Brit/pol/ - Lake District edition

>'Ladies and gentlemen' banned in Tube tannoy announcements

>Theresa May 'shed a tear' at election exit poll

>British MEP sparks furious Brussels row as he accuses Spanish of empire hypocrisy

>Visa declares war on cash with plan to pay British businesses to ban coins and notes

>Brexit BOOM! British exports in RECORD SURGE after vote to ditch the EU, new figures show

>Charlie Gard has 10% improvement chance, says US doctor

>The anti-immigration party trying to recruit immigrants

>Illegal immigrants able to enter Britain unchallenged because there are no checks at half of small ports

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Dostoyevsky is gay


Reminder that this nation is doomed and there's no force on Earth than can reverse our decline.

maybe instead of investing all this money into putting on a music show honoring dead white guys Britain should invest in infrastructure that will prevent incidents like the Grenfell Tower Tragedy

what did you mean by this?

Just got back from Birmingham city centre lads.

Reminder to join probationary membership at a gun club and apply for a co-terminous firearm certificate.

Fuck. TASER* time. Babatunde can taste the taser.

It's a strange mix of nice neo-classical and victorian buildings and modernist shite

Reminder that should a time come when a firearm is needed the state will come and snatch it away like they did in Bosnia.

There's always a bunch of paki's trying to flog Islamic shit outside the Bullring whenever I'm there.

Walked in on my gf eating a bowl full of double cream covered in sugar

What the fuck

He's still talking shit about Nige.

>roasted niggers
>a tragedy



Reminder that should a time come when the state is in a position to apprehend one of the, approximately, 2 million FAC holders in this country, they will find themselves unable to do so within quick succession.

Reminder a firearm is a fun, practical and productive hobby. Also a reminder a firearm can save your life.

Fuck off lad, don't you dare!

Seriously though, he's one of the greatest authors of all time. He's also great at portraying conservative messages in a positive way.

Congratulations user, it's a girl.

Based Hammond.

Why would we want to prevent the immolation of illegal immigrants?

At a gig on my own

They're there most every day. They often play loud arabic music along with someone reading the quran over a loudspeaker.

The state will know the collapse is coming long before you do. Considering they can mobilise en masse for a mean tweet you can bet they'll be able to take those guns before the final collapse comes.

I don't get the picture of the AK - 74, is it a .22 rimfire copy? because its calibre in inches is .3 iirc

No one else going to read it? He keeps talking shit about Nige.

We did, they stole our shekels and then rented out their free housing to illegal niggers. MOAR KKKANDLES!

Videos like this really put things into perspective. People are seriously getting excited by Anne Marie Waters when we've had politicians like this man - do people seriously think she can carry the torch of British Nationalism? She reminds me of that mate in the pub who tries to talk politics after a few pints, harmless but not well versed in philosophical or political thought. Fucking hell.

>tfw i want to die every day

we get another life, r-right guys? maybe next time, eh?

Time is running out for a bastille day habbening.

Perhaps but a firearm has more purpose than simply for armageddon and it gets you out of the house & in work.

Legalistive wise there is absolutely no difference between the AR-15 and AK-47 besides from the obvious uselessness on the side of the AR-15 as goes automatic, the picture (which is from UK Preppers Guide), has obviously included the two as 1) a representation of two well known guns 2) in regards to the lever-pull European variations on automatic firearms. Basically you fire the round, the case is ejected and the bolt locks to the rear after every shot.

nvm I'm a retard

Christ, you weren't kidding. He's fucking obsessed with Nigel.

Fuck am I happy to be an immigrant. Britain is falling lower and lower everyday. How the hell are you people going to recover?

I went to see the Planet of the Apes today , it was Superb and was the best of the lot well worth seeing .

No idea what happened in Bosnia. But I can tell you what happened in Albania and Kosovo. The police and part-time squaddies broke open their armouries. Everyone took three guns, one for themselves, one for their neighbour and one to sell. Practice your skills like you're an autistic kid in a Taylor Swift Video.

