Why didn't Islam have a reformation or enlightenment phase like other large religions?
Why didn't Islam have a reformation or enlightenment phase like other large religions?
Reformation is Haram
Low IQ inbred sandniggers
Christianity needed a "reformation" to return the faithful TO the Word of God.
Islam will never have a reformation, because the more they return to the Quran, the bloodier it gets.
Islam needs a secularization of its doctrine.
Simple as that, but hard as fuck (because of their low IQ and indoctrination since they were a simple sperm and egg cell).
All religion is degenerate. Islam just happens to be the worst one at this particular point in history.
Because it says that the unblievers claim to be reformers in the quran. (english translation is bastardized) I'm trilingual and speak read and write arabic fluently.
Surat al bakara talks about the devision between good and bad muslims. Every idiot likes to interpret the book on his own and such an extreme religion has no breathing room for enlightenment when even moderates are radical anti-social people.
>White guy raised muslim in the middle east (lebanon) by dumb dad.
They did. They removed the innovations like certain strains of Sufism and saint veneration and moved closer to the hadith over time.
Many of the scholars called people back to the Quran and sunnah like Ibn Taymiyyah.
>Sup Forums tards have literally no knowledge of Islamic history.
Islam has had multiple reformations you fucking retard, but it all comes down to the Koran being a piece of shit, making it impossible to reform unless you discard or edit it.
because islam and your whole hocus pocus religion is irrelevant in todays world
It's happening now, just starting. Pay attention. We need to kill them
So that's why it is the fastest growing religion and has millions of converts every year, 2/3 of which are western women.
>Punishment for apostacy is death
>Why didn't anyone condsider changing Islam?
because they are low IQ arabs, if you erased arab sunnis from the planet i can bet you Islam would've been reformed a long time ago
in christianity, christ forgives all of your sins, as long as you believe in him, you go to heaven, so thats why its followers can be degenerates.
in islam, no one is there to take on your sins, you absolutely must be a good boi or you'll go to hell. the only way a muslim will 100% know he is going to heaven if he is a sinner is to become a martyr or commit jihad. that's why reform is impossible.
any atrocity god tells you to do in the bible is erased because of jesus dying for you.
any atrocity allah tells you to do in the quran has to followed because momo is the true messager of allah.
>reformation or enlightenment phase
You do realize that's how they have destroyed Christianity right?
>return the faithful TO the Word of God
Yea every dick and tom making up their own bs by reading random snippets off the Bible is how Xstianity died dipshit
Soon, friend, soon. Current Islamic year is 1438. In the next 60 yo 70 years there is going to be reformation.
>the only way a muslim will 100% know he is going to heaven if he is a sinner is to become a martyr
Not entirely true also the one who takes care of his parents even until old age is guaranteed heaven, someone who dies in a fire or from plague, etc... Your statement is not entirely true.
despite what your local newspapers and television channels present to you it's very rare that western women convert....
yes of course there are converts, usually they are damaged people (divorced abused daddy issues) and they hope religion will solve their internal problems. though it's a very marginal occurance in western society.
See They tried reformation. They where called Mutazilas
They had an interpretational view of the Quran
They where killed off, literally
>is the fastest growing religion and has millions of converts every year
Because believe it or not, for the average person, Islam is the ONLY moral certitude left in this world.
Moral relativism and continuous doublethink to simply be able to function is extremely tiresome.
That is why westerners try to keep occupied 24/7 and not think, to avoid having to come to terms to how senseless and atrocious their existence is.
Islam will prevail.
i'm saying if they see themselves as a sinner is the 100% sure way to get to heaven. someone who takes care of his parents until they die is already a good boi.
someone who is a sinner dying from a horrible disease or earthquake doesn't protect them from hell does it? just because they died in a bad way?
Islam enlightement phase still strying to start slowely nowdays
>other large religions
Which except christianity? The west is alone in self critique.
(((self critique)))
Here is your answer.
>absolutely not paid actresses
The sad thing is, your entirely right
Im a catholic, and the moral authority of the church is nonexistant. The only reason my nation (USA) is managing to withstand this is because of our nationalism being so strong.
