Be me, 24 year old non-muslim in turkey

>be me, 24 year old non-muslim in turkey
>"reeee get out of our country youo infidel fuck!"
>well, shit. better get out before they decapitate me.
>go to europe
>"reeeee get out of out country you muslim goatfucker!"
what do?

go to Kurdistan and help your neighboors to kill ISIS while fucking some kurdish apes for lulz.

Settle for the best of both worlds: Move to Germany

turks ther emight also decapitate me there but i guess it is worth a shot.
it is not like i have something to lose anyways.

Germany is an islamic country


already on it, don't you worry.

Are there any secular political parties left in Turkey or has Erdogan imprisoned them all?

there is one, but they are fucking socialists and are weak as hell. there is basically no hope, just nuke turkey already.
maybe with the upcoming presidental election there will be a proper guy, but it is highly unlikely.

I think you know the answer, after all you posted a picture of it.

You can convert to christianity (even on paper, it doesn't matter) and move to a southern European country that has turkish minorities which are secular, such as Greece, Turkey, or Spain. (basically the Turks that voted no in the referendum in Europe) I think Greece actually has a repatriation program for turks that are christian.

I hear German Turks are absolute trash tier, don't go there.

shit meant Italy, Greece or Spain, also Portugal.

i was also thinking of chaning my name to a christian name in addition to being christian. it could work as i look pretty white. might even weasel my way into a few nationalist movements.

Embrace Allah or prepare your anus

Move to Rinkeby


come on bitch, i will kill a sandnigger any day

Go fight for Assad. There was a volunteer legion last I checked.

is it really treason when your country denounces you and wants you to die though?

>I hear German Turks are absolute trash tier,
Can confirm.

they voted yes in the referendum like the faggots they are.

>tfw you encouraged this guy to go fight for assad and your own govt drops a bomb on him

You think you have it bad?

> be me, Christian in Iraq
> "get out you chr*stian"
> go to America
> "get out Captain A-rab"


What do

don't come please.

kill them first roach person.
Getting explosives shouldn't be the problem, detonators are maybe another story, but not impossible. Blow up lower targets which will not make national or regional news and proceed from there. Also, don't be a moron and learn to OPSEC

fair enough, I've got my Raid bottle and by Allah I shall prevail

well i got this beast of a machine.

You can thank your mudslime neighbors for that shit.

well, that's not how we fuck goats anyway

what do we do though?
how do we get out of this shithole?

how bout this then?

you should ask your beloved Caliph about that, he literally created ISIS and if not for the US protection and his barbaric supporters, he should have been dead long ago

OP is a sissy cuck

you are right tho.
he is why i wanna gtfo of turkey.

last time i checked, we werent the ones who were taking in syrian rapefugees by the thousands.

Go to Georgia or Armenia

Did you go to school? Did you have a good education?

software engineer with a master on evolutionary algorithms (aka artificial intelligence)

Just neck yourself m8
A roach less is a win in my book

Let me be perfectly honest with you here.

If you make an effort to learn german (as perfectly as humanly possible) and get a job and invest yourself into the german culture you can stay.. Don't expect people to welcome you though. Many germans have made bad experiences with roaches and they will see you as the enemy or at least not someone to be comfortable with.

If you tell them your story they will be chill about it. Get some other secular turks together and stand up against muslim assholes.

Move to Aus and open a kebab shop.

Go to Germany, there serach many guys in Softwre engineer. And say you get killed when you go back to turkey

Deal with it, cunt. You're not wanted or needed in Europe.

Eat fucking shit Hans and neck yourself. He can not stay under literally any circumstances.

dude, as long as it doesn get in the way of me getting employement, i am fairly okay with mild discrimination.
i am already fairly fluent in german, can definitely improve though.
i am more than okay with living a german life.

Tell me why can't live here?

He'd be an actual help for fighting the shit-skins. We need as many secular turks as we can get. If a german fights against muslims it's discrimination. If a turk fights against muslims he fights for his freedome. (In the eyes if the media anyway.)

Also on a genetical level: I don't know where comes from, but the smarter turks (mostly from around antalia) are litarally another race compared to goatfuckers. They got a lighter skin, are bigger have a broader jawline and smaller ears.

well, my skin is pale white, i just have brown eyes but other than that i look exactly like a white person.

>I'm a shit skin that is hated by both Europoors and Roaches.
Maybe try moving to India and just socially appose Mooslums and support local Hindus Sikh groups? Or go to Easter Europoor land where there are less 'refugees' and wear something with a cross on it so you stand out from the rest of the shit skins? I hope this was helpful, good luck roach user and don't get honor killed.

Also what maid you think you'd escape Islam in Western Europe? Have you not been paying attention?

We don't want Muslims and we don't want non Europeans.

Turks are not European.

Most 'secular Turks' and their mongrel children will side with other Turks and ethnics, and they'll vote to let more of their countrymen into Germany. You're retarded.

>Also what maid you think you'd escape Islam in Western Europe? Have you not been paying attention?
while there are ghettos and islamist shitholes in parts of europe, you can still find little neighborhoods that are clean of muslims even in countries like sweeden and germany.
but my real hope is the nationalistic movements growing in europe, hope they kick the shit out of all mudslimes out of europe once and for all. i am just planning for the future.

not in my household.
i am not having my child supporting erdogan. i would rather die.

Go to Canada mate, you'll get headpats for being brown and can hide out in the LGBTP's safespaces if shit ever gets real.

So if someone saw you and you asked him: "Am I a h'whitey or a Turk"? What would the response be?

i don't know, i never asked.
what would you call someone who shares all white traits except blue/green eyes?
I reckon they would say i that i am white until i tell them of my heritage.

except i am not brown...
also, how many muslims are there in canada?
i am trying to flee from muslims, it would be pointless for me to go to canada if there are just as much muslims there...

You're getting dodgy about it. Literally no one disqualifies people from being white based on eye color alone.

well, then they would call me white i think.

It doesn't matter if you're an out-liar, what matters is the precedent that it sets to allow Turks into Germany in the first place. Also, if your kid didn't support Turkey that isn't to say his kids wouldn't. Stay in your own damn country.

Just 'convert' to Christianity, let everyone know you masturbate to Mustafa Kemal every night and over all distance yourself from Muslims and you should be socially accepted. Or you could just come to Freedom Land and pretend your a Latin American.

There's nothing wrong with hanging around Germany but I wouldn't make it a permanent residency as the place is going full 1984.

Well ask around few times and see what the reply is. If everyone says you're white then you're not Turk proper because you didn't just pop up in Turkey from vacuum, you were born to parents similar to you, and so were they etc.

well, i cannot be held responsible for my grandchildren unless i have a parenta influence over them. and if i do, they would not side with erdogan.

>come to Freedom Land and pretend your a Latin American.
that could work actually.

i actually have a dutch heritage from my father's side, and some greek influence from my mother's side. that genetic mishap is to be expected if your ancestors lived as a part of a multi ethnic empire.
i don't think there is such a thing as a "proper turk" anymore. maybe only the people who lived on top of solitary mountains are real turks. but i think the population of turkey %75 sandnigger &10 kurdish and the rest being related to eastern europe in some way.

Tell people you're not a Muslim; or claim you're a Greek

go Europe get baptized in a church ask for asylum.

Go to Sweden and bathe in nordpuss