Not even for a particular crisis though that is a huge plus. It would just help you brit/pol/ neets get out of the house atleast a few times a week.

what does Sup Forums think about restrictions on sales of acids?

>do people seriously think she can carry the torch of British Nationalism?

it doesn't fucking matter, faggot. she's smashing the Overton Window to pieces with a sledgehammer and opening up the pandora's box of anti-islamism into the british isles, stop being so FUCKING idealist and start thinking pragmatically for once

Come up to present time, user.

Just got back from Solihull town centre feels good man

Oi! Rightly. You'll like to read this.

You can watch in 3d for free if you'll hoof it to London.

We're not Albania or Kosovo.

Of course it has more uses, but that's the one you'll be most thankful for at the time.

Christ what a bellend

>had I been on any kind of witty form I might have said, “Just my luck to be on the BBC for the five minutes he isn’t on.”

Saying fuck all at the time but coming up with witty things to say after the fact, nice to see that comedians with about 30 years in the game still do that.

why are you lot on about accessing guns /weapons , most here if anything happened would be in the holiday home in France Kek

Reminder that firearms (((ownership))) is for 3 years only and can be revoked at any time.

You dim cucks don't get it - you think the middle and upper class wanks who now run things will do so forever when the muslims are the majority?

Once in control of the state it will be fucking easy for the muds to make owning a gun only possible if you are a wog, thanks to the state apparatus already in place.

A woman couldn't drive Scalextric!

Just had a scan through it. It's funny how he talks it up about asking Farage awkward questions but then goes on to say how he avoided his gaze, sounds like a total beta cuck, to use the wider Sup Forums vernacular.

Someone should totally retweet that image to him if they haven't already.

Impossible ... just stop sales too Niggers

Completely agree. We all need more real life and less fapping.

word, i've always thought i'd prefer death to life

Absolutely no mention of him looking like a silly cunt when he said that Nige was never elected. He just continues to slag him off.

A depressed chuckle

Probably but no point speculating on hypotheticals IMO. It forces you to, at the very least, attend a gun club, plus pick up some other things, clays, vermin, game shooting, stalking, etc, you pick up a nack for things and develop different skills. Not just obvious ones like efficiency with a firearm but its been proven things like attention span and awareness are increased massively compared to those with firearm experience versus those without. As I said, at the very least, you get out of the house a few times a week and shooting ain't at all cheap, so it obviously has the financial incentive to get out and make a living.

>Reminder that firearms (((ownership))) is for 3 years only and can be revoked at any time.
Reminder a firearms license is for FIVE years (not three) and can be revoked upon terms of condition being broken. Reminder that renewal of an FAC is £60 and you do not need to go through the procedure again.

>You dim cucks don't get it - you think the middle and upper class wanks who now run things will do so forever when the muslims are the majority?

>Once in control of the state it will be fucking easy for the muds to make owning a gun only possible if you are a wog, thanks to the state apparatus already in place.

Irrelevant fucking nonsense. Firearms are an extremely fun hobby and help develop skills as mentioned above. Its also a very social activity.


Makes me sad every time lads. What a waste.

Yet more evidence that our state cannot maintain law and order and are trying their best to pretend that they can.

Someone already did. I nicked it. Also he thinks asking about Assange would be an awkward question when Nige has already been on BBC news saying it was orgainised by LBC...He seems a bit unstable.

She's a nutty dyke but I don't see a new John Tyndall on the scene right now. Not sure what'll happen to UKIP if she gets in. The party's dying anyway.

What was his response?

This. This is why we can't be all RAHOWA. Tbh, haven't been paying attention to Waters but the first step is getting the public to dip it's toe in the right wing's swimming pool.

can imagine that in pic is you ?

anyone listened to the band neurosis? i'm listening to an album for the first time

>you will never ravage owen's twink body


Anybody watching the McGregor press conference?

Fucking hilarious.

There wont be a new Tyndall. All our heroes have long-since left us.

>Irrelevant fucking nonsense.

Bullshit it is

You have to be a (((professional))) to won a gun or to sign the application for some little pleb cuck pal.

Firearms ownership is 100% class based - a tiny minority at that.

