Did our meme magick actually work without us realizing it? Did Kek play us?
Is he /ourguy/?
Lets be honest, if a politician is not explicitly a cuck, then he likely is pretty based. This is because being a cuck is the socially accepted and preferred position among the elites, and you probably wont get far in European business and politics if you are Sup Forums tier and honest about it.
I think there is a good chance that Macron is pretty based
>"If we can't bring them all into Europe, then we must bring Europe to all of them."
-High Chancellor Macron, Conqueror of the Mediterranean
he is more based than trump
I want to believe... but isn't he a Rothschild darling?
He knows how things work, after all, after working for the Rothschilds. For all we know, he might have played along to get into power, gained the trust of the fellow masons, and when he has secured the position.... BOOM! Saviour of France mode activated.
Maybe it is just wishful thinking, but there is a ray of hope.
He's basically french Obama, except that in french system the president is actually powerful.
Now get Trump together with (((Merkel))) and we have a Unity with Putin and we can bomb Canada together.
>Merkel is staunchly anti-immigration and says multiculturalism has failed
>Millions of shitskins come in and rape and pillage the place while receiving gibs
hon hon, so true
especially when the president is also president of the political party who got the majority in the parliament...
God damn I smile every time I see that slav fox and the lord emperor.
>What would you like to order sir?
>1 MAGA, hold the muslims
So he's faking it? He's (((theirguy)))...
No, he never claimed to be something else
At least he is not justin trudeau
I wasn't too worried. Most men in the West are reasonable enough. It is the female leaders and the communists who are screwing us. Not the bankers. The bankers just read the tea leaves wrong. They think the leftists are going to win this, but the cracks are showing the left. While they can''t even take aim at us b/c we're fast moving, small squads who hit and run. By the time they get their behemoth battleship MSM outlets aimed at us, we're already gone.
But hasn't he been saying anti-migrant, pro-frog shit lately?
He may have played the long con like Putin did to get into power.
No, he said that Africa has a "civilisational problem" but that was taken out of context. In the full statement he says white people need to pay for black people.
>Not the bankers.
Central banking is the biggest cancer upon humanity wtf are you talking about?
Wow the shilling worked. Fucking dumb Americans lmao
Meme magic is supposed to be chaos right?
so why would you think that chaos would be predictable?
oh ok
I don't like usury either, but I don't think they're our biggest enemy at this point.
Chaos magick works in the most hilarious ways.
We'll just pretend he didn't say that.
It's not just usury. It's total monetary control in cahoots with the state.
also I hope by ursury you don't mean interest period, because interest is the only way a financial system can work.
fuck off
you people haven't invented anything in like a century
>If we can't bring them all into Europe, then we must bring Europe to all of them.
I cannot find that quote. Google points right back here.
oh go blow your machine gun
also checked