>Even fucking thousands of children.
Based Catholicism.
Your pope is a worse cuck than Merkel, and Justin combined. Orthodox supremacy!
One holy catholic and apostolic church.
I have resolved to stop calling our Orthodox brothers orthodox for it differentiates them too much. They are constantinopolitan catholics like we are roman catholics. Although in schism they are still catholics. Orthodox is a term that should be used to describe dogma not a communion or people for that is the sin of pride.
We need another crusade
No. Come to atheism, some of us are working on secular explanations to morality independent of a supernatural divine being.
Tried it, it's pretty shit.
>Not Catholic
oh shit
Because you're weak.
>Because you're weak.
You're weak if you need some imaginary dude to tell you how to conduct your life.
Second vatican council must be destroyed.
Bitch with your birth rates there will be relatively no atheists compared to religious folk. You aren't even in the picture anymore really.
Vatican II is shit, it was the culmination of the infiltration.
this please
I grew up as a Catholic, and I got re baptized as an Adventist.
I will not return to Catholicism, it represents nothing but the unity of the world under the construction of the tower of Babel.
The protestants of the 16th, 17th and 18th century were right to forsake, reform and protest the Catholic dogma.
I can't be the only freerider who thinks that Christianity is good for society but bad for the individual and shills for Christianity while being secretly a fedora?
basically every problem with the modern catholic church goes back to Vatican II
Give us a conservative Pope again.
Polytheism is the morality red pill. Deities are necessary because we need to derive moral authority from a source more powerful than man. But confining yourself to worshipping the values of one deity limits human potential.
Catholics are degenerate pedo idol worshipers
> "true glory (to God)"
> Pride! Whaaaa!
> We're gonna take your name away too!
who are these guys?
>Birth rates meme.
Provide an actual argument. Or at least a source for your claim.
Besides, we still have conversion.
I disagree, but I see where you are coming from.
You can't be rebaptized. In the creed we profess ONE baptism not two or three but one.
Can't we just retire this pope too?
Fuck off and die papist.
He'll probably be there until death.
But how hard could it be to assassinate the leader of one of the largest, if not the largest, religion on the face of the planet?
> Centralized moral authority
Sounds a bit like moral communism to me
>some of us are working on secular explanations to morality
We figured this out literally centuries ago... keep thinking you can crack that nut as an athiest...
he said he would probably retire.
>re baptized
Heretic spotted
Do you think morality is relative?
Watch how atheists spend hundreds of years slowly coming to the realisation god exists.
Why reinvent the wheel?
Top right is JRR Tolkien
No... catholicism needs to return to Christianity. It was a pretty good system before Constantine got a hold of it and it degenerated to the perverted system it is today. Just about everything unique to catholicism is a direct contradiction of the bible and doctrine they promote. No idols... but pray to saints and mother mary and carve their figures and praise and worship them... heathen degeneracy.
hail the Gods!
Im trying to decide between Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Catholics, tell me how you respond to this: Pope cant/doesnt say stuff that 100 years ago, would be a standard for a pope to say? How do you deal with such inconsistencies?
In theory, you are right.
The bible only suggests 1 type of baptism:
>When a man wants to be a christian (repent and forsake his old life) then he ought to be baptized
>Christ got baptized by plunging under water, John baptized by plunging under water, the disciples baptized people by plunging them under water
The Catholic Church baptizes babies who cannot make the decision to follow after christ. Nor do they plunge them under water, but sprinkle water over them.
It is not a baptism that is instituted by God, therefor I do not recognize their baptism. And it is not just baptism that got me of the Catholic hook.
If it's inevitable I say let them give it a shot.
Not really, not for humans. I don't recognize the pope as a true representative of any
moral authority though, especially no the current one.
Says he that is willing to kill and slay in Jesus name.
Bottom right is Chesterton and Pius X is in the middle
Truth be told, that's one of my biggest problems with Christianity, Islam, and Judaism; a system of morality that deals in nothing but moral absolutes. The opposite of this, the liberal system of little to no objective morality, is even worse I'll admit. However, both are still incredibly horrendous systems of right and wrong.
Of course there is an objective base of morality, as can be seen through hard evidence of what benefits all three sections of society; the individual, the community, and the world. However, some parts are much less objective, particularly when the moral or virtue in question doesn't benefit one or two of the three mentioned. From there, various arguments can form over which is more important. From that, we get the subjective, less obvious state of morality.
Already working on it; just need to write all my thoughts down and see if someone else had already thought of it or not.
While Orthodox myself, be aware that Orthodox is still very tied to ethnicity. It's maybe less of a problem in North America, but Orthodox churches are still found in ethnic neighborhoods, etc. Roman Catholics are much more widespread, and you can find conservative churches if you look...
I am already; the RCC is flawed and human, but we rest our hopes in God.
And I want to preserve Europe since God made us this way and we must be grateful for what we are, even with our flaws and limits; I'm okay with helping the poor and the needy, but in their home Countries.
I don't associate with Pedos.
>return to the children's rape chamber because we need more money to pay off all these damn child rape victims out of court - gimme gimme gimme
you should be b& for this shit
read the fucking rules
Papal infallibility is only during ex cathedra. We've had plenty of shitty popes throughout history and Catholics were free to criticize them just as we do with Francis
I see
I'd be okay with him or Cardinal Sarah (and ib4 "but he's black!": he is conservative, traditionalist and he is against the current immigration in Europe)
Lol wut. Constantine was an Arian and wanted the church to become Arian too but the church ignored him. Protestants need to read the history of the religion they follow
>However, some parts are much less objective, particularly when the moral or virtue in question doesn't benefit one or two of the three mentioned.
