>Mommy, Daddy, why does socialized healthcare want to kill me...?
Mommy, Daddy, why does socialized healthcare want to kill me...?
Oh no! Now society doesn't have to pay for a waste of resources and it's selfish parents.
>well child, you see, you are weak, and the weak should fear the strong!
Like seriously, why should we try to keep people like this alive? If the pack wants to survive, it'll need to get rid of the old and ill.
Shut up retard go move to Europistan.
God Bless this country where we don't have to deal with infanticidal medical staff.
If you give birth to a defective human it should be the parents who have to pay to keep it alive or let it die like any other thing born deffective.
You aren't god who gave you the authority to decide whether people live or die?
For all we know god's plan is to have this kid grow up to cure the disease that would have threatened your life.
Be grateful you fuck.
I bet you if he were "Asian" he would get a half billion pound grant to get whatever help he needs
god doesn't real
>Mommy, Daddy, why does OP think an appeal to emotion is a valid argument...?
I agree with your premise, but your post still sucks.
Why can't I decide who lives or dies, but doctors can when they extend the child's life with 2 months?
If they are born ill, and their life will be a net loss to everyone around them, what would be good?
Should we make the child live as long as possible, knowing that the child will just have to wait for death anyway. Remember, children will never be able to get a good idea of what life is.
While if we just make the child die, it'll be sad for a while, but the loss will be less.
>hurr durr I want to completely remove emotion from the fact that two parents will lose their child forever.
Do you even understand human emotions? or empathy for the parents?
What if it's God's plan for this child to die? Don't speak for God, you blasphemer. Let what happens happen, and let God decide what is to happen.
Because socialized medicine kills everyone, because they don't want to pay.
Probably because hes white
A better question is why does nature want to kill you
Fiat money already did son. Cant afford it anymore. Good thing america has the lowest life expectancy in the west
You're waiting for death right now you fucking toothpaste.
The day of the brush is coming for you faggot.
mitochondrial depletion sounds to me like God himself is deciding to kill this kid
>Mommy, Daddy, why does blue cross blue shield want to kill me?
Insurance companies deny care too.
Ultimately this is a deleterious mutation and condition its going to kill him and it's going to destroy his family, it's sad but I mean the experimental treatment is not likely to get him to live, it's a shot in the dark. They can go through with it because people have donated to try it out.. but it's going to absolutely wreck this family.
I have a friend who had a severely premie infant and his bills were over $3 million. He still died, the family lost everything, they got divorced, medically bankrupted, lost his house, job, everything, still struggling to pull themselves out.
It's impossible to tell parents to just give up.. but the fallout either way is devastating.
This poor kid is going to die regardless of what is done/not done. If moved to the US there is only a 10% chance of improvement. The family has raised the money to get him here and then some. MUH free market and sheeit. Let the family waste their money while the docs learn more about this disease. Kid is probably not feeling any pain right now and is brain dead so why not let him be a pin cushion a little while longer as a guinea pig.
Poor thing. You guys obviously don't have kids. Absolute hell for any parent to imagine this situation. The NHS are monsters for not allowing his parents to take him to try and do something, anything that may give him a chance. He is not a strain on any public system, and is going to be treated with private money by a woman rivate doctor. He has a sliver of hope at improving but will 100% be beneficial to the study of future treatments with greater success rates. He has a right to live just like anyone else if his parents can do it on their own dime, and he's going to die a horrible untimely death regardless of staying or going. Let the poor little thing take that 10% chance and at least do some definite good if not get better in someway.
Trump had a 2% chance of winning and won. Charlie can do even better. 10% is probably a bullshit statistic made up by (((them))) anyway to keep the pharma-insuro-medical complex from looking bad and untrustworthy in the face of new experimental treatments outside their control anyway.
God bless you Charlie.
Why is Sup Forums so against Eugenics? Do you want your Volk to be strong and healthy or not?
The child died once it left the room, the parents are delusionally holding on to a vegetable with a sell by date sooner than the Manager's special bin
We kill people under the name of the law or under the rights of war every day. And these aren't acts ordained by God. God preaches to turn the other cheek, to love your enemy.
omae wa mou shindeiru
There is a 0% chance of improvement. The kid is already brain damaged, nothing reverses brain damage. In fact he is so brain damaged that his doctors believe he no longer has any senses... They literally don't think he can even feel pain or any stimulus.
The "treatment" his retarded parents seek in the US doesn't do anything to help... Even the doctors themselves say that. He is at the end stages of his disease and would already be dead if he didn't have a machine breathing for him. The "treatment" in the US is a glorified science experiment.
NOTHING can save the kid or even improve his situation, literally nothing at all.
Are you retarded? There was no chance that he would have been cured you idiot, they took him off life support because he was in a constant state of suffering.
"If you're born with pre-existing conditions, you should die."-Republicare
Hey look! "Actual death panels".
WTF I love socialism now.
Listen, people don't think Charlie can improve on both sides.. perhaps its only the love of a parent that has belief beyond absurdity that their kid can be saved. However, They have the right to keep fighting until this poor kids fight is over.
If he's supposedly brain dead, then how is he suffering? He's not conscious at all, you idiot.
God doesn't have a plan, but if he did then apparently his plan is for this child to get sick and die. Sorry faggot.
There is a difference between being born poor with a treatable ailment and being born with a degenerative disease that has a 100% mortality rate in childhood (what this kid has).
And I am a big government Democrat who thinks we should have single payer, or at least a public option and thinks Trumpcare is retarded.
The parents need to let go and get making a non spazzed white baby.
Hokuto Shinken is unbeatable
>who gave you the authority to decide whether people live or die.
God decided the kid should die. We defy Him by keeping the brain dead kid on life support.
Do you really think he would have led a fullfilling life if he had been cured? He was too far gone.
Because we are full, now fuck off.
This is literally an argument against socialized healthcare lol.
>mitochondrial defect
>is going to die regardless
>treat him like a guinea pig
>not opt for palliative care and let him go peacefully
Socialized medicine is shit, but fucking hell let the boy go
>You aren't god
Says you