Unironically, unless the church becomes the head of the nation of christians again, it cannot prevail. And islam will win.
Which is why i seriously think that the best shot christianity has is a new crusader movement, or maybe mormonism if they drop the caffeine thing.
Aren't the Ismailis basically that?
Well luther wasn't a kike. Kikes are parasites but the tendency to self critique and RENEWAL is due to the nature of western culture.
you mean neocatholic?
The Church was taken over with Roncalli (antipope John XXIII) and then pic related.
You can't keep following the Vatican without engaging in doublethink, no better than your average normie secular person, sadly.
They were too busy pillaging and waging war.
They have an obscenely rich (((aristocracy))) controlling everything. Saudi kikes just use them as a disposable army and send them off to fight (((holy))) wars; They never revolt because they are given artificial enemies to fight against for the benefit of those highest in the pecking order. Think of how the French revolution could have been halted, the peasantry is distracted from its situations, they fight enemies of the establishment, and they become too lethargic to depose their decadent masters. It really is just a pyramid scheme, jizya goes to terrorists and clerics, just like how the top tier kikes used the temple to funnel wealth to the rabbinic class and their private guards. The institutions fatten up the priesthood and only play a minor role in aiding the regular folk.
>luther wasn't a kike
No he wasn't. He was just crazy and self-confessed demon possessed (look it up).
>tendency to self critique and RENEWAL
Not really, it all started with the Enlightenment (financed by Jews&Freemason), which lead Western Civilization to an ever accelerating path of deconstructivism and degeneration.
FF to today with full moral and epistemological relativism and a literal ZOG.
The "Progress" and "self critique" meme are leftist inventions.
i want quotes from the sunnah, hadith, quran, not what a imam "thinks" jihad means.
They aren't this happens everyday all over the world especially in India and in the western world.
Women are attracted to the clearly defined gender roles of Islam.
>what is the renaissance
>what is the reformation
>what is the counter reformation
>what is ceasarism
>what is romanic to gothic to baroque to etc
And most imortantly you say this is a leftist meme
>what is an Untergang des Abendland
your media is feeding your lies... seriously dude.. it simply is not true...
Uhh fellow muzzie here, it DOES not say that in the Quran
>inb4 muh hadith
The Christian "reformation" was a reformation was a change of church. It is fundamentally the same, barring a few ceremonial details. Islam is shit because it has always been shit. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab could be said to have "reformed" Islam.
there was a moderate reformation its called Shite most of em live in Iran and then there was Sunni Wahhabism who most Muslimism follow or some variation of.
>someone who is a sinner dying from a horrible disease or earthquake doesn't protect them from hell does it?
This is the question I was answering. It is stated in the sunnah of Rasullah (SAW) that the one who dies of plague or an illness or in a fire is guaranteed heaven. This is what I was answering you about.
the whole quoran is basically one non logical bullshit pile of writings..
at least the bible has a clear beginning and end with a well defined story.
Oh it did reform, just not in the way the kafir would have hoped! Reformed to be pure again Mashallah! Reformed to punish the nonbeliever! Alhamdulilah!
They live in the house of war and after they blew up they reach the house of peace. No time for reformation
So you are saying you reject the hadith?
Because this is found in the hadith and is well accepted by the major scholars and the ummah. You aren't a Quranist are you? Please tell me you aren't.
Several reasons. The only religion that had a substantial reformation in the enlightenment sense and the seperation of church and state was Christianity. That was possibility because of teachings in the bible itself, like "render unto Caesars what is his". Because of theological aspects, St. Augustine formulated Civitas Dei and Civitas Terrena - the kingom of the heavens and the kingdom of the earth - when the Visigoths sacked Rome which was at the time identified physically as the 1,000 year Empire before the final apocalypse. Also the stories of the bible were seen as prophecies INSPIRED by god and possible of human error.
