Get in here comrades, Sargon along with others in a debate
Capitalism vs Socialism Debate Stream
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This looks like the worst line up I've seen in awhile. Holy shit.
It's going to be juicy, 3 versus 3
KulturKampf team > /leftypol/ team > Sargon team
DEBATE THREAD get in here
Sargon vs AIU who would win?
All of them should be erradicated.
>/leftypol/ is getting their asses kicked by SARGON
They're just TOO nervous DAMMIT
"It just doesn't work"
Dam really made me think
>fucking idiot commie
>e-celeb thread
Checks out. Sage.
Jesus, this is awful
>Scared of getting your views challenged
>Coming from an Ancap
>Watching youtubers debate
I find paint drying on the wall more thought provoking than a much of youtubers "debating" amongst each other.
One isn't even a youtuber, he's a CEO. And Finnish Bolshevik makes good educational videos.
This is so cringy
>my comrades
Both capitalism and socialism need to be utilised by society for the best results but neither should be the ruling system.
Debate over.
You don't buy this and push your either system like you're supporting a football team you are part of the problem. You are pushing for an evil outcome.
Explain how you combine capitalism and socialism, they are completely antithetical to each other
Capitalist economics with socialist policies? Look at venezuela
interestingly both terms "capitalism" and "socialism" were created by Marx.
No one is this much of a mouthbreathing retard but some morons here will believe it, so good job.
Only way is having a capitalist economy with socialist policies like free healthcare and education. The problem is the socialist policies are based on taxation which are based on the health of the markets.
threads like this prove Sup Forums is mostly underage. Probably the youngest average board age on Sup Forums after Sup Forums
whoever wins, we lose
Also if you're not on the side of socialism you are fucking retarded
Funny, /leftypol/ had this thread ages ago...
you're on your personal computer/mobile phone right now looking at Sup Forums, debate is over. Capitalism wins again.
Thanks for playing kids
I can just need look north and see why I don't want to become a socialist
>views challenged
The only thing challenged is your mentality.
>"n-n-not r-real socialism!"
Sometimes I'm reading thread and it physically hurts how ignorant some morons are. Example:
I don't know if I'm getting older or this place is getting dumber. I think it's the latter. Too many abreviations (every other post is "kys!"), the level of discourse is primary, there's no intelligence, no wit. Everything is taken literally, there's no subtlety. "weather u like it or not your wrong and there right!!!"
It's so sad. This place is fucking dead. The problem is people who never experienced original Sup Forums have no idea what I'm talking about.
>evvryding good is socialism cus i said so
not sure if retarded or actual communist
>and likes cuck cops, not real cops; but wants law and order
Not having to source your outlandish claims. Thank socialism for that.
>unironically being a monarchist
Ancaps and based socialists aside, I don't know who the fuck would want a monarchy.
"Muh Marx"
Pics= reality
>Watching either obese or emaciated teenagers stammering some shit at each other live from their mom's bedrooms via internet
What a time to be alive
*drinks vodka
Why are Communists always such gangly fucks? Serious question
>Thank Socialism for not having to hunt for food
>Thank Socialism for not having to grow your food
Are you implying Socialism doesn't feed people?
They want to redistribute the strength
Persil is from the German empire, so you should thank monarchism for it.
what do you think socialism mean?
I laughed
>What you say malenki capboy
nigga what
An utopic dellusion that, idiots fall for and opportunists use to gain power and oppress millions!
Sargon literally hasn't got anything substantial to say
He's just butting in every 10 mins to say something edgy
>implying they didn't have computers and phones in communist countries
>implying Capitalism, an abstract idea, made computer/phones as opposed to the workers themselves which communism supports
>implying "Hey the slaves are using things from their slave master while arguing against their slavery" is ever a valid argument
>invented things like the "Sputnik"
Who can do more for society?
A person with 1 million dollars or 500000 people with 2 dollars?
There's no way Sargon is aware of the economic calculation problem, do any of the other fags even bring it up?
The 500,00 people because the money isn't actually doing anything
Not a great definition.
Regardless without the work of Socialist workers advocates the world would be a hellhole for most of the population most likely including yourself. You're bashing the people who have given you everything you have.
Finnish Bolshevik addresses it one of his videos
Sargon is the greatest gift liberalism has given the right in that he's destroying the most militant parts of liberalism and the left from within. By being a radical moderate he paves the way for the right.
>Unironically citing Fernand Braudel and the longue durée
Ffs just go back to you marxist uni shithole
So Sargon argues with teenaged Marxists now? Kek
My father gave me the education and provided me the healthcare I needed in order for me to be able to live on my own, it wasn't the fuck state that gave me my job that's for fucking sure!
The idiot fuck commies need to watch these:
Honestly, their arguments are childlike, and they aren't even getting yet to a more sophisticated level, or discussing historical instances.
They don't even understand what a market is economics 101 would be a better place to start
the logical conclusion of ancap looks a lot like a monarchy
when someone owns the property they tend to care more about making it prosperous, rather than using the government as a tool to fuck over your democratic opponents
>My father gave me the education and provided me the healthcare I needed
No the teachers and doctors gave you those things.