Going along with traitors ;laws - laws that are actually against the British constitution will lead us into nig death camps in the future

That's the thing about those wars, all the patriotic young men and well-educated officers all slaughtered en masse by a state sponsored wave of suicides. All for what? White British are a minority in our nation's capital now anyway.

Germany really had Europe's best interests at heart.

Why did we fight to keep the boot of the Jew on us?
How is it Russians remain virile and aggressive towards their invaders while we're pacifistic and faggoty.

Almost every other post here is effeminate "oh woe is me" trite about how British is finished. Fucking faggots

Silence. Herring talked a load of shit about him but Nige didn't even have to say or do a single thing and he still somehow destroyed him. Brilliant.

On a serious note, when I was searching for a pic to use I found this photo. Called ''Owen Jones'' from the description on google images.

Is it him?

you lads watching BBC 2 right now?

really good show on right now

Fuck. Fairy muff. The Scottish police have gone full soviet with the SNP.

Almost ended up signing a rental contract with a likely schizophrenic woman.

>see ad on spareroom
>didn't read it all but rang the number
>woman answers
>do you smoke?
>asks again
>still nope
>visit the flat
>it's in a relatively shitty area
>she looks about 50 and is a "busy" media industry person
>seems a bit strange but whatever
>asks for a bunch of references, bank details etc
>won't tell me her last name
>won't tell me how long she's been living there
>won't give me her email address
>keeps answering questions vaguely
>today she texts me "sorry, we can't proceed"
>ask her why
>no response for house
>phone her, text her more
>curt replies
>read her ad again
>realize there's a bunch of wacko shit in there like describe her home as being beautiful and not some "ugly council block"

Fucking weird how someone can seem intelligent, rational etc yet act like such a foul person at the slightest opportunity. I seriously think that anybody who thrives in a major city (London in my case) is either a sociopath or is just has extremely low aesthetic standards (third worlders et).

if I wanted to see a nigger and a mick fight I'd throw a dollar out the window

>being low iq
>watching scripted playground insults and thinking its funny

fuck off

Thread soundtrack:

You'd be unstable too if you'd been known as the least funny member of Lee & Herring since the 90s.

Probably because they have a nation with a future.


>smashing the overton window
>opening up the pandora's box of anti-islamism into the british isles

>what is the BNP
>what is the NF

Come back to me once she gets over half a million votes senpai, otherwise all you have is conjecture. The things she's saying aren't even slightly new, watch the video. It's old hat. They're just new to UKIP, who're dying out rapidly in case you missed it, a party who gained traction off the back of the enigma that is Farage, a man who connected with people and was a master at his craft.

I'm not being idealistic btw, I just have standards. I'm showing the difference between someone who's eloquent and smart to someone who comes across as thick as 2 short planks and will only serve to preach to the choir. The message of nationalism is far more grounded and appealing compared to simply attacking islam.

More your typical

>we don't want em yanky type gun lawrs round here

>oh let's just take shots at american low brow television

I'm not interested in the BLACKED pill.

>Firearms ownership is 100% class based - a tiny minority at tha
Absolutely not at all. How wrong you are amazes you. How you can continue to sprout this nonsense, you clearly have absolutely no experience to speak of with, and pass it off as fact. There are over 4 million licensed firearms in this country, and 2 million FAC owners (to say nothing of specific SGC/section 5/section 7 holders). It is absolutely not class based and a trip down to your local gun club would prove this. Vermin shooting on land, clays, stalking and hunting are all extremely mixed activities in terms of class. Things like long bore .50 calibre shooting IS very class based (though I've never done it myself, its extremely expensive to maintain and get permission for), but you have no fucking clue what you are yapping on about mate.

>Going along with traitors ;laws - laws that are actually against the British constitution will lead us into nig death camps in the future
Britain invented the right to bear arms. From the Assize of Arms 1125, to the Bill of Rights 1689. The right to bear arms is deeply embedded into common law AND the constitution if you cared about it.

