why isn't communism as hated as nazism ?
Why isn't communism as hated as nazism ?
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Communism was designed to create, nazism - to destroy
That's ironic because the germans had a higher quality of life than the soviets.
>kills more civilians than the Germans ever did
>Communism was designed to create, nazism - to destroy
are you sure ?
because that is less dangerous
Great lie, cunt.
NatSoc brought a nation back from the edge of ruin to becoming the most successful one in all of Europe in less than 10 years.
Now piss off and suffer in your lack of bread and toilet paper, Commie!
>literally destroyed the country and made a colony out of it
You brainwashed commie faggots are the worst.
Because one is taught as the greatest evil of our time, while the other (thanks to liberal professors) is hailed as platform for "tolerance". For some reason the professors leave out the 150+ million people killed by communism, and the sheer amount of starvation and lack of even toilet paper, but I'm sure thats just a mistake on their part.
Take a guess.
Are you retarded, hohol? I literally said designed, not realized
And more seriously, it's because leftists fiercely defend communism because it's their endgoal - it can't appear bad.
Bumping for interest.
Give me a proof Marx designed communism to destroy, faggot
Oh...DESIGNED. Yep, that makes everything better. As long it was innocent in theory it's all good.
>Needing to ask
Three letters. Take a fucking guess.
Because communists intentionally infiltrated academia for that very reason.
You made the claim that Communism was made to create, yet provided no evidence to back it up.
The burden of proof lies with you.
All I said was that NatSoc brought a nation back from ruin, which can easily be confirmed here: en.wikipedia.org
Now once again - fuck off, Commie.
Because the USSR was founded and largely controlled by a particular group of (((people))) that also happen to own most of our mass media.
Yup, thats why communism isn't generally ridiculed. Cause THEORETICALLY its a good thing.
I must check 'em.
It is
>implying a difference
both are faggotry.
Because communists won wwII
Because muh poor people
Really makes you think...
pure coincidence
those who the win war, live to tell their view.
because the west allied them in the last world war and never beat them in a full-on war they just sort of pathetically faded away, so there wasn't such a need to propagandize their atrocities
Who cares about the elitist assholes and class cucks? They deserved to die.
Gotta break some eggs to make an omelette.
Because there wasn't a huge propaganda effort against Communism than there was against National Socalism also it tried to be self sustaining being dependent on nobody and the allies couldn't have had that
Because it """Sounds Nice""".
All racial supremacy policies have been discredited since WWII, even if they don't condone outright genocide.
Communism however makes a point of not caring about race, giving everyone a stable job, free education, etc. etc., all of which """Sounds Nice"""" in concept, so people still cling to it.
And each freshly indoctrinated communist thinks that his country is capable of implementing it all without loss of life.
Communism tells all of the poor they can have things if they sign away their rights.
in soviet russia the easiest way to get extra toilet paper was to go and get request forms for extra toilet paper, and use those
The (((Narrative))).
Just that.
>National Socialism was great!
>But only before it ruined everything for all time
fucking retard
Some things need to be destroyed. What's your point?
Nazism made people work whereas Communism supports people who won't work. Simple. It's a political ideology bolstering entitlement and laziness, EXACTLY what young Americans, Canadians, New Zealanders, Australians, South Africans and Europeans are. Lazy and entitled.
I don't think he's a commie, but the Russian rethoric likes to excuse every single part of their history and at the same time mix it all up, the absurdity of which finally manifests in declaring Lenin, Stalin and Marx as saints.
Because everyone seems to forget Stalin killed more people than Hitler
>meme reply
Expected nothing more from a burger
it is theoretically a good thing with a race of hivemind ppl.
communism doesnt tolerate free will of an individual
Nazism is national so by definition its exclusive.
Socialism can be masked as caring and inclusive since its international.
There is always more than one side to a story.
>Communism supports people who won't work
meanwhile in reality they put people into work camps just like nazi germany
"why isn't communism as hated as nazism ?"
Because there are still communists everywhere who defend it and indoctrinate mis-educated captive audiences at universities and in front of the TV.
My point is that society likes things that sound good and hates things that sound bad. Is that easy enough?
because only white people can be Nazi's, but communists can be any race
that's literally it
Said the spoiled little american/british upperclass brat while never working a day in his whole life.
I never said it was good, I just explained why its not hated as much.
I'm not a khokhol.
And it's not an argument. It doesn't matter how it was designed, in reality when people tried to realize communism - it lead to millions of dead people.
So what if it wasn't about race? Commies killed people who disagreed with them. How is that any better?
Things were ruined before national socialism. The Nazis just failed to solve the problem.
Now you are seeing the true problem: Overreaching government in ANY form.
