TN reporting in. Laughing at this stupid article for trying to imply my local state rep only cares about Forrest and nothing involving the Union when the battlefield he volunteers at most has tons of markers and memorials to the Union just as much as the Confederacy. The Union graveyard is even one of the most well tended spots on the battlefield. Liberals sure love their fake news.
Im from florida, my family is cuban/spanish and immigrated in the 20s. We hate niggers, do we count as southern?
Every civil war battlefield has tons of love and care for both sides. We have lots of Confederate memorials up here in Gettysburg.
Fun Fact:
The Vatican was the only European power to formally recognize the C.S.A..
Yuropoors were cucked even back then....
>implying Union cemeteries don't deserve to be ripped up and dumped on the other side of Mason-Dixon where they belong
Thread theme
As it should be
A true southerner doesn't desecrate graveyards or churches no matter if it's to friend or foe. If you do such a thing you lack any sort of honor or respect.
>based Russia
You'd be welcome here in Dixie friend.
LOL the south will never rise again.
I hope you guys manage to preserve your heritage. Don't give in to the North!
>tfw the 'land of liberty' killed 300,000 of its own people to stop states voluntarily leaving it
More Amricans larping as a non-nation, as if USA wasn't cringy enough
And Nazi larping isn't?
Driving to the lake right now! That's what Dixie is all about
The more they try to erase our history, the more pissed we become.
And it's a bad idea to piss off the majority of people who go to war and die for you.
You killed 600,000 white people in order to free some niggers.
Congratulations. You must be so proud.
If you dedicate yourself to the cause
just a friendly reminder that you guys lost.
the only ones that won were niggers you fucking retard lol
I mean, I see all this news from Louisiana about monument removals and it worries (((enrages))) me. I really hope you guys manage to stand your ground.
And the north. The north won. No matter how much you inbred racist morons try to change history, you can't change the fact that you lost. And in 1940s the nazis lost too. And hitler shot himself, like a pussy.
Have a great day.
Damn, I guess all those church bombings in the 50s weren't carried out by true southerners.
god I love this picture. The look of surrender and defeat on their faces sustains me. I love it.
Oxford, Miss reporting in.
Both sides lost m8. We each lost over 10% of our healthy young males. If as many died per capita today it would be like 6.5 million dead.
Nah. Just the south lost. In fact it got obliterated. Why? Because it was a bunch of inbred racist morons on the wrong side of history.
Sherman was a fucking badass btw.
They were carried out by scum so yes. Should I judge all northerners by John Wayne Gacy? I would think most northerners have more honor than Gacy like most southerners have more honor than the church bombers.
It's happening in nigger cities. They tried to pull this shit in Memfrica but it didn't work.
My state ain't that cucked yet.
ok lets try to get this through your autistic little redditor mind in a way you can comprehend.
1. the north did not win, because it was flooded with violent niggers after the emancipation
2. hitler was a methhead faggot just like every other nazi politician
3. you are an anti-semetic liberal faggot
Man at least name some actual Union heroes instead of that insane ginger.
As if the south wouldn't get thunder fucked a second time in Civil War two: NASCAR edition.
Glad to hear, Alabama and Texas have also made a stand, as far as I know.
Sherman loved the south and he was hardly the most heroic Union figure. I'm partial to Joshua Chamberlain. He was popular even with Confederates after the war. Both sides liked hearing him speak.
>starved widows and children and attacked helpless cities and fields
>fought against bigger and better equipped enemies multiple times and won
We all know who the real badasses of the war were, yankcuck. And none of them were wearing blue uniforms.
But the Louisiana Tigers wore blue Zouave uniforms.
Lol, saw you in the thread the other day. If you don't mind me asking, I was wondering what made a ruski so interested in the Civil War?
Ready for round 2 any time, ya yankee doodle dandy
How did you get as stupid as you are? Did you never develop correctly, or did you sustain a bad head injury?
The south lost because the north had far more resources. If you look at the civil war, it is truly amazing that the south lasted even half as long as it did.
It's okay to admit that the South got BTFO. King Cotton turned out be pathetic
>R*ssian subhumans making threads celebrating literal inbred traitors and slavers.
Really makes you stink.
Anyone up for going to the Unite the Right rally in VA
Agreed. Lee and Stonewall. Fucking legends. Gods among men. The north knew it too. Still true to this day, most soldiers are from the south. Just had a training rotation at Fort Polk where Louisiana boys mopped the fucking floor with Fort Drum 10th mountain.
>Act tough and try to split a country apart
>Cry like a little bitch when dear old Uncle Sherman puts you in your place.
Now who were you saying was badass again...
I guess there really are exceptions to every rule.
>show pic of nigger
I'm sure they'll call the whole thing off now.
I'm not crying. I'm just pointing out how the man lacked honor and fought like a faggot.
Yeah, the honorable side were the fucking slaveowners
hotty toddy my nigger
as opposed to the democrat slave owners now.
yes, anti-semite, the jewish slaveholders (not even enslaving white people for fucks sakes) were the good guys, and the yankee nazis were, in fact, the bad guys.
there is no reason for you to feel strongly about this. you have no culture and no real family so why do you care?
>supports constitutional traitors
>thinks he knows about honor
Can Arizona be into dixie thread?
No such thing. They are vermin who deserve to be destroyed and their disgusting excuse of a nation of bloodsuckers and extortionists wiped from the face of Earth.
Nothing less will be enough.