>Implying scripted things can't be funny
>Implying I believe it's not scripted
>Implying I wasn't finding the naffness of it all hilarious rather than the actual content
>Implying seeing a small nog get called out by a small Irishman isn't in any way funny
>Implying I'm low IQ

40 years ago, smack around the head, warning for being an islamic cunt, eventually they settle in.
today the CPS won't prosecute because it's completely pointless to apply a court to this, a grand in cash from an anonymous saudi doner which they report as donations from a cornwall fundraising trip because who would know if anyone on the street in some small town actually gave a grand in cash. overall, they can calim they got a grand in donations that 24 hour period.

then back to syria in fundraising ambulances and just as sure as bob's your uncle, mohammed is now your new brother and an ISIS bomber is in the UK under Mohammed al whatevers passport while immigration are scared of asking him why he doesn't speak english and half his hand has been blown off.

Then fundraising for syria, repeat x 10 and they have 100K in cash and mohammed tains mohammed , two go back to syria and one stays and blows up kids in whatever major concert kids like nowadays.

sad state of affairs.

Why do you guys fantasize about that WHITE UK 1950s life.
Its gone !
the sooner you breed with niggers /piccaninnies kek
get with the Quron an get your mat out to pray 6 times a day kek

>Almost every other post here is effeminate "oh woe is me" trite about how British is finished. Fucking faggots
Why don't you post that self-pitying Peter Hitchens poem already? Honestly all of you are gay as fuck

Now that Muslims are committed to an insurgency in Britain, it's time for Brits(and the rest of the West, for that matter) to fight back.
You idiots think the media will EVER respect you. This is like The_Donald cucks and BASED BLACK MEN, which is a shallow appeal to liberals. We do not compromise with terrorists, and we certainly do not compromise with the wicked media which desires of destruction.

Saddam would be jealous of Breivik's fertiliser WMDs that blow cucks and muslims to little bloody pieces, you can find information on that in his manifesto. There are links to PDF files of Jihadi manuals that detail how to create homemade bombs such as the one used in the Manchester Arena, just search for them on 4plebs.

It's time to resist the Saracen menace, and use the instructions from the enemy itself to bring the fight to them. The police won't do anything about the muslim threat nor will the politicians. It's up to us.


>Charles Martel: Kept Muslims from conquering Europe in the Battle of Tours
>John III Sobieski: Polish guy who kept T*rks from conquering Europe at the Battle of Vienna
>Anders Breivik: BTFO'd Muslim-enablers in Norway, killing 77 people in an attack that shocked the world. He is a model of efficiency.


Just seen an advert on TV for becoming a teacher lads. Started off with some hijabi roach before going through the leftist spectrum of short haired dikes, African women and general 'I'm not like the other girls' women. Not one white British male. There was a Japanese guy thrown in at the end for token measure but the fact of the exclusion of the largest demographic in this country. I don't normally let corporate diversity get to me but it really hit home that we are simply not wanted in this industry. The reason it got to me was so many of the teachers who inspired me to learn and better my knowledge and even life have been older English, often ex-army gents who have had a world of experience before going into teaching at the end of their career. My experience of the recent intake into the profession is the well meaning but totally devoid of any independent thought young women at university with no meaningful life experience outside of the (((syllabus))) and it makes my soul weep. How have we let these subversive leftist snakes infest the institution responsible for forming our children's world view and how can we banish them for eternity and provide children with a practical, significant and inspiring education?

You faggots talk like you're on some evangelical mission to spread your cancer. Hypocritical much.

I misread your last bit about the Constitution mate. My bad, you were making MY point for me. The rest stands however.

If anything happens that tunnel will be full of invaders and we're not going anywhere... except Hollyhead. I CAN eat potatoes if I have to.

If it's so ingrained why can't you just walk into a shop and buy one?

Why would I want to?
0/10 would not want, do not want, Would throw out of helicopter.
Unlikely, face doesn't match.

In Russia the police state is arrayed against the invaders. Our police state is on their side.

I can't stand the defeatist faggots either though, user. Brit/pol/ has a regular troop of depression cases who really should get off the computer and sort themselves out.