3 more years until he's President - how can he be stopped?
>worth 65 billion
>practically own all social media
>massive influence
>can shape the news
>in bed with NSA, CIA, FBI
3 more years until he's President - how can he be stopped?
>worth 65 billion
>practically own all social media
>massive influence
>can shape the news
>in bed with NSA, CIA, FBI
Exposing him will be like shooting fish in a barrel. He has ties to German and Chinese dictators, called his users "dumb fucks", married a 1/10 to suck up to Chinese dictator, going so far to ask him for advice on how to name his kid, censors right wing leaning populist groups etc. The list is endless.
No one actually likes him except a couple of million illiterate Indian It support workers
>how can he be stopped?
2nd amendment people
Who trimmed his eyebrows?
It's those pure Jew genes shining through
>implying he isn't programmed by DARPA
Unfortunately for him he doesn't interview well at all. Will he wear his hoodie during the national debates, sweating profusely and staring bugged eyed as he stammers through his wordy, empty responses. My guess is he'll wait a few more years.
He's literally the least charismatic person ever, and keeps doing shit that makes even the most hardcore leftist hate him.
I don't think I've ever seen him wear anything other than a gray shirt and jeans. He's the adult equivalent of that kid in school that wore nothing but sweatpants, the same shirt, and a zipper hoodie everyday.
What a fag.
I thought he retired and travels the world as a photographer now?
He looks so much like a fuckin lizard.
The left shifting to support a white male.
Doubt he'll win primaries.
He's probably getting tutored by the best psychologists and public speakers. He's worth 65b$: every possible resource is available to him.
Even Hillary managed to be nominated, despite all her criminal past. Cuck won't have this problem and he has the literal machine to manipulate opinions.
Oh god...
Dont let Tony Robbins tutor him.....
If TOny RObbins wanted to, he could be POTUS in 2020,
"They trust me, the dumb fucks" - Literal quote by Zuck the cuck about Facebook users
He's an easier target than hillary for trump.
Won't be easy for him.
He'll stop himself. He's the most disingenuous person I think I've ever seen. The moment the appears live and in person infront of people, and not in some photo-op, people are going to realise how much of a slimy fucker he is.
You both make good points that are probably correct. However, it would take years of training for him to display convincing charisma that would pass as genuine in an informal town hall type of Q&A. As for Clinton, you have to remember that niggers voted for her overwhelmingly because of her husband's prior record as president, despite Sanders offering niggers even more free gibs. So yes it cuts both ways, but at this time he simply appears too stilted and robotic to be a convincing commander in chief
Zuck the Cuck is so autistic and unlikable. At least Hillary had her woman spiel going for her. This guy can claim he's jewish, but he will probably alienate more peopl with this, than garner votes.
with votes
the merchant memes are going to be incredibe, this is why we already planned and have a presence on EVERY social media site despite shills going muh muh its gonna happen faggots
he looks like a vampire, or what i've come to understand what a vampire should look like.
>dresses like a 15 y/o aspie
Why do people think he's running for president? When he shows up to the debates Trump will either make fun of him for wearing jeans and a hoodie, or make fun of him for not wearing his usual jeans and a hoodie
Can't wait for Sup Forums to have endless shills for him and script kiddies getting gets about him winning and idiots praising kek
Why would leftists vote for a cis white male?
What does facebook users mean by leaving the platform?
Remember MySpace? me neither!
With a bullet to the head or a noose around his kike neck
>3 more years until he's President - how can he be stopped?
Trump will decimate this little faggot.
Fucking disgusting halfies.
Most Americans won't support suppression of shitposting/free speech. Number one reason I won't vote for him, he doesn't believe in the concept of privacy or self advocacy.
This is the correct analysis. The Democrats will be forced to put up a woman, especially a colored woman
Who /zuckhold/ here?
I don't think he lacks charisma, at least he could fake it. Popularity won't be a problem for him, he posts a shitty photo of him with a dog and ten times as many people like it within half a day than the best tweets of Trump.
Don't get me wrong, I am not shilling for him, I don't even have fakebook, because it's the most degenerate piece of media ever invented, fuck the normies who use it. But I think, he has the potential and probably the supporters (traditional media, MSM online media), Silicon Valley, California, East coast, kikes, LGBTQWERTY faggots, immigrants, that he could build a campaign. Once MSM starts shilling for him 24/7 and his biased social media echoes it, it's 100% RIGGED.
