>Sup Forums won't ever be able to refute this
>Sup Forums won't ever be able to refute this
You reap the benefits of paying taxes in a first world country every single day. You don't want to, you can live it up in prison.
You're free to move to Africa if you don't want to pay taxes...
What do you want? Have all of the benefits of living in paradise, but give nothing in return?
Did years ago. You volunteer to pay taxes because you knowingly consent to it every single time you trade commodities, buy goods or services or begin employment.
Taxation is EXACTLY 100% as consensual as the coercive methods corporations use to push their low quality products. Get fucked.
>You can just leave
Taxes are still theft, thought. Argue against the point in the OP not your made up strawman.
>Taxes are still theft
See: Either taxation is theft and corporations are in the wrong for using the exact same methodology of "consent" at gunpoint or taxation isn't theft. You have to choose one.
What company uses the threat of violence to get you to buy their shit?
Social contract.
Yes it's true you don't have a choice in it. The alternative however is anarchy which I know you fucking retard ancaps think is preferable.
You are free to leave, so it's not theft.
You choose to stay, so you can't complain.
It must REALLY suck to grow up in a first world country (in your case former first world). Suck it up or neck yourself.
They use the threat of starvation or homelessless instead. Doesn't matter if it's an actual gun or starving you, it's still a threat. If taxation is theft, then so is capitalism.
I guess mafias extorting money from you isn't theft either, just move somewhere else! The criminals shouldn't change their ways.
Wow a contract where both parts dont consent i.e. not a valid contract at all. Keep licking that statist boot that's been doing Canada so much good.
>taxation and capitalism are connected
I don't think you understand what violence and force is. You're not entitled to goods other people created.
>Implying companies won't compete for the oppurtunity to sell you food and housing
Move to Somalia then if you don't like it. You have that freedom.
I hear you Swedes sure like Somalian cock and I'm sure you'll get your fill getting raped by pirates in your lawless libertarian paradise.
>I guess mafias extorting money from you isn't theft either, just move somewhere else! The criminals shouldn't change their ways.
You literally just described corporations. Congratulations, you're immune to cognitive dissonance.
They use the EXACT same methodology.
>I don't like to do X to get thing, but you control all the levers of power, so I still have to X to get thing
I know dude. People die in taxation shootouts with the police all the time. We have to do something about this shit!
Can statist retards do anything other than repeat the same fallacy? Doesn't matter if I can move from here, taxation is still theft.
If the mafia makes sure that the area is taken care of, then why would I care that they ask something in return?
The government actually gives me something back with my taxes, the mafia would just take it and leave it.
>implying there's anything wrong with theft
only difference is it's harder to fight off the state so that's why people accept it
>Implying companies won't compete for the oppurtunity to sell you food and housing
They don't when they have monopolies. If what you moron libertarians claim was true actually had any relation to reality, then every single ISP wouldn't charge exactly the same fucking price for internet service, since one could undercut them all and wipe them out. Funny how that HAS NEVER EVER HAPPENED. Why? Because economics is more complicated than simple libertarian pea brains can grasp. Monopolies actually cooperate for mutual benefit. That's why this never happens.
>Can statist retards do anything other than repeat the same fallacy? Doesn't matter if I can move from here, taxation is still theft.
And you know why they use it? Because they're throwing your bullshit back at you. Libertarians are the ones who are always saying if you don't like capitalism, it's still consensual because you can move. Not that that is even true, since literally every single fucking nation on Earth except maybe North Korea are capitalist.
>Monopolies form in an unregulated market
How to spot a retard 101.
I can name several monopolies formed thanks to government intervention (healthcare, schooling, police and lots of different drugs). Can you even name a single monopoly created without state interference?
Taxes are what the people say they are. If we don't like current tax law, we exercise the control we built into the system. Namely, elections. If enough people feel strongly about something, we elect someone who agrees to make the change. Just because you don't like taxes doesn't mean the rest of us hate roads, utilities, emergency services, schools, a standing military an law enforcement.
