Let's recap

Let's recap...

>"There is no proof of Russian collusion. Stop being ridiculous."

>"Well even if there was collusion, collusion isn't illegal. You can't prove it."

>"This lawyer does not represent the Russian government. The left is acting like Don Junior met with a KGB spy."

>"Okay she might have brought along a literal Russian spy, Hillary sold uranium to Putin personally so this is a nothingburger."

>all while Trump is building the wall

>kicking out mexicans

>getting rid of EPA regulations

>making america great again

you stupid niggers tried to set up Don Jr. with a fucking sting operation and you still failed absolutely

the future is not for you, i suggest suicide


>she might have brought along a literal Russian spy
why did the previous administration do nothing about spies in our country

Nope. Nothing he did is illegal, and the Demoshits now have to attack Trump Jr. because their narrative against Sr. has fallen apart.

Congratulations, you just lost the Midterms. BTW the wall is funded now. We win again.


>and you still failed absolutely

I am not trying to stick up for the dude but has it proven nothing happened? Has the spy talked yet?

These people who make these threads and in the MSM have no idea how the law works. They are literally just throwing bad sounding words at Trump hoping it will stick. Absolutely no tact at all. No wonder they lose when pitted against people who actually know how to get a job done.

The tactic is based on "the court of public opinion".

Too bad for them they are bleeding both viewers and voters

Still no proof of Russian collusion
Collusion isn't illegal
The lawyer is a lobbyist
The guy she brought along is a lobbyist as well
Nice plebbit spacing you burger

>muh Russia
>muh Russia
>muh Russia
>muh Russia
>muh Russia
Hilldawg 2020! TWO SCOOPS! Drumpftillstilkins BTFO! Woot!

How can Trump even recover?

>Russia was trying to influence the election!

And the treasonous DNC and the MSM were trying to rig it

We must never forget that the DNC is currently involved in a plan of obstructionist treason in an attempt to overthrow our government. Simply because they did not win the election.

It's time to call them out on their treason. This cannot be taken lightly.

Didn't those two also visit the WH several times prior to that meeting?

>building the wall


It's not even finished yet?

How is that obstruction of Justice working out for the left? Are they so close they can taste it?

>all while Trump is building the wall
>not paid by mexico

>kicking out mexicans
>at the same levels than obongo

>getting rid of EPA regulations
>destroying the environment while benefiting oligarchs

>making america great again
Sure thing buddy...

They just appropriated the full amount Trump requested for the first portion this week.

Remember when it turned out that Shareblue is being financed by China? And that the Clinton Foundation gets big bribes--i mean, "charitable donations"--from countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia? Why doesn't the MSM point out how the jews, arabs and chinks were all trying to influence and subvert our government by putting a crooked puppet Clinton in despite the DNC all wanting Bernie which was stymied by Clinton's lackeys in the DNC rigging it for her (and her masters)?

Drumpfkins are in denial


Remember when nobody ever really liked Trump fags that took the meme seriously?

Every politician will be colluded, they don't stand a chance otherwise, but personally I don't give a shit if they just met to exchange dirt on a common enemy.
Welcome to the real world friendo.


>not paid by mexico

He actually thinks we care.

>"Ok, so this Russian lawyer is a DNC asset and proof of Obama's treason. Go back to sleep, goyim."

You reading those Toronto star posts brah? I shitpost on those daily, try to find me.

Clinton emails still a story. Found new Abedin emails. Lying cunts lie.

They are going to give him 1.6 billion for it. It is going to take atleast 25 billion.

The KGB nigger is friends with Kerry. It was all a set up to get a FISA warrant. There is your collusion.

OP : were laws broken? Did they break the democratic process, like hilary did with fake voters?

Fuck off shill fag.

Stay assblasted for eternity double nigger.

Better question, why was Rinat Akhmetshin, a "suspected Russian spy", granted American citizenship in 2009 and allowed to register as a lobbyist? Either a) the Obama administration was hilariously incompetent or b) the spy narrative is bullshit

The NSA taped the phones during the meeting there will be transcripts they will confirm what the lawyer and Jr said was talked about.