Why is this continent so poor. Without saying "niggers"

Why is this continent so poor. Without saying "niggers".

Or well, is it actually as poor as they say.

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The natives being unable of planning more than a few days ahead (at best).

Malaria will kill anybody that tries to irrigate without modern techniques and there is food growing in every tree and under every rock plus the weather is always warm so there is no need to build anything. Its the Garden of Eden

It a giant jungle with so many types of malaria that if you migrate a fuckin mile you die.

In other worlds it a environment that discourages change and progress.

When they were colonies the europeens built almost no insdustries and were forced to grow coton and other monoculture. So when they gained their independence they had nothing to built a nation

I dont think Libya exists anymore. Map needs fixing.

Except it does

India has Malaria. South Africa doesn't.

>there is food growing in every tree and under every rock plus the weather is always warm so there is no need to build anything
Availability of food and decent weather didn't stop the Mayans, Aztecs or Incas from building stuff.


Colonialism. You know the white man with years of systematic oppression made the Africans the way they are now.

what did they do the 18 centuries before europeans went there tho

inb4 pyramids n shit

OP wants an answer, but not the answer that is the answer, but some other answer even OP already know that another answer isn't the answer simply because xe knows that the answer xe don't want IS the answer

Dumbass, Africans were fucked LONG before colonialism. Look at the Kingdom of Kongo


It's too big. Seriously, it's too goddamn big. The DRC is like the size of all of Eastern Europe put together or 1/3 of continental USA. Full of jungle. And the ability to integrate a country through logistics infrastructure determines it's wealth generating potential. I'm talking roads, etc.

The reason the USA got to rise to first world power is because they managed to integrate a continental territory with a mesh of roads. China and India, two countries populated since ancient times, are just now managing to get this shit done (and they are faced with challenges much less substantial than Africa's). In Brazil, we settled the entire coast before expanding into the countryside, exactly for logistical reasons.

There are of course a lot of other historical or even demographic reasons, but the main reason why they have lagged behind so much since decolonization is this.

Haven't the colonialists left behind infrastructure the natives can use? Instead, it's simply rotting.

Easy. I read this not too long ago in the Wealth of Nations. Africa has a lot of navigable rivers, but these rivers are not well enough connected, meaning it's quite a bit harder to transfer goods and trade via sea. There is also the fact that the rivers are too far apart, meaning that you can't comfortably use rivers as a trade lifeline. However, this is only one reason. Another reason that could be used is the fact that unlike Europe, many African countries have wildly swinging climates. If you go north-south across Cameroon, you cross through desert into rainforests. This variation in climate means that it's not easy to navigate, let alone develop quickly. Speaking of natural features, African rainforest is a bitch to build in, as a lot of it is swampy, mountainous and unstable. There's some other reasons but I can't name them off the top of my head.

I'm guessing some countries got a better deal than others and managed to somewhat take care of it, like South Africa. The DRC on the other hand was basically a labor camp / playground for Leopold II, so no wonder they are so fucked today. But yeah, africans were not taught how to maintain whatever infrastructure they were left with, and they never bothered to learn it and that's a BIG factor in their slow development to this day.

The people on that continent exhibit "negro" adaptations and behavious, necessary to survive in a land of fruit bearing tress and edible roots.

Leaving out the lable "poor", those people are doing extremely well in sustaining their bloodlines in the harsh, uncomfortable hell that is eden.


This desu

Ghana was fortunate

>Why is this continent so poor. Without saying "niggers".
Evil white psychic way-sism! I can make a black person feel scared 11 times in under a second without even touching him!

Because of shit leaders supported by the USA, UK and USSR

Here's one explanation

>they never bothered to learn it
I wonder why.

>Why is this continent so poor. Without saying "niggers".
that's like asking why can we see without saying "light"

i must stress this isnt white hate. just a accurate assessment of whats happened

western nations colluded with each other to prevent any one else from ever climbing up the ranks .this was as successful in some cases but in others en tire regions were stalled out

africa falls under a few different restrictive measures. from colonization which exported wealth over generations under the threat of violence at the hands of europe to the more modern protection of the rain forest and endangered species and UN measures to restrict development of 3rd world nations through issuing carbon credits which apparently cannot be cashed in so they gave impoverished nations monopoly money and hoped nobody would ever try to use it

nature hasnt helped 1 bit either. aids and other diseases and drought cycles has prevented population growth and is probably responsible for some ethnic cleansing. fears (that insert name of african group) are spreading aids or famine putting people at each others throats

africa got it worse than any other region. south america almost ended up like africa but long ago they rebelled. many of the same modern situations they had to fight in order to develop. if more mineral wealth had been stolen no telling if they would have even got as far as they did by the current point in time

What is the answer to two plus two? Without saying "four".

>Africa is shit because whites fucked them over
And how did they end up in a letting-themselves-get-fucked situation?