Show me the ISP that gives the same internet as everyone else for less than $40 a month. Go on. Do it. Put up or shut the fuck up. Surely muh invisible hand will make this possible.
Does it make it okay to enforce your will on others as long as you have enough people agreeing with you?
I'm asking for a naturally ocurring monopoly, seems you can't come up with one. Now why is that?
Do you use any public services or drive on public roads? Why do you think you should have access to them for free? gibs gibs gibs, just stfu and stop being a nigger
State revenue is a necessity for society to function.
My uncle hasn't paid taxes in over 20 years. He's in his 60's now so even if they did come for him, he would tell them to fuck off.
youre taxes go to funding things like the healthcare system fixing roads and funding the police and other state services.
>Implying I'd like to retain shit-tier public services
That vastly depends on what you're trying to enforce, on whom, how you do it, and how many people are with you.
Microsoft and Google
Also while there may be few examples of monopolies there are innumerable examples of oligopolies forming without state intervention which are nearly as bad.
>implying you still use said "shit tier" service therefore you will pay for them. I bet most of you faggots dont even pay taxes, especially seeing how tax return season is a fucking spending frenzy.
And the mafias provide garbage collecting services. Still theft tho.
>>Sup Forums won't ever be able to refute this
What makes you think Sup Forums would want to refute it? LIBTARDS are the ones who want lots of taxes.
then why dont you leave and go to an ancap paradise like somalia?
the state doesnt force you to stay and pay tax if you voluntarly live in a country youre agreeing to pay tax for it the state and the people live in a sybiotic relation tax funds public services like the police and fixing infastruture without tax the gov would not exist.
Is there anything more insufferable than a fucking Ancap? These autists deserve the bullet more than anyone else.
At least Ancoms won't waste your time trying to convince you to believe in their shitty ideology.
>And the mafias provide garbage collecting services.
the state doesnt force you to stay and pay tax lad you could just move to an anarchist country if you dont like paying tax.
Because I'd like to change my country for the better because I love my people. As a belgian, I'm sure this is foreign to you.
>confirming what OP is implying
If you refuse to pay for Shaniqua's nigglets they'll throw you in jail. Its theft
It does, look at Romania which didn't intervene with internet companies, they have among the fastest worldwide and it's cheaper than in North America. The US had a total mess of government regulation during the early XXth century then it tried to force competition under Clinton which resulted in a bubble then more regulation after the bubble.
A failed state like Somalia is not ancap. Also niggers.
How's that statism working out for you, my canuck friend?
Tax reform is a completely different issue. We're talking about tax in principle. It's not theft when it's pretty fucking clear what you're paying for.
>As a belgian, I'm sure this is foreign to you.
>he doesnt know what molembeek is.
>Because I'd like to change my country
how do you expect youre country's goverment to exist with no tax do you think that money that pays for things like poluice comes out of a magical donkeys asshole?
A failed state like Somalia is not ancap. Also niggers.
it kindof is lad theres nothing stopping you from building youre black market monopoly there.
that speed is important so that people download all those propaganda TV shoes and watch all that youtube teenage anal sex tutorials in 1080p... and then, out of gratefulness become ersatz-indian programmers
A monopoly is when 100% of a market is owned by 1 actor and no new actors are allowed to enter. Pic related is not a monopoly.
Besides, one of the reason microsoft and windows OS is so large is because almost all government agencies use windows on their computers.
Give an example of such an oligopoly then?
It absolutely is theft, it is involuntary.
A thief can steal $500 from you and then give you a new television, it is still theft.
agian how woud you get service like the police and firemen working with no money? do you want ((businesses)) religating that?
How is that related? I can take your money and punch you then claim it's clear you paid to get punched, it's still theft. When the buyer doesn't want his money taken away, you can give him whatever you want it's still theft.
Private security exist and people would want to pay for private police or as you can see in the US, community watchmen are a thing there. Also if there's a state it's not ancap. That's like claiming you're single because your relationship isn't doing well.
A lot of those are already handled by private businesses, simply paid for by taxes through government. And what's wrong with those things going private?
Leftists want the government (appeal to authority) to commit crime for them.