Could you give an instance of this?
ah ok, i just dont like that idea. How theres a conflict of interest. I understand this happens in almost every organization religious or not but i feel as if it would create much division among the church. Also, it gives a bad impression of Catholics from a noncathloic perspective.
The only difference between the two is that Constantinople rejects the primacy of Rome. If you accept the primacy of Rome go roman catholic, if you reject it go eastern oriental or Assyrian catholic. They are all part of the same one holy catholic and apostolic church.
However consider that the church was founded on peter and the apostles recognised him as the head of them and Jesus gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven
St Cyprian on a patriarchal dispute : Rome has spoken, the matter is resolved
It will probably create some bastardisation and heresy like protestantism
Did I say Constantine specifically did anything? No. I said after he got a hold of it, (which essentially introduced it as a political system thanks to the structure of Rome) it let to it getting perverted and fucked up.
"Arian" or not has nothing to do with how far Catholicism is now from Christianity as it was before Constantine. It's aryan btw...
Lol no its Arian as its named after Arius. Aryan is a race you mongoloid. Seriously your historical knowledge is that of a child's read up the history of the church then we'll talk
so ? no real Orthodox would send a believer to a catholic church you subhuman lying kike.
dude find one where they speak english
Stupid question here, so if the church is "built on peter" (catholic.com
Constantinople allows its members to take the Eucharistic in roman churches if that's all that is available.
Only catholics recognize their primacy, noone else. hmm
yes but thats not a good idea to become a catholic you imbecile
Jesus was a Jew.
They justify it with their ego, lies, misinformation and mental illness. But mainly the ego. Roman catholicism is so reprehensible to the proud because it requires completely surrendering your ego to god and putting faith in his church and ministers and not in the self.
>They are all part of the same one holy catholic and apostolic church.
Exactly. They're all the same pagan church.
The Roman Catholic Church is an abomination, the Whore of Babylon, and not the church Jesus came to redeem.
As cool as it would be to have a religion that's been in my family for generations that's not going to happen. God judges not by our words but our actions. The catholic church's actions tell me: "RUN!"
God: creates nature, includes man & women meant to be together (marriage, families, healthy societys).
Catholic Church: forbids marriage for clergy, ends up with priests debating man vs. boy in "shall not lay with another man." Hides evil to preserve its appearances, fails anyway. Assigns itself special super human status over its flock...
>God created nature including the equality of men. Perverting nature will only result in your doom. Stick to tradition all the way Into hell if you want but it's a choice you freely make.
Only roman catholics. Although there are over 1 billion of us and we have the most bishops. Eastern oriental and Assyrian are still catholics just not roman
Satan on google /sky/
''And his right eye shall be utterly darkened,..'' Zechariah 11:17
after we kill pope francis
''And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: Rev 12:1
''And the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.'' Rev 12:4
Him closing in on the mother as described by modern instruments, - this thing is moving folks, which a nebula would never do and keep it's shape
Why are you hateful to your fellow catholic?
Satans 7 heads
'',..A Great Red Dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads,.''' Rev 12:3
Mostly based on the succession to peter and which seat if any holds the most significance. Patriarchs in eastern orthodox christianity are all equal in significance as peter's successors, the bishop on the holy see in rome is the most significant of catholic bishops, and the cardinal bishops secondmost as his advisors
Nasa censorship off Satan - Just like /skyskyview.gsfc.nasa.gov
Coordinates: 13 48 1.0, -8 28 20.5"
IRAS micron 100
A pic of ranmdom space for comparison
A rundown any on why it is not a nebula
As described in this picture it proves a point that it is not a nebula, since a Nebula doesn't move and keep it's shapeAnd a Nebula can not have such perfect color differentiation as this filter does not change the color based on distance
Which of the 33000 protestant churches did he come to redeem then?
Portal to hell, found inside satan
Rare pepe
>Still Catholics
Now you sound like a damn Orthodox goy.
look how you mislead a beginner , guys don't listen to shills
They are all equal but peter is the first, the primate, the head of the apostles and bishops
Like I would ever leave
The matter of foreign aid does not aid the individual much, barring a sense of self satisfaction, nor the community, but it does the world. In this case most people would say yes to such aid, since they can help more than they hurt. However, there are indeed cases where this charity can be abused (Africa) or otherwise misused (Some politicians). Therefore, extreme proponents of individualism will say no, but there may still be many who say yes.
This might be a bad example, but I'm still working on the system. It may still need some forms of tweaking, but I think it works at the very least for outlining a good moral base on traits such as diligence, moderation, and allow room for protection against a hostile power.
Yes, not a Khazar like today's (((jews)))
Is that Pepe in space?
Schism does not remove you from the church. The church exists in its wholeness and universality with each bishop. As long as you have a valid bishop you have the whole catholic church. Constantinople it an bishops are recognised as valid by Rome therefore they are catholic
stop being a catholic and be a Christian instead
*Judean. Jews co-opted that title and the"god's chosen" as a way to elevate themselves.
Nah I'm good. The Catholic Church is full of kid fucking faggots. On the day of the rope we will hang the pope.
>be me
>see possible b8 thread.
>Mouse over OPs ID.
>ONE post by this user.
>MFW you all got got
What am I looking at?