Animal Activists Steal Fisherman's Fish And Throw It In The Water

Thoughts on animal rights?

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Don't really have thoughts about it.
But I do think you need to hook your videos

Ayy. Noted.

lmfao i hope they get knocked the fuck out next time

Vegans are retarded enough as it is.

Animal Rights activists are a whole new level of retarded cunts doing stupid shit in the name of MUH ANIMAL JUSTICE.

this bullshit is demonstrably false, by the way
and for the autistic

stupid inferior creatures.



That'll teach that old man that he shouldn't be fishing with a license in the manner described by the government as being ecologically sustainable!

I can understand disliking industrial scale fishing, but fuck any shitter that gets in the way of a man and a rod.

shh. liberals just want to find shit to whine about because they are all useless so they take their insecurity out on the world.

Why do leftists always use children for their agenda?

Wish the fisherman had a grenade and tossed it in the river right after it was tossed back

Agreed. This is just being a fucking asshole

Isn't there a law that prohibits people from taking your stuff?
Thayveray, Thieveray, something like that

As soon as you take a fish, it's the fishman's choice to keep it, considering that this place is his, or to release it. It's like that home at least.
We have a considerable amount of fishposters on social medias.

this is the problem with people like him, he has already 100% established what is right and wrong in his own mind and anyone not following his thoughts in every possible way is choosing to be evil.

>A fish has the same neurological/emotional capacity as a child

"Fish do not feel pain the way humans do. That is the conclusion drawn by an international team of researchers consisting of neurobiologists, behavioural ecologists and fishery scientists."

Only for domestic animals and great apes.

I would love it if they threw that guy over the side.

That big old dude wanted to kill that faggot so bad.

N-not always

People just don't understand wildlife management baka

Is fish considered property?

Fisherman will throw the fish back in the water anyway... unless they are poles, then they will take them home to eat them. All the carp from my local fishing spot are gone because the poles take them home to eat.

I agree with the activist though.

That flapping fish on concrete is not aesthetically pleasing. He should've just smacked the fish's head on the fence and be done with it.

I think once you catch it, it's yours


In the US there's a lot of fish we eat.

He should have shot him.
Steal fish, receive sucking chest wound.

PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals

>knife discovered in each hand

That crazy motherfucker. Did he seriously try to DUAL WIELD against a mama polar bear?

I think that faggot should get a fish hook in the mouth and then casted out into the water, see how much he likes it.

These people are INSANE.


I keep a cooler full of ice to kill them and keep them cold at the same time.

All game is property of the state. It dates back to feudal law where game was property of the king. States give permission to obtain the game following certain rules. Most likely he paid the state for permission to obtain that fish.

It was a grizzly, but yeah. Maybe he should have played dead.

Most of the polar bear deaths are from non-whites climbing into their cages at zoos, kek.

All animals should be shot.

Animals should have rights. There is no need to abuse them. Hunting is fine though, as long as you aren't doing it in a way that prolongs pain. Also, fish don't feel pain, they aren't evolved enough to process it.

it's a good thing when weirdos going around killing animals are stopped. good people can accept other beings existing and living their lives.

On the most basic level a man should have the right to catch some food to eat, and if some other man tries to fuck with that he should get his wig split.

Yes which means it belongs to him now.

>Most likely he paid the state for permission to obtain that fish.
So like I said, once you catch it, it's yours

based aquafresh

Vegans are mentally ill.

If animal activists truly cared about humane treatment of animals and not their virtue signalling reputation, they should go protest to chang and wang boiling any animal they see in China, instead of bullying an old white man fishing fish that don't feel or know jack shit about what is going on in their lives.

Looks like a park pond, it is probably stocked with fish specifically for fishing, if there are not fishing, the population would probably explode in the pond. Hence the fishing signs around the corner.

Liberal cocksuckers don't know that the one of the most basic rules of civilization is you leave people alone if they are not bothering anyone. Harassing two guys fishing is nigger behavior.

Anyone else want to hurt animals due to these people? Honestly, I wonder how many animals die because of their actions. I'm all for non-factory farming and shit but when I see stupid activists trying to give penguins the right to vote I want to go bludgeon a puppy.

Don't be an idiot

Fisherman is dumb for not bleeding his fish.

Why didn't he kick that faggots ass?


fuckin poles

Can't forget this gem.

Can't forget this gem.

cuckservatives (and others) trying to appear tough by glorifying the killing of animals is always funny but also sad and disgusting

this fucking shit gives my fist a boner

Of course it all depends. I knew this one cunt park ranger that would pull you from the middle of the lake to check fishing licenses that he damn well knew you already had.

I have a commercial license with my dad and we can put out about 3000 hooks between the two of us, and with 150 during spawning season we'll easily get 200 lbs of cat fish a night.

But if someone just wants to quietly catch a few for dinner and go home they should be left to it, not harassed.

uh, it's a fucking fish.

I keep fish as pets. and it's still just a fish, when you're out catching them in the wild. They reproduce faster than we can eat them. If you're fishing in a lake, you're not doing harm to *anything*.

animal activist are crazy zealot absolutist that focus on all the wrong issues like all progressives.

How about reading the article buddy.

That distant yelling in the background.

Is she /ournut/?

should've put the fish in a bucket but yeah, cringe af


When animals can construct a society like ours they can have the same rights.

That said, wanton cruelty to animals is wrong.

The only the wrong I see is the fish laying on hot concrete
Put it on a stringer old man

is it the usual "i kill animals but i pay this or that fee for killing them so i'm actually a good person and the animals should thank me" nonsense?

fish feel the same pain as humans, omg i feel so bad for all the rainbow trout necks ive broken now

pic not related
(it aint a rainbow)

>the hardest baiter in the thread is pretending to be mad about fishing.

FUck animal rights activists so fucking much, they don't give a fuck about animals and just about feeling good about themselves, they separate humans from all the other animals when it comes to violence and food FUCK THEM

I feel so bad for all the Danios and gold fish I've fed my arowana and puffers with!! Poor poor fish

As much as I support sustainable farming and humane treatment of livestock, snatching user's fish was a dick move that will not further the agenda of creating healthy meats from happy cows.

>the agenda of creating healthy meats from happy cows.
That ain't their agenda

You've got Arrowana? Right on mayne.

why are liberals so fucking dumb?

I don't know but this steak is going to taste extra tasty after watching that video.

2 at the moment, I don't have a picture of them but I have a picture of a dead arowana from ages ago

I was praying he would knock him in the face and toss him in the water. He had the patience of a saint.

haha you can't just throw a fish back in the water after it has been out that long. The nutjobs killed the fish.

most fish have very little consciousness in comparison to most animals and fwiw mentioned throughout the Bible and other religious's great for the human body too.

I wonder if they'd dump my fish with a .45 pointing at their nuts?

Psychological tactics. Appeal to emotions are what they live in breathe since leftist philosophy is "feels over reals".

it's always the god damn americans.

Am I the only one who hates when people do this? "Oh, I'm acting like I'm polite while I'm harrassing you and shouting you down. You are now morally not able to do me any harm at all!"

like a thumbs up?
i agree, it's great.