Why didn't you take the rand pill? He was very clearly /our guy/ all along.
Why didn't you take the rand pill? He was very clearly /our guy/ all along
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(((libtardarian))) yeah, no thanks
Is he the dude whose pictures always depict him stuffing his mouth with food ?
no that's kasich, soros' bitch.
how can i support a man that needs a booster seat to see over the steering wheel of a car?
I align with his stance on issues 80-90%. He's ma man. His healthcare positions are legit af.
He'll run after Trump.
We'll need some meme magic tho
Same problem as Gowdy...WTF hair?
he was mocked by Sup Forums cuz he's a manlet
even tho 90% of Sup Forums are niggers, mexicans, sandniggers and proper manlets roleplaying as aryans
Sup Forumstards don't give a fuck about policies or real discussion, they're manchildren
the candidate with the highest meme potential will always prevail
Once Rand learns the art of 4d chess then he'll be ready.
If he was 5 inches taller he would be a good pres
Make Rand Stand Again
Sup Forums is retarded
i was always a randlet fanatic
If Sup Forums gave a fuck about policy they would be more critical of Trump's administration
>He got us out of some TPP bullshit
Whoopie, he signed a thing that smarter people gave him that any populist would have done. Look at how stupidly he's trying to barrel a worse version of Obamacare through the Senate.
Prior to Trump's announcement speech a large faction of Sup Forums were firmly in the Rand camp. Trump's anti immigration stance was just more appealing to our sensibilities than Rand's libertarianism at the time.
A Ron Paul presidency was the best chance lolbertarians had and he failed.
lol he's 5"3
>the candidate with the highest meme potential will always prevail
Oh no! wrong image mods sorry
Rand would get less of his agenda accomplished than Drumf. More ppl pouring across the borders as well
The deep state would bend him over
So would corporations because 'muh capitalism'
Rand is a curly headed poodle fgt
Because I'm smart enough to know that lolbertarianism will always fail in a diverse democracy.
First authoritarian regime to rid the country of undesirables, then we can have a white society based on nature law
I did
it was obvious though that we needed someone like Trump in order to even have a chance at winning
without Trump it would have been Jeb/Rubio with the conservative vote being split between Cruz and Paul and like five others
Because Randlet is a manlet. That's literally what it boils down to.
Americans don't want leaders who are 4 foot tall.
Libertarianism is the biggest blue pill, is why. Free markets collapse big government swoops in and saves them. His ideas are as ignorant as Sarah Palin's.
He was boring as flying fuck during the primary debates, and he got what he deserved.
I put in my time and effort for his father in 2012, and I knew he wasn't going to be nearly as ideologically pure. Still I was eager, EAGER to back Rand Paul for president, if he would just Do Something that would catch the public eye and media interest.
But I didn't canvas for him. He didn't. He couldn't inspire someone to do jack, and he had a pre-made grassroots army already there willing to pitch in, if he didn't suck so much.
By that I mean ideology aside. He. Was. BORING. He relied on his one little filibuster bullshit that got him 5 seconds of media notice that happened months prior to the primaries, as the means of having a coupld people know he exists, and aside that did nothing special to set himself as apart from the crowd of other candidates. Until Trump, who was like a color in a sea of gray. Rand? Rand was boring as shit.
No one gave a damned about Rand Paul in 2016.
Thus why I didn't "take the Rand pill."
Rand Paul is jewish and libertarianism was literally invented by the jews. He is the very antithesis of our guy.
Look up Rand's mother. She is a full fledged hook nosed, curly haired kike.
Pro-tip: if a government swoops in to save a failing business, it wasn't really a free market to begin with. Businesses must be allowed to fail for the free market to function properly.
If only he wasn't a manlet...
>Look at how stupidly he's trying to barrel a worse version of Obamacare through the Senate.
99D Chess
screencap this
i can fap to this.
Rand took the Russian pill
If Rand got in Mexicans and Pajeets would fill up every job imaginable
And I guarantee the deep state would pressure him into war
(((Rand Paul))) the most faggoty jew holy shit SAGE
>the candidate with the highest meme potential will always prevail
Yes, as the most charismatic and likeable people usually have done since the dawn of time.
He was, but he stood up against Trump.
If he was electable I'd totally be for him, his dad was better though
kill yourself
Libertarianism can only work in a culturally and ethnically homogeneous society. I like Rand, but we need helicopter rides first.
no, that's rubio, bush's bitch.
A man that short in politics put into a position of power like that is either going to have a serious case of little man syndrome or he's going to be a "y-you too," guy. I don't find either of those qualities to be what I want in a leader. I want someone strong. Besides, this is all irrelevant anyways. The powers that should not be likely purposely neutralized the Pauls and brought in Johnson and Stein to hurt the platform.
>"What is Aleppo?"
>"Don't call them illegal immigrants!"
>"But isn't that what they are?"
>"Well, technically, that is correct."
>"Donate for the recount, suckers!"
It'll be awhile before the party will ever be taken seriously again by average Americans.
Women would never vote for randlet. He would have bombed hard against Hillary.
He ain't my guy, pal
This was one of his better moments. You can see Tapper squirming hard in his seat as their narrative gets exposed.
>B-b-but muh NASA website.