>Admits that Janusz Korwin-Mikke, "The Most Sexist Man In The World" and MEP is right
>BTFOs Pierce Morgan
>Riddicules the wage gap
>Admits that Janusz Korwin-Mikke, "The Most Sexist Man In The World" and MEP is right
>BTFOs Pierce Morgan
>Riddicules the wage gap
Also, original video:
So the Murdoch Murdoch was right.
Prophecy came true.
>Women, manlets AND shitskins BTFO in less than 30 seconds
Based Korwin
>I'm not saying women should earn less, but they must because they are less intelligent
He looks insane. Probably manic depression.
pdp or the polack?
>Janusz "No Pay For Women And Gay" Korwin-Mikke
i want pewdiepie to inseminate my boy pussay with sexist sperm
pierce morgan is insufferable
He's hunted down by entire mainstream for publically announcing that he wants to gas all the Jews, give him a break.
>Why not both
You do realize youtube "stars" are mostly about making money, it's summer, children have a lot of free time to go online and stumble on these sites, reading stupid theories and eating them up like facts.
Then comes the ultimate kiddie youtube star, trying to make more sheckels gets "redpilled" and makes video on 4 month old video that knows will get triggers and views.
You people are no better than idiot instagram comedy videos, it's very easy to get a clickk out of you.
You do realize this guy has 55,000,000 subs, right?
That he's redpilling preteens and impressionable young women and turning them against this multiculturalist nightmare, right?
It's like you WANT to lose the war on culture
Regardless if he believes what he's saying or not, the only thing that matters is how many people the youtuber with 50 million subscribers will convince.
But I believe he really means what he's saying. Have you even watched his videos lately? I've never even been his fan, but he recently does contrary to what you state: speaks about whatever he feels like, however he feels like.
You do realize his views and subs went up after his "nazi" drama, he's just sheckeling out on it.
He's probably the one posting this video thread every 10 minutes, stop being so guillible this is irrelevant.
God bless /OurGuy/
>Ancap flag
>Kekistani flag
I hope your next post sports the rainbow flag. That's when you've achieved the holy trinity of faggotry
He's about to grow out of his degenerate yolo hipster phase, and transition into a respectable tradman.
Because showing the mot radical conservative old dude who is never going to convince anyone is helping.
It doesn't matter if he is right or not, he doesn't present his ideas properly and it's hardly convincing for anyone who has an opposite view.
I just choose a random flag on every post, I like to see them all.
>redpilling preteens and impressionable young women and turning them against this multiculturalist nightmare
He just fucking destroyed MUH WAGE GAP, feminist Holy Grail. Listen to his entire speech in the end, and especially what he says in 13:55. It's a pure redpill.
If he wanted the sheckels, he would cry about muh oppressed women/minorities/LGBTQWERTY instead of getting his youtube account almost banned for speaking the truth.
You are a moron.
>I Just choose a random flag on every post, i like to see them all
Back to r*ddit fag
>Because showing the mot radical conservative old dude who is never going to convince anyone is helping.
Like it or not, Pewdiepie is extremely influential among young people. Probably one of the most influential people in the western world.
He is showing one of the most controversial figures in European politics, and defending him.
Sorry but I just don't understand your POV. You seem like a fucking Jew shill.
whats it like to be shtupid?
>showing the mot radical conservative old dude
You have no idea how much fans this "conservative old dude" has among Polish youth. He's our version of Trump. He gained about 22% of 18-25yo votes during last election. He redpilled entire generations, and I think it's safe to safe that the reason why we are one of the most conservative states right now is partly because of him.
>he doesn't present his ideas properly
Just how? He explains everything in a simple and basic way. He shows how mainstream, leftist media destroy everyone who DARES to have different opinion, and explains why "wage gap" is a bullshit.
What's wrong with that?
Piers Morgan needs to go back to whatever immigrant country he came from
fucking Rent-a-Talking-Head
Anti-SJW videos get more views than SJW shit because of people like you.