Because of the harsher winters, hostile large predators, lower abundance of game, alpine lower food availability, frequent sporadic plagues, lesser sunlight, and shorter growing seasons.
Oh wait that's prehistoric-medieval Europe, nevermind.

No tameable horses and no guns. Foundaries in Europe are and have always been the best in the world.

Be Germany
>Get destroyed econimically in WW1
>Recover almost conquer the world in WW2
>Get razed and no money
>Come now they are top economy in EUrope

>No tameable horses
>European foundries are the best in the world
Poor Africans are foundry-challenged :'(

Massive amounts of it is just rural areas

The big cities are just as rich and advanced as the rest of the world (ofc they wont quite reach the standards of Scandinavia wich has the highest standards of living)

The poverty mainly comes from politicians selling out to foreign companys

If you really think zebras are same as horses you're retarded
And yes, the colonial game was over well before it started, Europe wins because they were pressure to git gud at life to survive, negroes are stupid because they didn't need to

>If you really think zebras are same as horses you're retarded
How do they differ, my friend? Do you think horses have always been domesticated?

>negroes are stupid
What point do you think I'm trying to make?

Rampaging coons

>If you really think zebras are same as horses you're retarded

Horses weren't always domesticated either. Dogs used to be literal wolves.


Short memory desu senpai

Zebras are much harder to domesticate for two simple reasons:
1. The enviroment they evolved in had plenty of predators many of which hunt in packs (lions, hyenas) or by themselves (cheetahs) which basically made them expert at escaping, you can't lasso a zebra like you can lasso a horse because they're experts at getting away, it's just in their nature not to get trapped.

2. Horses have family values, they travel together and if you can tame the "alpha" horse the entire horse "pack" (i have no idea for how these things are called) will follow, you don't need to waste energy taming each horse, just tame the alpha one and you're good to go. Zebras, on the other hand, have no such thing, they travel in packs because it's a good survival strategy against their predators (if they catch someone else, i can escape) so even if by some miracle you manage to capture a zebra the rest will escape, this just does not work for domestication.

So yeah, negroes lost the game before it even started.

To add to the natural affinity for escape of the zebra, the one predator that doesn't hunt them in packs (cheetah) is also sanic fast, so yeah, try and tame animal built to escape from something like that with rope and spears and see how you fare.

Several reasons:

1) The sub-Saharan African population is among the lowest IQ populations on earth. IQ measures, at it's core, how complex an idea you can understand. They are, for lack of a better term, simpler people than most on earth.

This led to the inability to centrally plan anything, preventing widespread creation of farms and cities, the development of trade routes, the domestication of animals and the extermination of large predators, etc.

Chief among these issues was the inability to reliably domesticate large animals and native grains. From Mesopotamia to the Indus Valley, from China to France, domestication of crops and animals (both as work animals and as food) have been the cornerstone of advanced civilizations. Domestication means permanence, permanence drives construction of better buildings, the creation of irrigation systems, and eventually allows economic specialization. If you can't get "step 1" down, you'll build a civilization.



2) When Europeans began carving up Africa and developing colonies, these colonies were not to be replications of Europe. They were primarily designed to extract resources from the land and then get them out of the country and onto ships bound for European factories as quickly and cheaply as possible.

In other words, Europeans "strip-mined" everything. The infrastructure that remained after colonization ended was dedicated to resource extraction and export. Contrast that to the northeastern American colonies that were home to thriving cities with diversified industries. Even the American south, originally settled in the Caribbean plantation style, still suffers to this day from the extract-and-export model. Only recently has the south seen a rise in tech jobs, manufacturing, and more.

3) Africa was carved up by geography, not by ethnicity. So when Europeans left, you had tribes scattered across several new nation-states. The borders were artificially created, and this has thrown together various ethnic groups, with thousands of years of hatred for each other living, in the same borders.

Ethnic cleansings, civil wars, and continued tribal warfare plague the continent. In many ways, this is similar to the Mandate System in the Middle East, which is one primary reason the Middle East is riven with violence to this day.

redpill me on biafra

the markets will expand there. give it time.

You're wrong on both counts.
>1. The environment they evolved in had plenty of predators many of which hunt in packs
The same could be said for horses. The difference is humanity wiped out most of it's evolutionary competition everywhere except Africa. The only reason the Zebra still has so many predators today is because African natives did such a bad job at wiping out threats. Further, you're an idiot if you think horses aren't experts at evading capture. You forget that rodeo skills such as lassoing are culturally developed practices that took literal Millenia to get into their current form. Anyone well trained in horse capture could take a zebra just as easily.
>2. Horses have family values, they travel together and if you can tame the "alpha" horse the entire horse "pack"
That is absolutely not how horses work. They do share a herding instinct with zebras, and it developed from the same root cause. "If I'm surrounded by others, I won't get eaten." Most horse herds do have an alpha mare or small alpha group, but it serves little purpose beyond steering the herd's movements and keeping primary watch. Breaking an alpha will have no effect on the herd beyond dispersing it temporarily.