The Qur'an on the other hand is the DIRECT word of God, the uncreated word of God from eternity onwards. And it is not just a religion. It is also a legal and a political system and a military docrine. Encompassing the Holy Qur'an, the Hadiths and the Sunnah. And also: religion alone did not work out for Mohammed. he only coverted 150 people when he preached in Medina. When he became a warlord in Mekka, soon all of the Arabian Peninsula was muslim.
Also: there ARE several reform movements in Islam. They are called Wahhabism, Taliban and the Islamic State. At the heart of Christianity lies the God of love and cuckiness. At the heart of Islam lies the God of absolute power and world domination.
Detailed video here: youtube.com
Come at me bro
>bible were seen as prophecies INSPIRED by god
till Luther came and brought the darkest age, like the sand rat reformer
Thank you
Someone else said it
Vatican 2 was the worst thing ever done
>what is the renaissance
>what is the counter reformation
>what is ceasarism
>what is romanic to gothic to baroque to etc
All these are cultural and artistic movements retard, except:
>what is the reformation
Which is the entire point. It directly lead to the death of christianity by making it an amorphous blob of extreme relativism and with it, western civilization, fueling the Progressive-Conservative dynamic whereby each and every generation is pushed to move father leftwing due to the "Progress" myth and an absence of moral and religious centralism/absolutism.
>what is an Untergang des Abendland
It is. All modern rightwing currents and thinkers are simply postmodernist reactionaries doomed to fail, because their own ideologies, stripped of actual genuine traditionalism, contain the germs of their own undoing.
They have one every 100 years. See "Mujaddid"
But they did. After it they came to conclusion that causality is bullshit propaganda spread by kuffars.
It means that fertilizing fields means Jack Shit, better crops were given by the desert devil.
That's why Islamic countries changed from pioneers of science and culture to shit holes they are today.
They got their reformation, and they fucked up.
>>inb4 muh hadith
If you're mozzlem and reject the hadith you're an apostate.
Larping fag or western "muslim" virtually indistinguishable from a kafir?
Daily reminder that this is what all organized religion looks like to those of us who are enlightened.
If you think you can understand the spirit realm by reading a single book, you legitimately know nothing about this universe or how it works.
How is high school?
>How is high school?
No, he's not a teen athiest. He's a fat mentally ill occultist that larps as some kind of witch/warlock
In the same way that Orthodox point to the filioque as the origin of western decline Islam would point to the trinity its self as the origin of false and incorrect views in the west.
Christianity has always had an issue with men, in the sense that historically women have vastly outnumbered women in churches. We know this from historical records of church attendance by gender that churches almost always have more women than men. In fact Christians have always tried to fix what is called "the feminization of
Christianity" with movements like masculine Christianity (YMCA for example).
From an Islamic perspective this effeminization is natural because a man naturally does not want to worship or call another man master. By worshipping the prophet Jesus(PBUH) a man naturally feels that this is wrong and not normal for him to call another man daddy or master or father. But for women it is actually natural for her to want to venerate a man or treat him like her father and submit to him.
Let all who have eyes see:
Islam is the worldwide faith of the end times
The Mahdi is the antichrist
They will slaughter Christians wholesale
Beware the false prophet
Accept Jesus as Lord now, before it is too late.
Get a room together already.
>Why didn't Islam have a reformation or enlightenment phase like other large religions?
partialy america giving suadi arabia political immunity for that sweet petrodollar oil.
but it has happened before.
a reform is always possible look what happened to WW1 turkey and attaturk he "reformed" it and seprated church from state.
16) Marrying and divorcing pre-pubescent children is OK. (Koran.65;4).
treu translation.
And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women - if you doubt, then their period is three months, and [also for] those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him of his matter ease.
17) Wife beating is OK. (Koran.4;34).
19) Proving rape requires 4 (four) male Muslim witnesses. (Koran.24;13).
the treu translation.
Why did they [who slandered] not produce for it four witnesses? And when they do not produce the witnesses, then it is they, in the sight of Allah, who are the liars.
are you reading a diffrent book?