>is true
Paying taxes is fine if it truly benefits the nation
Unfortunately, that's not the case at all in the west
>What are public services
>2 for 2 leaves
Hell no, get the fuck out of my menchies. Fucking faggots.
>how do you expect youre country's goverment to exist
I don't. Private actors do things better since they dont operate on force.
>pic related is what you get what you google molembeek
Statism really tarnished your identity.
Yes, businesses will do it better.
There was literally an article recently where a Dominos pizza delivery man got to a grandmother in a disaster area faster than police and firemen. The police are literally outpaced by Dominos, how the fuck is that acceptable in a first world country?
and you're not entitled to live in a society with infrastructure you dumb nigger, you have to pay for that
There is nothing to refute taxation is theft but I prefer to stay out of prison so I pay
what's wrong with those things going private?
you would have to pay for those company's it would essentaily become a circlejerk of monopoly's.
>Statism really tarnished your identity.
do you honestly think bussnes is any fucking better in that regard especially since bussneses want as much profit as possible thats how you get fucked up trade deals like the tpp.
pure fucking jews in this thread
taxation is theft. you fucking statist slaves are retarded
>At least Ancoms won't waste your time trying to convince you to believe in their shitty ideology.
They'll straight up kill you.
Privatize it. Our toll roads in Canada are the best roads in the country.
>Organizing people and improving their life is theft
This is only true when the state is owned by jewsih (thanks to a previous ancaplike state) and use your money to bring nigggers to the country or just robb it.
define free market and monopoly then, instead of using strawmen to make yourself look retarded.
>inb4 you google the definition and copy paste it here
to empisise my piont better if you dont pay for the private business police force you would be shit out of luck.
or a better example monopoly's would squash any competitors with no state to regulate.
>ancaplike state
wtf is an ancaplike state? Ancap is stateless you fucking dumb nigger
>Ancap is stateless
>inplying businesses would not just replace the goverment.
I just wish taxes weren't so high. Being in the highest bracket sucks. Your every thought is bent on protecting as much of your income as possible all the time.
Yeah I know, nothing you can do about it though. We had this argument before (see: Whiskey Rebellion and American Civil War) and the "pay your taxes or we'll fucking kill you" side won every time.
No one is forced to be a citizen of any country. You can revoke your citizenship at any time. If you want things from the society, like protection from niggers by police officers, you have to pay for them.
What do you mean a circlejerk of monopolies? If there's more than one it clearly is competition and not a monopoly. Also you don't have to pay, you can do it yourself, buy a gun, put bars up your windows if you don't want to pay someone else to protect you.
Also if you're concerned about monopolies, why do you trust the one entity which is by definition a monopoly?
It is always true, if you want to organize people and improve their lives it goes better by convincing them than by forcing them.
So if you can't pay someone you're not entitled to their labor, how is that wrong? And can you point out where that has happened? Monopolies only happen because of state intervention. If a private company provide better security cheaper, what's wrong about them having more clients?
>monopolies form in a free market
How to spot someone who is economically illiterate. Give me an example of a monopoly emerging from a free market.
There are plenty of state-induced monopolies (schools, healthcare, certain drugs, police, it obviously differs a bit from state to state but you get it).
>monopoly emerging from a free market
Monopolies are everywhere. For instance, an oil company in East Siberia has a monopoly over oil that comes from East Siberia**. If you will only buy, for some reason, oil from Eastern Siberia, then this oil company can charge a monopolist's price on you. If you're brand-loyal to Lenovo for some reason (say, seeing the Lenovo logo makes your productivity quadruple), then you're forced to suck it up and pay whatever Lenovo charges you, up to a monopolist's price (which is the productivity you can extract from the product.
Monopolies are the very foundation of capitalism. At equilibrium (that is, a perfectly competitive market), profits go to zero (approximately) due to competition, which forces corporations to break equilibrium temporarily, get an edge over their competitors, establish an ephermal monopoly over a niche domain, or as we know it, innovate
I am voluntarily paying taxes in order to pay for public services like police, firemen, road maintenance, and some other things I'd like to not be paying for like healthcare.
