CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’
CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’
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wtf, bump
Literally everyone knows this already.
>“We thought there would be a revolution. It would go all the way to the top, to President Bush. He’d be dragged out of the White House.
>“But none of that happened. Almost nobody questioned anything. The media shot down anyone who dared question anything they were told.”
we will never forget that our government killed 3000+ citizens on 9/11
Good, now he can burn in hell for the people this cuntrag killed. Fuck him
wasted trips
confession is confession, corroboration is corroboration
this, 100%
>“When the building came down, it was such a rush. Everything went exactly to plan. It was so smooth. Everybody was evacuated. Nobody was hurt in WTC 7. We were celebrating.
>We kept watching replays of the demolition, we had the whiskey and cigars out, and then all of a sudden the strangest thing happened.
>We all started to worry that it looked a bit too smooth. We watched the tape again and again and again and we started to get paranoid. It looked like a controlled demolition. We thought shit, people are going to question this.
> And then we heard that people from the street were reporting that they heard the explosions during the afternoon.
>When we were told that the BBC botched their report and announced to the world that the building collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did… At that point we really thought the gig was up.”
And people called me crazy and paranoid when I said 9/11 was an inside job.
>If the official narrative was true, WTC 7 would be the first tall building in the world to ever collapse due to uncontrolled fires, and the only steel skyscraper in the world to have collapsed into itself, due to “office fires.”
>“Follow the money."
>"When you want to find out who is behind something, just follow the money. Look at the trades made just before 9/11. These are the guys that knew what was coming.
>The sons of CIA agents, government officials. Close relatives of the most powerful men in America. Cheney, Rumsfeld. They all got rich.
>It wasn’t just the contracts awarded to their friends in the construction business and the wars and the kickbacks.
>It was insider trading.”
can anyone find a video or recording of this
Lol, try asking an American over the age of 50 what happened. Boomers are worthless shit.
also, not ruling out the jews yet
Hypothetically, what would have happened if the planes just hit, but there were no planted explosives in the towers? Would the towers just not collapse?
Read the last few paragraphs, the Jewish politicians in control were definitely behind it.
The planes would disintegrate and a few floors would be fucked, MAYBE something would explode and set the building on fire, they would never fall due to being on fire though.
There is literally no person in this country that didn't already know this. Sage.
Reminder normans never gave this the love it deserved
>inb4 reddit link
i got shamed out of being a 911 tinfoil hatter for saying exactly this kind of shit IRL
don't really care anymore
i wish we had a smoking gun
stop with this meme already. it's been proven that jet fuel CAN melt steel beams
I didn't know LARPing was popular among the elderly.
Really gets your synaptic clefts a-flowin'
Oh wowzers like we all didn't know that
Rot in hell cunt
Great. Now what?
Also, remember the laughable attack on pentagon? And the great capturing of Bin Laden? Yeah.. look the niggers are coming
a plane crashed into the empire state building in the 50s and thats what happened
Thanks for coming clean and letting us know though. May God have mercy on your soul.
What was the revolution they thought would happen?
Bush looked like an incompetent boob for letting it happen so he's kicked out of office? Then what? I wish he would of elaborated on the revolution they wanted.
I call hoax because we all know raccoons can't melt steel beans.
This site, though I wish the headlines were true, is starting to irritate me.
>Darwin confessed evolution is false on deathbed
>Hitler confessed Jews were superior on deathbed
>Martin Luther converted back to Catholicism on Deathbed
Any 'deathbed confession' is automatically bullshit.
Literally everyone whom isn't wedded to The Narrative out of fear/pride/stupidity already knows all this.
Those whom still believe the Official Government Conspiracy Theory are a tiny minority.
he he, this was reported in swedish media, due to structural weakening they had to demolish it.
>demolishing a building requiers alot of work setting up
So... They knew in advance to set the building up with explosives?
>CIA Agent
Is there proof for him having worked at the CIA?
And if there is, what was his job?
The past 2 years way too many americans who claimed to have been former CIA agents ended up being either pencil pushers or so low that they wouldn't know anything of importance
>pic related
They never had the innernette. Truthers had to struggle with posters and newsletters and such, instead of having this tool at their disposal.