I think you will find that when the anti Christ comes (God help us) that the Christians will actually follow him. We see this with the Vatican and it's connections with the NWO elites, and also with the famous Zionist preachers who have connections with the international shadow government. I'm afraid that the Christians are more likely to be misled and follow the anti Christ.
>Islam would point to the trinity its self as the origin of false and incorrect views in the west
Good apologetics game my friend.
However may I point out your cult is literally 600 years older than Christianity and your assertions about Isa are completely unfounded.
>historically women have vastly outnumbered women in churches
This is absolutely false. Sunday attendance was mandatory and with a 50/50 pop split you get a 50/50 attendance.
Unless you mean frequenting churches as a social locus.
>In fact Christians have always tried to fix what is called "the feminization of
Christianity" with movements like masculine Christianity (YMCA for example).
This is all extremely recent phenomenon, before the 60s Women had NO say whatsoever and actually couldn't even speak in Church, the hierarchy has always been 100% male, same as theologians and Church Doctors.
>a man naturally does not want to worship or call another man master. By worshipping the prophet Jesus(PBUH) a man naturally feels that this is wrong and not normal for him to call another man daddy or master or father. But for women it is actually natural for her to want to venerate a man or treat him like her father and submit to him.
This is true as a psychological factor somewhat, however I could easily point out Charismatic personalities who are able to have men submit as natural leaders and.. oops, the fact that Jesus is actually God and Divine.
In fact a good meme game you can do is point out to Mary as a feminizing influence and a somewhat unnatural form of devotion, which fuels a meta infantilism (mommy complex).
Crabs in the bucket mentality
>2/3 of which are western women.
citation needed you lying sandnigger.
ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda etc. are all reformations.
Then there is the Shia-Sunni schism
You just don't really notice a difference because Islam is rotten at its core unlike Christianity
You are correct, many will be deceived.
The Reformation led to a lot of the problems we have in the modern Western world.
Its a very strong religion and demands total submission to Allah.
beheaded 600 jews in one day.
(citation needed)
hadiths (the book detailing his life.) were written 200 years after muhammad death in the time of umayyad caliph,a guy who killed ali
also why do you think theres sunni ans shai and all the other form of islam?
becuase the quran was writen after his death.
The Quran we see today was compiled into book format by Uthman, the third caliph (reign 644 to 656). (A caliph is the political leader of a Caliphate (Islamic government).)
>when the anti Christ comes
The End Times as per the Bible itself will show a very tiny remnant of orthodox christians left, so duh
>I'm afraid that the Christians are more likely to be misled and follow the anti Christ.
But non Christians are all hellbound to begin with, so you're wrong.
Factually speaking, being christian>being non christian even if the Anti-Christ comes in play.
Since non christian= 100% hell
Christian, with AC=99.8% hell
>HUrr durr I was an idiot when I was a teenager and rebelled against my parents
>Therefore everyone who doesn't believe in my organized religion must be an idiot teenager
>I'm retarded therefore everyone else is retarded
no religion has have enlightment so far
so fuck yourself
The Reformation was the Catholic church's own fault for being
a: way too greedy
b: performing idolatry all day every day
Can you recommend some books on the occult my friend?
We can talk on discord if you want
just look at them ffs they are orcs
Nice taqiyya mudslime cunt
1. The protestant reformation was a reaction to the naked corruptio of the Catholic church. The closest thing you have to that in the muslim world is the Islamist movement, which has emerged in reaction to the extreme corruption of the Arab nationalist states.
2. The enlightenment is a lie. The "philosophers" of the "enlightenment era" simply took western morality and tried to strip God out of it. This lead to the reign of terror and, eventually gulags. Turns out that when you try to build a society based on reason, smart men find ways to rationalize slaughtering their ideological enemies.
3. Islam is not Christianity, and the Islamic civilization is not western civilization. You should not expect them to follow western patterns of development.
>Be humans for ~200,000 years
>Since we were capable of asking questions is "where did we come from?" (closely followed by "why are we here?")
