Is he really doing as good as you thought he would?

Is he really doing as good as you thought he would?

He is doing horribly. I honestly regret voting for him.

Even better. The maltdowns are a bonus

Yes. Everyone knows the swamp will take time to drain.

wheres muh wall?

even better

Days without being a national embarrassment: 0

He pisses off liberals, he's doing fine.

His personal conduct is about what I expected (not good). The policies he's pursued have been largely more conservative than I had any right to expect, which is good.


So far, bretty good.

Just hope he has endurance.

He just got funding for it dipshit, a giant wall takes time to plan and build

imagine the alternative

Nice try leaf

Draining 50 years of swamp takes time.

Good meme bro, impeach Drumpf

He is making obamaleaf have a mental breakdown so that's pretty funny. Seeing that autismo slowly devolve into a nutter has been something to behold since november.

lol NO
Obongo 2.0 same old same old neocon shit

Actually, he's outperforming my expectations. I supported him figuring full well he was going to be a blatant plant for the NWO. I was just happy to see the NWO finally showing some self-acceptance for their own retardation. Now that I've seen him in office, I figure he's only a subtle plant for the NWO, and may even be capable of having second thoughts about his allegiances.

yes. as much as he can do on his own, he's doing a spectacular job for only 6 months in

congress is fucking him and the party over for 2018 and on. they should've had taxes or healthcare done. that's why we voted them in, and as of a few days ago i've started becoming disappointingly enraged at congress

Honestly the best president in the past four decades
He's not controlled by either the Bush or Clinton families and is the first president in a while to actually stand up against globalist policies
Got us out of TPP, Paris Treaty and soon NAFTA, not to mention cracking down on immigration

hes great for keks but terrible at governing

try again



He is causing massive butthurt among liberals, which is all I ever hoped for.

OH NO! (((polls)))

BLAST! If only i didn't give a shit about the opinions of retards


You should be asking "Is he really doing as bad as you thought he would?"

> mental breakdown so that's pretty funny. Seeing that autismo slowly devolve into a nutter has been something to behold since november.

Fantastic, the economy is booming

He's meeting my expectations. He's made good on a lot of his promises, but he's he's also fucked up on some things

He's still not shillary! So yeah, top job!

If he removes hart cellar act and builds wall I'll be happy. I was disappointed that there wasn't a complete Muslim ban though

I didn't appreciate how far the deep state would go in their resistance and how easily the Democrats would jump in alongside them, but that factor only makes Trump's performance thus far even more impressive.

The NWO taking off in America is a pipe dream. Too much patriotism and a sense of nationalism that isn't easily destroyed.

actually better

Doing extremely well, even in spite of liberal corruption.

He's bretty good!


honestly, yeah. Hes doing what he said he would. Cant say i jerk him off at every turn. But, hes actually getting shit done.

This. People don't realize the president holds very little power compared to congress. Trump just needs to keep BTFOing cucks and he will succeed.

Let's face it. Both parties are dissatisfied with this President.

On the left side, it's obvious. They've always disliked him, and I don't need to explain why. Sure, for them Pence isn't much better, but it is a big milestone to get Trump out.

On the right, there's a bigger problem. You guys have all agreed he's a Jewish puppet. After the Syria strike, not fulfilling any campaign promises, and just bowing to leftist policies (that don't help either side anyway) it's clear that you all feel discontent with him as well.

You all on the right don't seem to have a problem with Pence, and it seems he is liked better than Trump on both sides. Everyone wins!

So why don't we work together? With the "meme magic" and weaponized autism from us Polers/4channers, the overall damage the opposition to Trump from the right will cause, and the protesting and help of the left, we can get this man out.

If we put our differences aside and work together towards this common goal, we can reach the 2/3 votes and more needed to kick Trump out and get Pence in. So what do you guys say?

The SHOTUS (shit poster) is doing great. He can sure cause some butthurt with just a few tweets and he hasn't really pulled any punches with the insults since he got in office. Couldn't really ask for better. Trump is great and I think he's exactly what we hoped for.

Why Americans take so much proud in being ally of Israel? Honest question... Israel is such a small country and yet Americans act like they owe Jews something

He literally JUST destroyed common core. Trump is doing fine. He isn't ideal but he's sure better than the alternatives. What is important is that we not allow our support of him to become cultish. The protests during the Syrian strikes reflected well on us.

>Let's face it.

You should try making it less formulaic.

Every one of your scripts is like babby's first persuasive writing monologue.

>Being this asshurt

Glad to see Obamaleaf was exactly as BTFO'd as the guy said.

Yes, but I'm not too happy with Republicans in congress. I'll likely vote against those in my area during the primaries.