Deep State/Shadow Government,Mossad(2 Sides),Saudi's,Al-Q,MIC & the MSM were all involved.
It was a Heist,Coup,Distraction & Domino Effect
[Did a thread on 9/11:
Large Drones(could be mistaken for Planes) were used to hit the Towers & Pentagon. All Planes on TV & the "Amateur footage" were faked.
Towers were taken down by Charges in key areas around the structure, Thermite on the Core columns & Mini-Nukes in the Foundations.
Building 7 was "cleaned up" & then self-destructed.
>deathbed confessions can be admissable in court
>automatically bullshit
choose one
We have a contender!
This desu. If the CIA wanted to oust a president there are an infinite number of better ways to do so.
>Author: Baxter Dimitry
Well, I'm totally convinced. The CIA is clearly corrupt and a threat to world peace. Clearly they were behind the maidan and the Ukranian revolution too, and have been staging a campaign of aggression against Russia.
this amerikaner speaks the truth, especially anything coming from former CIA are to be taken with a mountain of salt
These beams?
Shill detected. Also, I thought Hitler killed himself kike? Try and keep your narratives straight
>Every american knows that you're just slaves to be killed for money on behest of the elite
Then why hasn't there been a revolution?
That's true, but all the same, it makes my blood boil when I talk about this with my dad and he just shakes his head and says, "nah" when I bring up the bbc, freefall speeds, wmd aftermath... he literally thinks it was Bin Laden. It's inexcusable stupidity.
Do we have a better source than YourNewsWire? A tape of this guy talking? A name?
The other day someone posted a YourNewsWire article about Lindsey Lohan saying Heath Ledger was killed by Hollywood Jews for being a wildcard and too popular. As believable as that is the reporting was dubios tabloid tier trash.
And as true as 9-11 being done by CIA/Mossad is - We're going to need something better than a tabloid paper.
Fucking bullshit, that even the CIA expects a retaliation but here we are 16 years later.
just look at the (((Silverstein))) guy that bought the WTC a short time before 911 and put a full cover insurance against terrorism on that building. He got billions out of that shit, i'ts pretty damn obvious what happened.
Give me a non satire source
>part of a 4 man cell to ensure the demolition was successful and nobody would be the wiser
>plan involves nanothermite
>go through with it
>"shit guys, do you think theyll find traces of thermite"
I guess he was retarded. Sage.
Please... it was textbook Jewish lighting
>We're going to need something better than a tabloid paper.
My uncle works at Nintendo and he says it's true. Game boy advance was outselling the GameCube and the world need an excuse to stay inside and be complacent, not go outside and enjoy life.
Yeah trust me I went through this same process with a few people I love, I don't bring it up anymore. Some people just DO NOT WANT TO KNOW, and accepting that was a huge hurdle for me.
Your father is too afraid to confront the fact that he's been lied to his whole life by the system. Ego is a trap.
Fake and gay. You do more to harm questions than anything.
>I want my family to die from the retaliation
Yeah, totally real.
Alliance niggers! Show yourself pls.
I want to join. Fuck the financial slave system.
Any actual evidence? I tried googling it and there's no coverage of it, even by usual conspiracy sites. Looks like real fake news.
The article you posted is the only report of this interview taking place. If it were true the implications would be world shattering and it would be everywhere within an hour. It's bullshit.
The author argues that the motivation for the CIA staging the 9/11 attacks was making money off insider trading. That seems a little farfetched. The article linked as evidence talks about trades totaling 2-5 millions of dollars. That's a lot of money, but I don't think the CIA would go to these lengths for 7 figures.
Far more likely the government wanted to go to war. Why they wanted to invade Afghanistan is fucking beyond me. Iraq has oil at least but that was 4 years after the attacks.
The alleged confession says he worked on the project for 4 years. That's Clinton and Bush, 4 years of preparing a massive domestic attack all for what, a somewhat strategic shithole in the middle east that we left a few years later?
