Why Ukraine is such a shit country? full of cheap whores cucked men. Hell! it's a bloody made up country just like Kosovo, it's rightful Polish, Russian and Romanian lands.

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t.Russian hiding behind ancap flag

Democrat hiding behind USA flag.


I don't know why would you like mongol Ukraine, they are only good for cheap booze and whores.

Ukraine is like Kosovo therefore Ukraine is Serbia.

You have to go back, Mykola.


ukraine has zero muslim niggers

unlike MOSQUEco

The vast majority of Ukrainian posters on this board are shills.
Ukraine funded the Clintons.
Nataliya will destroy Ukraine

Not relevant enough to hate. next


What the fuck are you talking about? you don't know that Ukraine is full of horny Turks and Arabs??

Zakarpatye is Hungarian you fuck

Otherwise Ukraine is a chill country


Real Ukrainians hate Jews.

Well it's not that bad. People are nice and white. I don't know why they are so accepting to niggers for some reason.

All countries are made up desu. Ukraine didn't really have the time to develop it's own unique thing. And I'm really not sure if it'll ever be able to, I mean it's kind of redundant.


Main issue I have with the Ukraine, is that they did without a doubt rip Russia off on the bailout deal, and now everyone acts as if Russia wasn't justified in use of military force.

Bump, it's a shithole. Take it from a real nazi.

>be fascinated by nazi symbolism
>elect a literal ZIONIST into office

redpill on ukrainian civil war


qatar and the ukraine are U.S. deep state puppets.

Oooh, apple juice!
>In before "it's piss"
clearly you don't drink enough beer... CLEARly

only sandniggers and r*ssians are against ukraine fuck off kikes

Yeah, we have some duginist in Poland, they degenerate fast. They even support ISIS.

But, they are like five people so it's cool.

Why don't you form a drunken mob and chase them to Germany?

Due to large emigration from poland (PO/PSL fucking up younger generation for 8 years) we lack manpower.

Its ethier take shitskin refuges (which dont work 13% in germany found work) or take Ukies that work (97% employment rate).

Also while idiots staying in ukraine are bandera worshiping faggots, majority of them comming to Poland is 18-35 and dont go with ethier gov or bandera worship.

As for them beeing made up country.. well they do lack history and national identity.

Bullshit. U have no idea what is happening there.

Looks like ukrainian army shooting civilians to me that didn't agree with the new government post coup


Well, traitors are worse than enemies, you can't blame them for taking care.

Traitors to what? The coup was an illegal change to a pro EU government
The east never betrayed anything they stood for

That region was fucked up all the time-something like California. After the coup which was literally like end of pro-rus and commie politics in ukraine, a bunch of men no name with weapons appeared in donetsk saying that this is russia now and that imbecils(they are really dumb) supported them, and OH DEAR UKR SOLIDERS HAD DO SHOOT PEOPLE WHO LITERALLY FOLLOWED SOME NO NAME ASSHOLES PROCLAIMING SELF-STATE

To the new government. If you want to play the "innocent unarmed civilian" game then you keep your mouth shut and stay invisible. If you oppose the new government, and by all means this is an option, you are not a civilian.

Man, the coup was literally TRUE end of communism in ukraine like it was in 1989 in Poland, and also old government was so fucked, they fucked up economics so hard, that people were fuckin poor and had nothing to eat

Fuckers are stealing places in universities because these unis get more funding from EU for having foreigner students rather than native. Just like the affirmative action in USA

The new government was an illiegitemate coup supported by the CIA

They are totally justified in wanting to secede


>illegitimate coup supported by CIA
I wish it was lol
if it was really supported by CIA, there will be no corruption now in Ukraine.

Like in South America?

That's not at all relevant.

Economic was so fucked up, so... yeah?

>The entire reason for the rebellion is not relevant to the rebellion


Corruption is insane in SA

Ukraine does not have a major supporting from USA

It has a minor supporting

What I said is that if there is a rebellion you are ought to get rid of it, elsewhere you end up like Germany where anarchists get to burn whole cities.
Also if you are in a rebellion you are not a civilian, that's just propaganda right here.
Never said anything about who is in the right or the wrong regarding the cause (I don't know and don't care).

nigger hiding behind a nigger flag
oh wait thats me

Cough cough NATO cough

It is VERY minor, not even weapons

Kekd. BLM is run by superrich white kikes, though. Niggers are just useful idiots.

Why would I hate Ukraine? We founded their civilization during the viking age, and our superior Swedish genes is still present in Ukrainian women

>tfw jew hiding behind confederate flag

Nice try RT Director of english language content Oleg Shekelvitch.

I actually like this narrative that piss-broke Ukraine supposedly outplayed Russia in 420d chess.

More like shillpill.

disprove it


Never change.

>That region was fucked up all the time-something like California. After the coup which was literally like end of pro-rus and commie politics in ukraine, a bunch of men no name with weapons appeared in donetsk saying that this is russia now and that imbecils(they are really dumb) supported them, and OH DEAR UKR SOLIDERS HAD DO SHOOT PEOPLE WHO LITERALLY FOLLOWED SOME NO NAME ASSHOLES PROCLAIMING SELF-STATE


is this really how it went down?

Yes. I'm living in ukraine btw

Imagine if quebecians will going into nazi mode and force anglos to speak French.

This is Ukraine.

They also have the best dialect of Russian

The people who bitch about how the Ukranian revolution was an inside job by the CIA are the same retards who think Russia and the FSB had nothing to do with the Seperatists movement. And all the T-90s and T-72s that show up in the seperatists hands came from hidden coal mines.

If you want to be red pilled. Learn the equipment and study the conflict for yourself.

Lastly, the RIDF is as real as the JIDF.

are you ukrainian neo nazi?

I thought there was no t 90s though?

I am libertarian.

tfw no libertarian polish bf ( female)

Why are all Jews cancer?

Lol. Where are u from?


Americans love Ukraine. It's Putin we can't stand.

Ukrainians are Like russians but worse

i like ukraine. fuck off nerds


What fucking Turks and Arabs? Are you fucking dumb or do you have anything to back this crap up?

Are you saying Turks(sandniggers) and Russians are the only ones against Ukraine? Ever heard of Poland?

Wait shouldnt poland hate ukraine because the pro ukraine side wanted to holocaust poland?

Yeah, lets ignore the fact its 2017 now and polacks were killin ukrainians too

but the neo nazi LARPers idolize stepan bandera

you have to go back hohol

To where?

t. hohol immigrant in Poland

Not so much as they tellin u



Yeah, 200 people definitely represent the whole country

I'm talking about the neo nazis

>Sup Forums
>complaining about neo-nazis

The problem is those neo nazis are pro EU cucks

As a person from Poland, i refuse to take up any kind of discussion in this thread. This will hurt them the most

Which is absolutely normal for people which lived for 70 years under fuckin communism, they want literally go from east to west.

Is being a neo nazi normal?


Of course not.

Well, they picked the wrong way to do it. I mean look at us.

The only positive thing about ukrophole is their HIV rates

The US. Spent $5billion overthrowing the Ukraine govt in 2014.
Fuck the EU, said victoria newland.
The US wanted to take the Russia naval part of Sevastopol. Without this piece of real estate, Ukraine is worthless. The EU don't want them, and Russia won't allow NATO up,to its borders..
So Ukraine is fucked