The best form of government is one that has simple, rational and non-intrusive rules that are heavily enforced to ensure the welfare of the nation, as well as a strong military to make sure nobody will roll in and take your stuff and shit on your NAP with their superior firepower.
What about this, faggot?
>So if you can't pay someone you're not entitled to their labor,
dont pay for tm protection braket company
get raped or robbed nobody to call.
get in a car crash shit out of luck as you got no money.
buy a gun, put bars up your windows if you don't want to pay someone else to protect you.
>how to spot a nigger who never lived in africa if only i could tell you how retarded it is what youre saying right now.
>Also if you're concerned about monopolies, why do you trust the one entity which is by definition a monopoly?
also are you realy that retarded to think company's dont fuck with people when the get too big and cocky?
for example he abomanation that is the media.
>an oil company in East Siberia
That company has a deal with the russian government to get 100% of the oil there, again thanks to the state.
>brand-loyal to Lenovo
It's not a monopoly because you're a retard who pays overprice because you've got a hardon for a certain brand.
>Monopolies are the very foundation of capitalism
No. Provide something to back that up. I ask you for monopolies that emerge without the state's help and you just give examples where government interfere.
Where does the east Siberian monopoly comes from? You can't just will it out of your ass, humans are enterprising and will create competition unless the state prevents competition from arising. Even during the Standard Oil days there were plenty of competitors, they were simply less good. Also you liking a company more than price/quality isn't a monopoly, it's a personal choice.
What kind of commie definition do you have of a monopoly if there is competition? Also why would profits be at zero if there's competition? It's clearly not the case with plenty of industries with competition like electronics manufacturers or oil distributors, ISP.
So you want to be entitled to someone's labor without paying them? That's what I'm getting from you, or you know rely on community as I've said above, community watchmen like in the US, call your friends if you're in trouble.
That's just vague as fuck, what about the media? They don't have a monopoly.
Most of mainstream media is state run. How you can be this disconnected from reality?
I'd like to cancel my subscription to Israeli foreign aid please, I no longer want that.
You're justifying taking away from people against their will be saying you have people agreeing with you. You're just saying democracy is mob rule but more organized.
Locking money away from the economy is also stealing user
it was irony, ancaps are always making mental gymnastics to make monopoly and freemarket examples not fit.
>implying this is possible
I don't have a gun to my head, and I understand the need for the concept of taxes.
Funny how your pic doesn't depict communism or socialism.
Yes, that's called a representational government. If you don't have enough votes on your side to sway an issue, OH WELL, grow up.
When will Sup Forums take the second-to-last redpill:
Everything about libertarianism makes 100% perfect sense, it is logically consistent, well thought out and philosophically airtight.
The sooner you admit that the sooner you can move on to the final redpill:
Although [everything above] is true, human nature is not compatible with ancapism, People are not rational actors and do not think logically about every single thing they do. Libertarianism would only function in a computer system that treats all people as the exact same individualized "economic units" (this is why autism is so common among libertards
Taxation is NOT theft because (((they))) own your currency. You are "borrowing" it from them. Interest is collected in the form of taxes. It's usury, not theft.
Most of these fucks don't acknowledge the really shitty side of paying taxes. Like the state run media, healthcare for Laqueefa and Ahemed, and unemployment for lazy niggers.
By using the state's currency you are acknowledging their rule is valid and thus consent to taxes
Free market gives you the opportunity to create a monopoly. It's basically why it's a thing.
>When there's roads :(
>Funny how your pic doesn't depict communism or socialism.
that would be the bottom example
And having a "need" to steal money from people doesn't make it not stealing. You want to argue necessity or justify it then do it, but call a spade a spade.
Anfarts utterly BTFO of existence
How about you stop justifying theft? I don't see how me saying mob rule is wrong means I'm a child.
Except we don't want to use their currency, we are forced to. Sometimes you're even forced to use someone else's currency.
You get an initiative on the ballot and it passes with a majority vote. A judge then dismisses your initiative as unconstitutional.
Now what?