>He is showing one of the most controversial figures in European politics, and defending him.
>After a controversy about him being a Nazi upped his youtube revenue
My point is that there is no point to bringing attention to this guy, he's just pandering to this side of the coin on the subject. it's not relevant, if it redpills kiddies then good but whats the point of posting it here? sheckels.
He looks autistic as fuck, and said he was a complete feminist the first time he watched the based oldman.
Pewds have betrayed us
You're one seriously dumb fuck, aintcha?
Your train of thought is so retarded I can't even argue with it.
>he was a mexicuck all along
Comedy gold, amirite?
Maybe I rambled too much but my main point is that this video is pretty old and anyone with half a brain knows that Piers acted like a complete douche, he isn't redpilling anyone because if you go outside for 5 minutes you will realize that no matter how nice you put it nobody is going to side with you if you say men are smarter than women (regardless of facts to back it up).
There was no need for this video coming 4 months late other than pandering to an audience and you fall right into the click bait.
Fuck off, Pewdiepie is shit.
>Anti-SJW videos get more views than SJW shit
Explain me how is that a bad thing.
It's not about what is more popular. It's about what (((THEY))) try to promote, and where the money are. 10 million views video bashing feminism won't get you as much money as 1 million views video promoting MUH EQUAL RIGHTS. Do you get it now?
>he's just pandering to this side of the coin on the subject
You are a fucking dumbass if you think that pandering to right side brings you any coin, unless you advertise SUPER MALE VITALITY.
>it's not relevant, if it redpills kiddies then good but whats the point of posting it here?
To give it even more reach and redpill even more people.
I also believe some Sup Forumslacks who still don't know Korwin-Mikke should be introduced to him, because he's probably the most redpilled politician walking on this Earth by far.
This guy is right you know. That interview happened like 2 years ago
I wish I had 8 children with 4 different women lad, but sadly I'm not Korwin.
>Explain me how is that a bad thing.
It's not a bad thing but it naturally attracts people that are only in it for the money.
>You are a fucking dumbass if you think that pandering to right side brings you any coin, unless you advertise SUPER MALE VITALITY.
You can't be serious.
>To give it even more reach and redpill even more people.
Yeah because pol is the perfect place to do that.
>I also believe some Sup Forumslacks who still don't know Korwin-Mikke should be introduced to him, because he's probably the most redpilled politician walking on this Earth by far.
This video was posted several times back in March when it came out. Just shows how long you've been here.
Please leve PewdiePie.
>that this video is pretty old
And it got something like 400 k views. The one with PewDiePie already has almost 3 million.
>nobody is going to side with you if you say men are smarter than women
And that's exactly why we need people like Korwin, who WILL go against the "common knowledge" and keep bringing up that people AREN'T equal. Besides, PewDiePie cut out the most important part of the interview: Korwin said that he believes that men are more intelligent than women, however, women are smarter than men.
It is also very important to keep bringing up how the "wage gap" is a complete bullshit, just like PewDiePie did.
It came out in February. See
>it naturally attracts people that are only in it for the money.
Again, tell me how the fuck can you make money on redpilling people.
>You can't be serious.
I am 100% serious. As it was already told before, PewDiePie almost got his account suspended for being politically incorrect lately. He also lost lot of his important sponsors and contacts because of that. If he was a pure opportunist, he would just keep playing kiddie games, because this is what brought him the most money in first place, or alternatively high five some fags during Pride Parade and easily gain dem Soros shekels.
He didn't even 100% agree with Korwin in that video, he just straight up said what he thinks.
>Yeah because pol is the perfect place to do that
I clearly didn't mean Sup Forums.
But it can also be a good lesson of how to redpill people in a non-edgy way.
>This video was posted several times back in March
I know, I was one of the people who posted them. What's your point again?
You sound pretty autistic.
This video isn't relevant and this guy is pretty pathetic, it won't turn around anyone's opinion.