Same reason you do
Of course I don't mind. I have quite a few reasons to take great interest in Confederacy:
1. The CSA actually had/have their own aristocratic culture that I find quite similar to Russia's culture of the 19th century:
2. The CSA had a number of brilliant generals that fought for an idea, which is quite rare these days;
3. I have immense respect for nations that fight against all odds;
4. I can go on and on actually...
wheres my damn conf flag.
wrong. there is no "yankee culture" other than nigger culture. your people have been gentrified into mindless robots and you have no soul left. thats why you come here to call people faggots for being proud of their heritage.
Lee literally enslaved blacks as he went North, you ignorant Lost Causer
Fuck off yanks.
You might want to consider leaving your county once in a while. Sounds like you're just regurgitating everything everyone in this website repeats over and over.
If you bothered traveling across the country, you'd see a shit ton of differences that are more than your retarded "Yankee" vs "good ol Southerners" world view.
The average Unionist makes John Wayne Gacy look like a saint.
Looks pretty weak to be honest.
>le scary tattoos
Also why do all niggers pierce their ears? Looks feminine.
No. No he didn't.
Fuck off you slavery-supporting faggots. I won't have ANY OF IT.
>inb4 Nazis enslaved Jews
It was intended to be temporary enslavement until the end of the war, which was 5-6 years. You assholes, on the other hand, helped enslave Africans for 250 years and still wanted to continue doing it. Conscience will come back to test us all, you can't just put it off to the side and forget about it. Don't you fail.
As a Yank, I would like to apologize to all you Dixies for the way we've treated you. We destroyed your industries, liquidated state rights. forced (((affirmative action))), and to this day mock you for cultural differences. The lives of a thousand of these yankee cucks are less important than a drop of blood from a Confederate.. I'm going to do all I can to support the Southern cause.
The South will rise again, and I'm going too fight side by side with it.
>Nazis are nigger lovers
Actually makes sense
Southerners won't survive without severe spiritual and religious reform. You want to support the South, you encourage them to start taking God's Medicine (Psychedelics) and praising the Real Father instead of the imposter Yahweh. Love is the key to the South's success. If it fails, it's because of their own fear.
>Sounds like you're just regurgitating everything everyone in this website repeats over and over.
oh does it? i have no reason to believe so since ive never seen one of the arguments ive presented here until i presented them. i'll just let that "YOU GOTTA SEE THE WORLD MAN" liberal white boy shit alone so you dont have an anxiety attack and kill yourself or something because frankly i feel bad that you think im being serious about the yankee vs dixie shit aside from modern culture.
i dont need to "see the world" to understand that fucked up racially masochistic white boys like you are not worthy of this country or this world.
>his ancestors arrived DECADES after the civil war
>1. The CSA actually had/have their own aristocratic culture that I find quite similar to Russia's culture of the 19th century:
This guy gets it. That culture was pretty much destroyed.
>i dont need to "see the world" to understand that fucked up racially masochistic white boys like you are not worthy of this country or this world.
I could not have said this better. Good phrasing.
Direct descendant of Stonewall Jackson here (irish/scot tho). Can i larp as a southerner?
Northern Florida reporting in. Seccession when, brothers? If we remove the ETERNAL YANKEE we remove ((them)).
Stand up. Take to the streets. Rally all political organizations left and right against our common enemy.
Fight for the right to speak for ourselves without the corruption of the federal media touching our tongues.
You should go take a confederate flag, stick the pole between your buttcheeks, tape it shut and go running through Detroit. Good show my lads. Black crime levels are obnoxiously high, but they wouldn't be behaving this way if a country that created itself to be "free" didn't enslave their people for 87 years and alienate them.
Talk seccession, brothers! Talk it to everybody left and right. Use the leftist ideals against ((them)) we must play by their game and neutralize our populous to the ideas of seccession via the removal of 20 trillion+ in debt and being lead into WW3.
In the end, without the feds feeding the weak, we, the strong will inherit our land.
Mostly agreed. Slavery in the south was ended in a shitshow with absolutely no thought put into the future wellbeing of the african american people.
Quite literally the only reason they were freed was to avoid war with britain and france .
The Confederates were not against the bad guys and the World Banking System. You're thinking of Hitler.
Bump for the glory of the southland and our people!
Hail Dixie!
Hail Florida!
The days of American Seccession have returned. It is our only viable option - we must remove ourselves from the belly of the beast.
Gee! Thanks for the info bossman. I dont give a flying fuck about a war that happened nearly 160 years ago. We are a seperate culture from the redt of north America and have generally our own symbolism amd tradition.
Maybe last time we were just finna be free to be free. Maybe this time we just want to be free to be free, only this time we take a bigger bite out of their pie.
Fuck the feds, past present and future.
The civil war was retarded
Why instigate something when you have 0% chance of victory? It's the same thing Hitler did, instigating a fight with a power bloc 10 times as powerful as himself
Prove me wrong
True hero.
I like our Russian bros much more than limp-wristed liberals and Yankees. I hope one day the South and Russia can team up to take down the petrodollar and the destruction it has caused the world.
I hate to say this, but I'm eventually going to have to let the CSA become a relatively self-sovereign nation within the US. The whites want it badly, and that flag in the early days didn't mean what it means now. So all the white people get to rejoice in their fucking grey uniforms and I'm left trying to make this fair for blacks, but they will eventually remember that the Confederate Battle Flag was not a negative symbol. Oh well, you gotta do whacha gotta do. This will all settle down soon.
Niggers are actually nazi lovers.
I fully support mass deportations of Yankees, and building a wall above our Northern Border. Nathan Bedford Forrest and I are gonna rip Yankees out of their holes and have a makeshift wall of dead Yankees before we build the permanent wall.