost certainly had prior drug convictions
lol retarded drug dealers, robbery and murder sure does pay a lot better than having repeat drug addict customers who think you won't rob and murder them
This murder and robbery is bad for business, even the mafia knew this shit.
Any one got the link to this story I bet a twenty that he does.
It will all come out soon
Perhaps a mix of both
>muh testosterone
>le just be more confident meme
>drugs are bad
kys retarded pasta muncher, I think I know why italian girls like french dick so much
>insecure low T manlet
You must be new here. Don't worry, you'll learn.
Why? Because the FEW killed in that endeavor are fulfilling their Darwinistic purpose
Cucks County btfo! Montgomery fo life!
An Eggplantalian did this.
You can read about a bunch of interracial crimes here:
An elderly woman was killed this month by a black male who should have been serving a life sentence.
No I'm not gonna kill myself, and no I've never heard one single Italian girl praising the prowess of a french dick. Actually also never heard them praising anglo cocks either, unless when they need it to get married and obtain US citizenship or Aussie citizenship, only to escape Southern Europe economic recession, which BTW is coming to an end.
Why don't you agree with my view? Tell me what's wrong with it please.
"When drug dealers don't have drugs to sell they turn to murder and robbery."
Like that fucker that killed a cop when he should have been in jail.
Its a fucking revolving door and the drug offenders are filling it up.
Bring back death penalties, prison is for rehabilitation criminals not making them worse.
What the fuck did this women do to deserve getting stabbed?
Happy that you agree wth me mate!
They relaxed.
because most of the drug dealers in america are either niggers of fucking spics
niggers and spics hate white people more than we hate them.
>bunch of WOPS killed by another WOP
People can't be rehabilitated, you fantastical commie.
Dig a hole and shoot violent offenders.
Drugs are a scourge and drug offenders including users should be locked up for life. That will fix the problem in short order. People will learn by example and the ones who don't we won't have to live with anymore.
Drugs lead to violent offenses, throw drug dealers into volcanoes
Yeah we tried that in the USSR except we killed anyone with heroin.
Hard to kill everyone when junkies out number the cops/military.
How you propose we do this?
You know how many fucking drug users are in america?
And define what line in the ground makes a drug a drug.
If cocaine deserves death what about booze and cigarettes?
What about advil and coffee?
>american education.
I live near this. I don't get the big deal. Niggers kill niggers in the city all the time over drugs and nobody cares.
proplabenia comrade!
It was weed.
They deserved it
>and nobody cares.
Thats because all they do is kill shit and act the fool.
No point in trying to save a damned soul.
Those "white" kids in OPs pic look some what decent.
One has a collared dress shirt.
They are just dumb american kids looking to get high.
Thug niggas just love to kill shit for some reason.
Fuck man I gotta spider in my room next to my bed I leave it alone.
Niggas kill kittens because its fun.
they deserve it for trying to buy drugs
traitors need to die first, thanks apes for doing the one thing you are good for
Why oh why can american kids not fucking grow stuff in their yards?
Its called fucking weed for a reason it grows every where.
None of these are white.
Montco is great, a shame phila county leeches into our southern border
Something something coal, something something toll. Help me out here.
in their defense i'd take heroin too if i lived in a communist country
>Thug niggas just love to kill shit for some reason.
>Niggas kill kittens because its fun
I'm not saying you're wrong, but these guys weren't killed by a nog. The killer is "white" (looks more like a spic).
No link?
Also the killer was white
who cares stupid druggies
>so many young white men getting murdered
>3 white kids
>1 mexican
If you think 3 white kids getting murdered should be classified as "sooo many" then youre a fucking retard.