Hes grabbing one study to make his claims, have you even read that study?
how do you know it's not because of other factors? What if it's so manipulated shit like the gender gap?
You are very easy to pander to, you are the reason these people earn millions a year.
>Again, tell me how the fuck can you make money on redpilling people.
Views = Money
It's not that hard really, please stop.
>But it can also be a good lesson of how to redpill people in a non-edgy way.
This is not edgy?
You are making a fool of yourself.
Will he go full 14/88, like Ben "6 Million More" Garrison?
Agree with this guy. Pewdiepie has lost a lot for being politically incorrect and yet he keeps doing it.
He's from Gothenburg, a rapidly diversifying city. He knows what's happening.
>This video isn't relevant and this guy is pretty pathetic, it won't turn around anyone's opinion
Once people start digging up information about Korwin, they eventually get redpilled. I started like that as well when I was in high school, I believed the guy was a dumbass. I thought he was a clown at the beginning. See >Hes grabbing one study to make his claims, have you even read that study?
I remember that there was once an international IQ test in Poland and men easily won with women.
Master chess players in the world are 99% men.
And so on, and so on.
I begin to believe you are actually an undercovered libtard, triggered that opinions like that of Korwin are being used to redpill people by influential people.
>Views = Money
Are you from 2010?
Youtube doesn't work like that anymore, for your information. The biggest money youtubers get goes from sponsors, and they are getting more money for the specific content, not for the views themselves. So like I said, earlier, 1 view in libtard friendly video >100 views in right-wing leaning video.
And as I said, PewDiePie lost most of his sponsors after all his politically incorrect videos lately. So your arguments are completely invalid.
>I remember that there was once an international IQ test in Poland and men easily won with women.
Nice proof.
>I begin to believe you are actually an undercovered libtard, triggered that opinions like that of Korwin are being used to redpill people by influential people.
I just don't eat up anything that sounds like confirmation bias, I look into things more than just watching a video and there isn't that much information on different inteligence betwen genders.
>And as I said, PewDiePie lost most of his sponsors after all his politically incorrect videos lately. So your arguments are completely invalid
So you mean to tell me he lost his sponsors and now the only way to recover is getting more views? AND HE COMES UP WITH THIS?
Surely I'm the idiot.
>Nice proof.
Two first articles in a row.
And I'd like to remid once again that contrary what BBC wants you to believe, Korwin DOESN'T think that women are inferior to men. While he believes that they are less intelligent, he also thinks they are "wiser", as he stated during the interview. He simply thinks both sexes have their unique qualities and abilities, and that there is no point in trying to equalize them. That's all.
Women earn less (or to be more precise, are underpesented) in CERTAIN JOBS that require more "intelligence", while perform the tasks that require "being wise" better.
>Surely I'm the idiot.
I've already explained clearly that it's the type of content he produces, not the number of views he gets that matters for them. So yes, yes you are.
>qz com/441905/men-are-both-dumber-and-smarter-than-women
Pewdiepie is literally the new furher
how did we not think that "!
Did you even read this? It says women are more intelgent than men.
Even if the claims are 100% true and male have wider Iq ranges it doesn't mean men are more intelligent on average, it says that both the dumbest and the smartest people are men, making an average of that it's kind of pointless.
You know posting the first 2 links of a google search is not really considered research?.
Fuck off with your e-celeb bullshit SAGE
For fuck's sake.
90% of mathematicians (and other sience-related studies), chess players and programmers are men.
What other proof do you need?
I'm almost sure you are a triggered leftist or woman at this point.
>however, women are smarter than men
Wrong. The aggregate IQ score is given by weighing the scores for the different categories (verbal, spatial etc) and weighed in such a way as to give both men and women the same mean every time they re-calibrate the distribution. Women and men BY DEFINITION have the same mean aggregate IQ. By definition. But the only category in which women perform better than men is the verbal portion and they have a dogshit mean score on spatial IQ, and everything else, making their complete absence from STEM fields expected.