The founders knew this.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." - Thomas Jefferson
Nearly every problem we have in this country stems from government over-reach outside the well defined limitations on centralized government that the constitution defines.
Are you sure about that?
Because old soviet psyops targeted the us university system and supported Marxist professors. That shit will last a few generations at least
People starving to death because of the lack of production due to government control isn't true cimmunism?
Because bongs and burgers allowed the commies to commence their long march through the institutions and spread their cancer everywhere. Thanks Eternal Anglo and Son.
Hitler was planning to genocide 80% of captured europeans and all of soviet union the bloodthirsty cunt
[Citation needed]
To liberals/leftists - yes. They're brainwashed so much that they truly believe their own lies.
Commies killed their own people, Nazi's focused more on outsiders. As those outsiders, they are much more hated in our history books.
Literally because of the 6 million meme, that's it. It doesn't matter that Communism has killed more, MUH SIX MILLION, GOY.
Media, edgy teenagers and companies like Hot Topic which cater to said edgy teenagers.
So basically communism isn't hated enough, ironically, because of capitalism. Because of all the rubes will to buy this t-shirt made by Chinese 3 year olds.
More normalized
Communism is seen as legit ideology, while National Socialism and Fascism is seen as some impossible radical ultra fringe movement.
The Jews won?
communism took a nation full of medieval serfs and made it into an industrial superpower in twenty
Because they were one of the victory of the war and weren't subjected to a decades long smear campaign by two entire civilizations with no means of defending themselves in debate.
>preserving the identity of a nation is destruction
>destroying the identity of a nation is creation
Got to love how backwards the Jewish-Marxist brain is. Up is down, orange is purple, niggers is people.
Otto Bräutigam: „So hat es sich zugetragen...“ (Holzner Verlag, Germany 1968, p. 590)
Jump up ^
>System where everyone gets exactly the same rewards, no matter how much they contribute to society
>Theoretically a good thing
What are you guys talking about?
All of our politics are based around calling all government expansion and the slightest raise to taxes communism.
Americans don't think the American dollar belongs to America, they think it belongs to themself.
America is much farther from collectivism than it is to fascism. Our entire history has been based on the idea that inferior races should surrender everything to us.
From Columbus himself to Andrew Jackson.
America is a fascist country, in the 1930s regular people started getting their rights, liberalization didn't happen until the 60's, held for about 60 years, now its switching back.
But there's no one left to kill and take money from, so they are establishing an oligarchal state or as the common man calls it: Libertarianism
>expect to still be defended in debates
Are you sure? anyone can be a National socalist and being White didn't mean shit for example to even live in the Third Reich you had to be German and not "White" and the ideology was set up so that each country can set up his own Ethnostate being run with National Socalism and could have been modified for the host country
In the minds of liberals, that is exactly how it sounds.
because kikes
It is. Cringeworthy sperglords like Dennis Prager are most of the ones that claim otherwise.
Because they were both around at the same time as one of them from existence.
Becaaue the commies won and nobody told the public. They now run our countries through law, universities and the media
Yoooo, Hitler wuz racist n shiettt man, he killed jews and black people for not being white.
comunists are mainly harmless teenagers and fucked up adults.
Because Nazis fall in the centre. They are still too left for the right to stand up for them and the left loathe them.
While the right loathe communists, the left fucking love them, so it balances out.
Then of course there's the constant Jewish commie propaganda which sole aim was to push the perceived political standing of Nazis as far right as possible to distance Marxist Socialism from National Socialism in order to push the "It's not real socialism" argument.
>why isn't communism as hated as nazism ?
Let tell you about the jews
>he thinks communism is actually applauded in US schools
>he thinks the USSR and its satellites aren't vilified
>he actually thinks Marxist Leninist regimes killed the equivalent of 3/4 the Soviet population
From the Nuremberg trials, confessed under torture.
citation needed fuck scum
Communism didn't start WWII
I believe schools misrepresent Nazis compared to the Communists, I could bet there is literally a whole chapter about the holocaust, but about the commies is only like a sentence in the book. (((They))) control the education system, so you learn what (((they))) want you to learn, because if you were anti communism, then "equality", globalization, and any other major project would not have as much support, as it has now.
Quite the opposite. The purpose of National Socialism was to enable the triumph of the will, which in terms of policy means allowing one to prosper so long as they give it their all. In a capitalist society, there are those who give their all and are still held down due to different pressures, and in a communist society, no one is encouraged to give it their all, just aim for average. National Socialism gave everyone the opportunity to prosper and rewarded you if you gave your all.
History is written by the victor, sperg. Why can't you accept the idea at face value without making gay smug meme arrow posts?