Like he says absolutely nothing new when he talks to people. He is devoid of any substance. Literally he rambles on about the same thing for hours. Never gets to the point and then proceeds to have his cock sucked becuase he professor or an academic. He uses buzzwords like neoMarxism and post modernism. Says random bullshit that only appears to make sense because most of the words are longer than 6 letters. Literally he is just a shitty TJ Kirk or Dave Rubin.
Why do so many fags worship this man?
Other urls found in this thread:
Postmodernism and nihilism exist. He didn't make those up.
Because todays youth is missing father figure and classical education, obviously.
ya but literally everything that he doesn't like is product of the postmodernist thought process.
I have no idea who this even is.
Because he only mentions things he doesnt like that are a product of post-modernism.
His subject IS debunking postmodernism and giving examples of what it has done, not him reading off a list of things he doesnt like and then blaming postmodernism for it like Sup Forums does the jews.
Kys faggot
>Says random bullshit that only appears to make sense because most of the words are longer than 6 letters.
inside the mind of an idiot
A whole generation that needs therapy
This. He is neither a messianic figure of ultimate knowledge and power nor is he a bumbling useless idiot like both extreme camps like to present.
Peterson is a well spoken, well educated man providing practical advice in a time of chaotic retarded bullshit. The fact that he's become popular is only a result of how far we've fallen that modest and semi uninspiring messages can sound so profound and purpose providing.
He's just a dude who has values and conviction and integrity and is honesty. Isn't that enough?
>can't understand shit muh nonsese can't even fucking read
IQlet detected
He is an excellent speaker mmmmmh yea baabbay
nothing to see here right shill nigger? libturd intimidated by a real academic, rectum btfo, perpetually prolapsed.
>highly respected academic laying years of psychology studies on your lap
>"He is devoid of any substance because I'm too retarded to understand what he's talking about"
your face when
I love these posts because there's no better litmus test for an individual completely devoid of intellectual substance. They always boil down to something akin to "I can't follow what he's saying, therefore he's saying nothing."
I'm glad to know that there are people with significantly lower IQs than average on this board, gotta ensure even the idiots get redpilled.
underrated post
you need to go clean your room OP
>western world renowned professor and orator on the humanities, the phenomenological genius of the biblical stories, and criticisms that reach scalpel precision on post-modernists and neo-marxists, also one hell of a psychology professor, Canada's final jedi.
are you even listening you fucking clown? I bet you're too busy playing viddie o's at the same time to even rub your two gray matter cells together to understand the shit he says. Or maybe you're just not up to speed.
Rick and Morty is more your speed I bet, toggaf.
Peterson and Molyneux represent a father figure to some people.
The clean your room thing I liked, but nothing they've said was really groundbreaking to me. I think it's the father figure thing with these young males.
>t. Intellectually disabled man who cant understand words longer than 6 letters
>t. leftist brainlet
nu/pol/ prefers to be told their opinion rather than come to the conclusion and pilgrim here
OP confirmed for 30 second attention span
>Goes on waking up podcast first time
>Destroyed by Harris
>Goes on a second time
>Destroyed again
He's what stupid people imagine a smart man is
>His biblical series that sells out over and over for weeks on end
>modest and semi *inspiring messages
You really, really need to reevaluate, user.
He's the only one even giving messages like this right now and it's in an era where this kind of analysis by a professor gets you borderline blacklisted by colleges and students and even speaking this stuff has threatened his career and livelihood greatly. And yet, he persists despite Canada growing continuously more and more cucked by the week; meaning, he is moving more and more out onto the limb??
>he's practically Professor Jesus, speaking the truths society desperately needs without even knowing it and facing extreme prejudice for it constantly from his peers in liberal/commie academia.
And you call that modestly inspiring?????? Jesus user, go clean your room.
literally whocast?
Then you might want tonsee this. It's among one of his main arguments about our flaw in viewing society.