>: One of the things with the wall is you need transparency. You have to be able to see through it. In other words, if you can’t see through that wall — so it could be a steel wall with openings, but you have to have openings because you have to see what’s on the other side of the wall.


>jewsih puppet

who the fuck agreed to this? I didn't , fucker.

This coming from the country ruled by 'kill them we lose' Trudeau lol. Get a GRIP on it leaf

can you imagine how unsuferable sjws, feminists, blm, antifa would be if Shillary won?
Thank Kek for Trump.

When is he going to bring down (((them)))? He seemed as if he was aiming to in the campaign. I want to see her locked up and Obama in prison by the end of his first term.

Not that easy sadly.

Not really, but it's still early in his term, and the traitors in GOP congress are doing everything they can to stop him.

Obamaleaf proving just how asshurt he is


To be honest, I am questioning whether he is going to do it at all or not now.

No way, Trump lied to you guys? Who could've seen that coming...

Time to get off the internet, David. Go powder your forehead and take your heart pills.

>Is he really doing as good as you thought he would?

He's walked on water, defied gravity since 2015. Not another soul on earth could have moved the baton as far as he already has, or will.

He's doing amazing. He's unstoppable.

No amount of DNC treason can stop him from getting things done

And here's another one.

Let's not forget that just this week he filed for $1.6 Billion in funding for a "real brick and mortar" border wall"

I kind of wish he worked faster desu

Then again, I don't know how much of that is because of him, or because of Dems and the media throwing shitfits every 5 nanoseconds because he's still alive.

I'm laughing everyday at u retards as CNN and the MSM continue to btfo Trump on Russia collusion and all u retards can do is mental gymnastics

Does pissing off liberals get conservatives' dick hard? I don't get it

Berniecrat here:
I think he's doing great. But not for the reason you think.
I theorized and hoped after the election that a guy like Trump would be impossible for the congress to work with. That he would get frustrated with the GOP congress and the two of them would be fighting eachother so much that they wouldn't get anything done.

So far that's happened. Both houses of congress full up and they can't pass a single godamn bill. The only things they've managed to do were via executive order (i.e. meaningless once another president gets power) or by executive appointment (FCC).

Frankly, the only big loss was the Supreme Court. And that is a big one. Could, and probably will, get worse too as ginsberg and milquetoast die.

Just as bed shitting as i thought only now featuring piss beds

Conservatives base everything about themselves on pissing off the left. They're literally emotional children who don't care about progress as long as they can read about how BTFO people got because they elected a fucking bumbling retard

Well congratulations conservatives. Hope you realize the country is being made worse for BOTH of us though

There's nothing I hate more than pettiness

I love watching his nationalists speeches like the one he gave in Poland.

I voted for him to fight the neo cons.
He is now a neo con.
Still better than Hillary, but still not optimal.

muh wall (does it exist in your fat-infested mind?)

Yes, he's actually doing better than I thought he would. He's the first President that's actually keeping his promises.

No way. Zuck "I only eat animals I kill and butcher myself" 2020

>Pat Buchanan
>even though Trump left the reform party because of Buchanan's RINO ass bringing in cronies

Ah, I see what you were trying to do.

Let's not forget about the pedophile ring that's slowly being destroyed piece by piece

better than i thought he would be

No dude waste tax money like it's nothing.


What a joke list.

all these people with voters remorse
>"haha yeah dude i voted for him ironically"
>"it was just a prank bro chill out lmao"
>"i just did it to see people butthurt epic memes XDD"

He's getting there, things take time. Patience. He is making America Aircraft Carrier has a big turning radius...U-turns take a while.

Drumpf is the ugliest rapey looking president we ever had


Hes not dead so yes.

I suppose he's doing alright. I haven't heard any actual complaints about him from the News besides their speculation on petty things like his statement yesterday about the French presidents wife.

>muh russia

Didn't CNN just fire three people for lying about Russian collusion? To this date there's no evidence of collusion with Russia. You're a fucking moron.

Trump, blessings be upon his name, is the greatest president in the history of these United States of America.

May his glorious reign be eternal.

I'm hoping for President Pence in 2018.

There is no left, there is no right, you're all brain washed good goys.

>Stupid drumpfkins

>Haha stupid leftists

Haha stupid goyim.

I wanted Cruz but yeah, I guess he works

conservashits vote against their own economic interests

>muh dick
not everyone could attend the inauguration because they were working you fucking moron topfuckingkek

conservapoors cant afford plane tickets from the trailer park home maintenance and meth expenses LMAO


He's doing great. Progress is slow...the swamp is dense and sticky and can't just be bulldozed...he's working on gutting the bureaucratic mess and then REAL change can be made.

The sad part is that it isn't a meme anymore

>doing great
This delusion always makes me laugh

People like you are the reason we need to go back to involuntary commitment into mental institutions.