The only opposition he would face is plain old working class (white) America who don't fall for progressive bullshit and a dumb kike kid who made his money by selling everyone's privacy, yet build a wall around his land-grabbed "dominion" in Hawaii. Just the same people who went for Trump. But who knows how many people will be left from this old, normal, decent America left in 2020. People who still believe in values are bullied and brainwashed everyone, the stench of "progressivism" gets unbearable every day, by 2020 that kike kid could just smile like a pumpkin and walk into office. God forbid this.
You're drunk Russia, go home.
>achieved everything you own by lying and stealing.
>tell America you don't need walls, then build walls around your house to restrict the public from accessing public beach.
I could go on, but you're going to make these threads for years. Might as well save some material.
He has zero hope.
Here he is eating human food. Still hate him now?
Jesse Eisenberg played the same character in Superman and Social Network
The Bogdanoffs do not approve of him, thus he will cease to exist on an existential level when he rebels against the.
He's going to censor dissidents on Facebook.
He is scarier in the back, manipulating public perception and censoring "hate" speech. If hes in the front running, he lost that power. Same with Donald Trump, he lost lobbying power when he ran for office. Brave move, but does mark zuckerjew strike you as a brave individual?
OK, he is goofy as hell. But he won't eat toaster bread on TV.
How is he so rich? Didn't he and his Asian give a massive portion of their wealth to charity?
>Point out the fact that he owns A FUCKING DOOMSDAY BUNKER
Nothing will make this faggot kike look worse than the fact that he owns a doomsday bunker. People will instantly see him for what he is, a coward who will hide in his bunker as soon as shit hits the fan.
If he's stupid enough to run in 2020, I hope Sup Forums will help me spread the DOOMSDAY BUNKER meme far and wide.
He doesn't have a chance.
Centuries of inbreeding does have its downsides.
He is a creepy ass motherfucker.
If the Rock also runs, he will take Zuckerjew in the primaries.
this just in
news said all thats debunked
Trump would make that nerd cry on stage.
I agree with your analysis except I've seen him in interviews and he lacks charisma. Yes he could be trained and he has the means to hire the best. It's possible. But just check out some of the videos that critique his body language. He's very awkward.
Keep in mind also, as the user above noted, the Democrats will have to put up a woman. Zuckerjew is still a cis white male and those are negative qualities for the Democrats right now, even in light of his money and power
I cant wait till he gets elected. Watching the inbred racists foam at the mouth screaming all sorts of conspiracies and telling people the world is ending will be magnificent. The tears and salt will sustain me for eternity.
If the Bernie crowd gains more power (which they won't in the Democratic Party) then you'll likely see Nina Turner upending Cuckerberg's "the greater good" campaign in the primaries.
Not to mention going up against Trump in a debate. Trump is cut from the same WASPy fabric as the Winklevoss twins, they'd probably like to see this upstart Jew taken down a peg by a person from "good, hearty stock"
Seems legit,
Robbins 2020!
The guy who runs the most authoritarian social media platform on the internet, and possesses all of the personal details of over 2 billion people worldwide as the president of the USA ? Yeah, I don't think that'll fly.
>People will instantly see him for what he is
You know, that's the EXACT reasoning for why the DNC used their media contacts to push Trump early on in the campaign.
He is an ugly Jew, has 0 charisma, and has a past full of questionable shit. Facebook is on a downswing and its owner running for president would probably accelerate its demise by a decade.
Moreover, Zuck is a rich fuck who used shrewd tactics to succeed in a capitalist system. That basically disqualifies him in the modern Democratic Party.
this guy cucks
Not a cis white male...
A trans female! Zuck will start transitioning in the new year and undergo reassignment by March, then we'll have our first Trap president!
All we need to do now is meme it into reality.
You make a good point, and I don't pretend to know the rules in this area but as president he might even be required to divest himself of his involvement with fb. I can't see him making a serious play for 2020
>That basically disqualifies him in the modern Democratic Party.
No it doesn't. Scheming and leeching off others is a common thing in the Democrat party. Take a look at the Clinton Foundation or how Bernie Sander's wife is fucking over people on their own property. They only hate you if you're not on their side.
Dear Lord hed be a dick in the world. Hes worth so much. Id vote for em only if he promises to make America wealthy again.
There literally isn't enough money in the world to buy Faceberg the presidency. Everyone hates him and his little site, too.
they announced they are going to donate their fortune to their own charity over the course of their lives
Lol you believe anything political operatives put out eh?
Hahaha. That's only if he runs as a Republican. Or have you not noticed the collective breakdown of the left for the past year.
You can't really train charisma, at least not in any accelerated fashion. Trump spent his entire adult life negotiating huge business deals, fucking models, and socializing in Manhattan with the world's elite. There is no substitute for that.
Minorities and old people will never vote for him since he's too much of a nu male and muh white privilege
If he does get nominated than it would probably be the very end of the Democratic Party
He's too ugly to be president in the internet age. That simple.