>The most logical answer (at least then) was we were created by a higher being
>Yeah there were some edgy cavemen who didn't believe in God/gods and just look at their vast Empires they created with atheism
>But for the most part they did believe in a higher being
>For ~200,000 years this belief was just as much a part of you as your beating heart
>Then (((someone))) pushed the (((atheism))) meme really hard
>Edgy kids jumped on it and these same (((people))) "proved" to them there is no God or gods (but if you question their (((religion))) you're an antisemite)
>Anyway, they believe so strongly that there is no God or gods, but there's an emptiness inside of them
>A void that "faith" once took up
>Then those people with that empty hole (the ones who didn't kill themselves because why exist without purpose) felt a friendly sandhand on their shoulder
>And they told this person that they could fill that void, and not with a "false god" who was "(((proven))) not to exist", but a new cooler god who went by the name of Allah
>Now the (((atheist))) has a problem, he can't accept religion because he (((knows))) it doesn't real, but he can't shirk this internal feeling
>Finally though he realises that (((atheism))) never said ALL gods weren't real, it simply said (((Christ))) wasn't real
>Therefore by accepting Islam they were capable of still being edgy by not following Christianity (which is basically the only thing (((atheism))) is against)
>Since the '60s it's followed the same path Christianity>(((Atheism)))>Islam>Suicide Vest
Or did you really think people latched on your goat fucking religion because it made sense?
>2/3 of which are western women
I should have read your post properly. I didn't know you were just looking for (you)s. I thought you wanted a proper answer.
We consider Islam to be older in the sense that all the prophets from Adam to Muhammad (Peace and blessing on all the prophets) to be pure monotheists thus Muslims.
You can look up records of church attendance and see that historically the churches have been majority women and not just because there are typically more women than men in society.
I can't continue answering questions I have to go now but please study Islam more guys and consider if it is actually true. You have to at least give something a chance before you wholly disagree with it,but just recognize that we are all going to be dead very soon and will have to stand in judgement before the Lord of the Universe.
>way too greedy
>performing idolatry all day every day
sure thing cletus
Anyway besides the point, it happened and now Xstianity is dead and buried and muzzies are gonna inherit the Earth (hopefully the "rapture" as you like to call it, happens sooner)
its the literal fucking writing in the book or have you never read it?.
are you pretending to be retarded burger?
Goodbye friend
What is the history of the printing press in the Islamic world?
Peace and blessing of Allah be with you and your family brother. Amin.
It says in the Quran many more times to reject anything that's not the Quran itself than to follow any other writings and treat them as law.
Both Sunni and Shia are guilty of this and following the hadith is equivalent to how Christians follow the New Testament and say it's from Jesus, but was written mostly by a couple of fallible gentlemen named Paul and Peter.
Post where it says that in the Quran and for every time you find that I'll show you 3 times where it says the contrary.
Fuck Islam, filthy mudshit.
Because they claim the Koran was written by God so they argue how can a person reform something written by God? Therefore by Islam's own rule, it is unreformable.
This. It's like asking why Subsaharan Africa hasn't had a renaissance.
I hope you find the truth. Keep seeking.
I won't be surprised if we soon have female "priests," desu.
>Post where it says that in the Quran and for every time you find that I'll show you 3 times where it says the contrary.
Oh lawd. Are you one of those Sola Scriptura Muzzies.
Hey idc, you can larp all day but at the end of the day Islam=Sunni and your apostasy is gonna carry a death sentence.
Or you think the real world is Youtube comments' section debates?
1440 - Gutenberg invents movable type printing press
1517 - Martin Luther's 95 Theses
That's all you need to know.
lol dumb nigger.
And those who harm believing men and believing women for [something] other than what they have earned have certainly born upon themselves a slander and manifest sin.
the treu translation.
Why did they [who slandered] not produce for it four witnesses? And when they do not produce the witnesses, then it is they, in the sight of Allah, who are the liars
read the fucking book the lines are literally in there.
Because Islam has some sort of victim complex and do not realize they are usually the oppressors
Retard. Islam did reform, but in the other direction with Wahhabism. It used to be better.