All the evidence points to conspiracy but there's no motive.
i don't think he means a literal deathbed confession but last words, last letters, anything shortly before death
Fun fact about Hitler's last words
>he gave 4 different political testaments to 4 of his closest who would flee Berlin
>everyone of those 4 thought they're the only one who has hitler's last words
>only 1 ended up with the allies
>russia claims they don't even have one
>nobody knows where the other 3 ended up
>after a very long time the allies decided that there is only one despite documents in the german archives listing 4 different ones that have been given out
>MFW we will never really know Hitler's last lines
>TFW we will never know why Hitler wrote 4 different ones and why he told everyone of the 4 people that only one exists.
what did he mean by this?
It's almost as if you're oblivious at how incompetent feds can be, and how historically they've always done shady shit that Joe Schmuck wasn't ever supposed to no about - but again due to incompetence someone always finds out and leaks info to others.
>a tiny minority
You obviously haven't talked to the majority of US citizens.....
thats the joke dumb nigger
to see if fucktards believing in every single bullshit without checking will fall for it like hitler's berlin wall
lots of people dead, a towering inferno, but buildings mostly standing, or if they were to fall, a much bigger massacre, for it would have tipped some (I imagine the top part would slide into another building, the bottom remaining)
>Jews control the media
>Jews helped plan and execute 9/11
>If this was true wouldn't more media outlets cover this
Ishygddity diggity Costanza.png
why wasnt it released
Is this suppose to be news on Sup Forums? This is old news.
>Why they wanted to invade Afghanistan is fucking beyond me.
You're why nobody takes right wing news sites seriously.
This is fake news designed to make those that don't toe the party line look stupid.
Not the big networks but there are dozens of independent outlets that would pick up on this if there was any actual evidence that it took place
if it was just done to make a few kikes rich why hasnt trump exposed this yet?
The problem Im haveing is that every big country, like china, russia, uk etc knows it was an inside job, but nobody is saying anything. Why? Does this have economic reasons? Are the elite this mingled into global politics that they are threatining other countries or have some code they rule by?
>pull 9/11
>invade Afghanistan
>reap opium
>import the opium
>cause opioid epidemic that causes everyone to die/kill each other
Am I schizo or is the rabbit hole actually this deep?
this is literally a fake news clickbait site
No jet fuel burns at a temperature too low to melt steel beams. There was liquid metal spraying from the buildings before they collapsed which is why people say something else must have taken them down
>wmd aftermath
lol i bet daddy is proud of his moronic retard son XDDDD
face it bro bin laden did 9/11. dont fall for the 9/11 conspiracy memes
A revolution if people weren't retarded sheep. The masses believed it so there was no revolution.
>Muslims crash planes into buildings
>March on Washington
seems legit
Is it true that this is a satire site nor not?
They didn't want that. They did it for money. They thought because it was so obvious that the masses would see through it and go after Bush.
sounds plausible enough user, maybe thats why politicians have only recently pretended like they care about the opiod epidemic that has been effecting the nation for years. It just seems like a way to steer the conversation towards keeping Obamacare because PEOPLE WILL DIE, because that seems to be one of the hills democrats want to die on
of course, but 9/11 conspiracy people really will believe literally anything. i always laugh at these threads.
a challenger appears
what do you mean? one of the four testaments can be read at NARA and
and the document stating that 4 different ones were written and given to 4 different people (named) can be read at the bundesrachiv
>totally different plane crashes into a totally different building in a totally different decade yet these events are 100% identical which proves my tinfoil conspiracy 100%.
Wew lad
> troll the world with your dying breath
fucking based
I don't want to give too much detail but an immediate family member was enlisted and aware of non public US defense capabilities. DECADES AGO.
This persons opinion. Given the tech even back then. MAYBE ONE plane could have gotten through if it was a true attack.
Afghanistan didn't have a central bank before 911.
>I don't want to give too much detail
This translates to "I'm making all of this up"
Jet fuel is sort of half way between diesel and kerosene.
Doesnt burn very hot at all.
Its not uncommon for airports to use diesel engines in all their maintenance vehicles so they can run them on the same fuel as the planes.
holy shit! until i read this i've seen this picture a thousand times and always thought this is overlapping stretched skin or some weird effect from starving
ITT: The World Championships of LARPing
There are YUGE rare earth elements in the mountains of Afghanistan. Think of the coming wave of electric cars/homes that need REEs for battery production.
It all has to do with Iran (and their removal, for Israel). The opium is a side-gig that helps fund their agendas