Hey Tumblr how are you?
The speeches and Clinton Foundation shit deeply hurt Clinton with the Progressive bloc of her party. That wing has only gained power since the election. Bernie's wife shit is irrelevant, it is just coming out now.
>The only opposition he would face is plain old working class (white) America
Not at all. The biggest opposition Faceberg will face is from the Zionist establishment - who have already chosen Jared Kushner to be the Zionists' new messiah.
This is why Faceberg is already starting to campaign. The plan had been for the Zionists to give the Presidency to Kushner in 2024, after 8 years of their MSM playing "good President, bad President" giving Kushner credit for any and all of Trump's successes (most of all the already arranged scam of "KUSHNER PLAN BRINGS PEACE TO MIDDLE EAST" that Israel wants because they want an Israeli and racist Jewish supremacist in charge of the world's largest military.
Faceberg realizes that even with his Wall St-derived fortune he still has to fight against the very people who gave him his wealth, in addition to the global Zionist cabal that includes Rothschild, Soros, and Netanyahu, all of whom back the genocidal Kushner.
While Faceberg has enough Zionist debt-money to buy lots of positive PR, when push comes to shove the Zionist MSM still follow the orders of those who have not just money but power. Note how last month the MSM nearly deified Kushner for speaking empty nonsense to tech leaders, while simultaneously running this piece that not only uses an unflattering picture of Faceberg (a rarity in itself) but uses words like "spurned" to paint Faceberg as an emotional and effeminate pretender envious of Kushner.
Just like in 2016, where our "choice" was between two ultra-wealthy New York elites with princess daughters married to powerful Zionists, the game is already rigged - and the next Presidential "choice" will simply be between two billionaire Jews.
>how can he be stopped?
By letting him speak and keep pretending to have any interest in what the common man is interested in.
Zuck won't make it past the 1st round in politics, he's too much of a faggy autist to deal with what it takes to run for high office.
It was hard enough for the public to consider a Catholic for president at one time, nobody's electing an underage kike even in THE CURRENT YEAR.
>he lacks charisma
I think Sup Forums needs to start an ironic campaign encouraging Facebook users to start reporting their friends and family for spreading fake news and hate speech (as defined by Zuckerberg).
>report your neighbors
>protect the feed
>thinking he'll actually go to live events and not just broadcast mock events on facebook.
What's with that dead stare that most Jews have?
He won't win because he's a manlet. Women voters will never vote for a manlet.
I wish this was true but I fear he could create a new AI Shillbot that could easily analyze people and use the most effective channel of shilling for each individual person, they're already doing this type of research for targeted advertising... it wouldn't be too hard to modify it for other purposes and abuse this power to influence the masses.
Looks like The Rock really is the people's champion!
7 more years is more realistic
Zuckerberg is the deep state personified and everything wrong with humanity.
>moot is going to be the president now
>He's too ugly to be president in the internet age. That simple
Thus why the Zionists are always pushing pictures of Kushner (and Ivanka) that present them as a glorious Jewish JFK and Jackie.
The Zionist MSM will fabricate a myth of Kushner as their new JewFK. Faceberg will attempt to use his own media platform to create his own "kinder, gentler Pharaoh" myth. Neither of these electronic simulacra will be the least bit real, but the public will believe them unless we start to expose the whole scam now.
>When he shows up to the debates Trump will either make fun of him for wearing jeans and a hoodie, or make fun of him for not wearing his usual jeans and a hoodie
Don't say that again if you want to live.
Wasn't Facebook originally a website to rate college women?
Who is this, 'deep state'?
He will literally never be president. He isnt personable at all. Hes awkward abd autistic and has dead demon eyes.
Best explanation Ive heard is that he looks like an alien trying to learn how to be human.
Wouldn't it be a bit too obvious to normies that Jews control everything?
I thought they preferred to work from the shadows.
What guys like Zucc or Cuban don't realize is the presidential election is about more than policy, and about more than PR optics. Its about the feeling you get in your gut. They will never be able to spend money to change that about themselves.
Top Dems, top Republicans (McCuck, etc.), top bankers, the intelligence agencies (CIA, etc.) and the military basically all work together to promote the current globalist zeitgeist and keep their shekels flowing.
Once a sweaty palmed, anxious little worm, always one
Facebook president is more ridiculous than Trump president yet the left will never compare it to muhhh IDIOCRACY.
I wont be surprised if it'll actually happen, it's time for JewSA to assume its final form and put an actual kike in president position instead of just shabbos goy.
i'm pretty sure there's some clause making it necessary for the presidential candidate to be biologically human