Will the Trump cultists commit suicide or turn to violence when they Father figure goes down?
Will the Trump cultists commit suicide or turn to violence when they Father figure goes down?
will the marxist cultists commit suicide or turn to violence when their anxiety attacks get too frequent?
I am a never trumper not a marxist. I cant wait to see Trump humiliated. The man is already a punchline He will be remembered as a failure and his supporters will go down as members of a personality cult
>Father figure goes down?
Trump has already won 2020. Its gonna be fun watching next election debates while he makes fun of his opponents Russia conspiracys
At the rate dems are going its looking good for JR 2024 too
as opposed to people who live off the taxes of the working class
shitheads - absolutely fucking worthless people
Who let stupid niggers on this site?
Then Ivanka after Jr., its gonna be a trump dynasty and by them hopefully most dems will have found the rope.
>when they Father figure
>they Father
Wew, lad. Go be black somewhere else.
rally behind pence probably
Republicans are already lookimg at candidates to run against him in 2020. Plus Trump hates the job if the stress and KFC dont kill him he wont want to run.
Its caled the ignorant poor. If you dontnhelp them they will rob you and revolt. Long term giving them food and letting them live in squalor is a cheaper solution.
The same people who let ignorant nazi wanna be bitch asses on.
>Implying this isn't what we wanted
Impeaching trump will lead to civil war.
when that doesnt happen how will you kill yourself
>when they Father figure goes down?
spoken like a nigger
If this is not an ironic meme, then the hateful regressive Left is more batshit than I thought
>when they Father figure
Nigger extremely detected
Ya no watmasayin honkey
Christ, the level of transference is astronomical.
If maybe next time they could concentrate on getting the woman, black, gay, muslim, hispanic, trans, abortion, open border, climate change and fag bathroom vote.. They could win!
Only liberals were voting to get rich.
The republicans were voting financially to not be taxed into becoming poorer
>pictured: 4 doofs
>reality: +60M gun-owners
Cowardly leftycucks know if it ever did come to blows they'd be sat down so fucking hard their spine would shoot out of their collective skull
GOD IS OUR FATHER FIGURE. he can't go down - that's the whole point of him you psychotic atheist liberal twat.
...literally said by zero whites.
OTOH, remember all the niggers saying they no longer had to pay bills when Obama won?
We get it..
All muslims are terrorist,
All Liberals are pedophiles.
Dear nigger, get your story straight. Are "nazis" dumb links or mastermind brain-hackers?
Also, you nu-pol lads had better be staging this shit.
That cognitive dissonance when socialist swines claims to be pro-working class, yet they hate Trump supporters. Go to your overpaid diversity professor to help you with that.
transference? Niggers are famous for not knowing how to conjugate
>all the niggers saying they no longer had to pay bills when Obama won?
It certainly made for some entertaining jewtube video
>reality: +60M gun-owners
Closer to 100 million owners own over 300 million firearms. Half million in machine guns alone
Machine guns only
'Pre 86 (transferables): 175,977
Sales Samples (pre May keepers): 17,020
Restricted 922(o) (posties): 297,667
Daily reminder that even Forbes knows the Day of the rope is coming:
>unarchived shill archive.is
>up to 6 ppl put their dick in that
Let that sink in.
shut up nigger
>All Liberals are pedophiles.