>it wasn't the fuck state that gave me my job that's for fucking sure!
It was the capitalists who employed you with wages
Holy fuck this is absolute fucking retardation
5 minute intermission
On what? Trump vs Clinton?
Devon is right on a lot of things but the guy just can't take any criticism. This faggot banned me because i asked a simple guestion. If you don't agree with him, he will:
a) Dismiss your argument because you don't have your real name on your YT channel
b) Tell you he will fight you
We are literally talking about a person who unironically thinks only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.
Finbol just said you can have multiple projects. The soviets had many many projects on different tanks for example. Capitalist monopolies ensured only a few models existed.
More than 4 people in a live stream is fucking retarded. 8:::::::::::::::::::::>
At the mercy of the government, which can shut down any project for whatever reason.
That's rife for corruption and nepotism.
>No the teachers and doctors gave you those things.
And I'm pretty sure my father had to pay for for my school and and the medical bills.
>It was the capitalists who employed you with wages
Yeah and?
Given that communists are historically notorious for their lack of respect for property rights and self ownership and have been responsible for the greatest mass murders in recent human history we can deduce that they do not apply rights such as self ownership to others or themselves.
Furthermore this means that communists can not be considered moral agents.
One can not be considered a moral agent if one does not have an ability to make a moral judgement.
Since these moral relativists reject the notion of morality altogether we know they are incapable of acting in a moral fashion.
In order for rights to exist between two or more beings there must exist some level of reciprocation of rights such is the minimum requirement for one to be considered a moral being.
Communists are incapable of reciprocating rights as they do not believe such things exist.
We can thus conclude that communists being incapable of showing the characteristics of humanity, are therefore for all intents and purposes not human and as such should be treated as dangerous primates.
>capitalism vs communism
both are shit
National Socialism is the way
This is probably true. They need to re-think and re-conceptualize how the basic elements (indeed the nomenclature itself) actually functions.
They need to actually test their hypothesis in other more simplistic scenarios.
Anyway, I tire of commies never learning. It is greatly sad that, thanks to Keynse, rampant leftism, the electorate being bribed with welfare, and higher education being invaded by the leftists long march, more nuanced discussions on this can never be had.
Should such discussions take place and individuals actually think through these ideas, I am confident that they would arrive at the true conclusion, with respect to what economics actually is, and that the free market is the best way of interacting with it effective. To be sure, for certain, those who are consistently economic failures, would certainly prefer the nanny state. The rest need to dispose of such yoke.
Yeah because monarchs have historically been so successful at management. So successful they managed to cause three revolutions after stealing up most of the wealth for their degenerate court orgies (Romanovs, Bourbons, Stuarts).
It was workers advocates that let your father have the time off to educate you.
Every time a commie says something it has massive potholes or does not make sense.
20 innovators working on 1 tractor? is he retarded?
Are we now seriously debating with communists? Does the degeneracy go so deep in our society?
>socialism = liberalism
>telling anyone else they don't understand politics/economics
>Crazy antisemite
>has a clover
>commie thinks he's Irish
You have to. Otherwise commies (like Bernie Sanders) will come along and promise free shit to the plebs and they eat it up.
You're just an edgy capitalist.
You are a moron. A greater number of state driven projects will inevitably cause projects which are worthless garbage, to proliferate, or even to exist for a time. This is the very inefficiency which government produces, and why it results in miss-allocation of resources, detrimental effects to prices, less innovation, and the other problems which typify socialism.
Why do I have to explain something so obvious and elementary?
Socialists came out looking better
>You have to. Otherwise commies (like Bernie Sanders) will come along and promise free shit to the plebs and they eat it up.
I guess. It had to be done when kids were 12 or so, though. How can a grown up person be a communist is beyond me.
>Bernie Sanders
are you trying to compare the capabilities of nation from the past to current nations? technologies have changed a lot since then
the fact there were revolutions is irrelevant, the point is that ancap nations would be very similar to monarchies in many ways
it worked fairly well for a long time, this whole hyper inclusive mass democracy thing is a pretty new experiment and it hasn't been going so great
Free shit isn't a socialist talking point? Isn't that the whole point of socialism?
Responding in a retarded manner to something what wasn't claimed or addressed, am I supposed to actually consider this?
Perhaps you should learn the distinctions between Liberalism and liberalism, and how the new left in the last 100 years has bastardized the nomenclature.
Get educated.
Neither has the whole monarchy thing been going great. How would technologies prevent from the simple fact that just because a leader is good, it doesn't mean his son wouldn't be a decadent hedonist?
He's an extremist social liberal and social democrat. That's not a Socialist.
>learn the distinctions between Liberalism and liberalism
Unlike most, I'm aware of them, and both are completely shit.
It's literally word for word in the picture you posted
I HATE these streams about politics you guys watch/do.
These guys are always prepotent as fuck.
And they're not funny or smart, at all.
>hurr cabidalism vs. sozialism
The world doesn't work like these, fucking morons.
Are you fucking mentally handicapped?
Rockwell was a capitalist all the way.