No, you cannot use aggregate IQ scores to argue that men or women are smarter. IQ is such a way as to give them the same mean aggregate IQ score. Equal IQ by definition. If you're using aggregate IQ to argue sex differences you're a complete fucking idiot who doesn't know what you're talking about.
Okay, so he's making "redpilled" videos because he saw his revenue went up when he made anti SJW comments.
Who cares if he's just doing it for the cash? The fact remains that a lot of people are watching this guy spew chewable redpills and what's he's saying isn't far from the truth. This suits our ends. Every tiny step toward the right that the culture makes, means the extreme right is all the more acceptable.
I'm not denying that but that could easily be for other reasons it doesn't necesarily mean a gender is msarer than the other.
I'm not closed to the idea but I'm not spreading it like it's true because nobody can really tell, heres a line from your own link:
(On if a gender is smarter than the other)
>For the moment, Ritchie says his work isn’t equipped to answer such heady questions: He is focused on accurately describing the differences in the male and female brain, not speculating on what they could mean.
By saying "smarter", Korwin meant the ability to raise children or take care of house. Chill the fuck out.
pewds has been dropping red pills since day 1
I misread it. My bad, going to sleep.
He can do whatever he wants for money but don't treat him like some measiah who's spreading the truth because in reality he's just another money hungry e-celeb who would turn on anything he is saying right now for the sheckels.
Could you be any more autistic, I'm leaving now, theres nothing else to prove.
>I want the r_d audience
yeah next he's gonna tell us about the based black man
He's been /ourguy/. He was here hinting at his presence years ago long before he started even hinting at this shit.
>I'm not closed to the idea but I'm not spreading it like it's true because nobody can really tell
Pretty much everybody can tell that almost all programmers, the most prospective and futuristic profession, are men.
>he's just another money hungry e-celeb who would turn on anything he is saying right now for the sheckels
I've already proven you're 100% wrong on that and that he has NOTHING to gain and everything to lose by doing that. So why do you keep repeating the lie?
Funny how in a instant he fucked the ad revenue on youtube so hard
Do you honestly think the advertisers backlash will last long?
He's reving up his views for when the world forgets about the drama, if you seriously think he's doing this to redpill the world and not for the money you should get a retardation check.
Goodbye now.
used to be..
"i am woman, hear me roar"
now its
"i am wamens, iz never paid as much as a manz...uhh"
- Felix Lundr Elf Sqizarkkzx
ow long do you need to actually leave? Jesus christ dude.
Pewdiepie will lead the future Slavo-Nordic alliance
>Do you honestly think the advertisers backlash will last long?
Yeah sure, it will 100% end if he keeps doing controversial videos like that one.
>if you seriously think he's doing this to redpill the world and not for the money
I don't think he actually wants to "redpill" anyone, he just talks straight up what he thinks. He's already a millionaire, so at this point, he can say whatever the fuck he wants.
In Times of hardship a hero emerges, not one we deserve but one we need.
Janus is our Wizard.
Thank you for IKEA greatest ally.
The Beddinge sofa is shit though, I want my money back.
I like it PewDiePie goes through YLYL threads on /gif/. He laughed at my post on camera once.
Malm storage bed is quite good, though
*initiates second deluge*
Source? Iq, or g is statistically determined by finding out which questions/answers that best predict how good a person would be compared to others in further test questions and so on. Sex doesn't play a role in it.
Btw given your flag is swedish, you might now about how the Swedish hogskoleprovet until a decade ago or so was a whooping 50% consisting of a certain type ofverbal ability. The quantative parts was ridiculously underweighted to the extreme. The purpose was basically to disadvantage men as much as possible.
*blocks your path*
>this guy is following the free market! He's just saying these things for money!
>I can't buy these shoes, they are just making shoes for money!
Stupid faggot. Rejoice that the market is shifting towards the right.
he still had 45M+ before that, relax buddy
>(((endermen))) are behind it all, kids