Need to vent

My sister got deported for illegally carrying an assault weapon because a police officer found my tec 22 that I had accidentally left in her shopping bag while she was at a PTA meeting. And then today I come home to find a letter informing me that the CA AWB doesn't apply to rimfire weapons and I can pick up my tec 22 from the sherriff's office at any time. I got my gun back but now I'm the legal guardian for her twins.

jesus fuck I'm mad, how's the gun scene in reno?

Maybe she shouldn't have broke the law twice.

Fuck off beaner.

Why she got deported?, she was illegal?

You should take the kids and try to go visit her. Take your parents, your uncle, and your 14 cousins along too.

>criminal walking around free for who knows how long
>I'm supposed to feel bad?

Go home and take the kids to their mother, they'll have a better life being raised by their mom.

You and the rest of your family should go join her now.


Stale pasta

Oh nooo that sucks


why the fuck did you put a gun in your sister's bag lmao?

literally no other reason aside from heinous crimes, and while those "assualt weapon" laws are strict as hell, i dont think it would get you deportation if you were legally here.

>in Nevada

Get out of her you little shit. It's commiefornians and Spics that stoped this state from being red. Move to Hug High School and stay in that part of town.

hahahahahahaha deport yourself

Why do you even ask if you know the answer pendejo

>owning Intratec garbage
>owning Intratec garbage chambered in .22

just kys

la banned plastic bags so we had a reusable bag


You're a piece of shit for being so careless with your gun. You deserve to be in jail.

when is the deportation party coming to my area? i haven't seen shit as far as deportations go.

Open carry in Nevada. Washoe county sheriff prefers people don't, but it isn't illegal.

Nobody cares

We used to call it Thug high

Hey guys, look, a copypasta!

Reno is proof that physical barriers between races can block crime in certain areas. Hug High and Mqueen seperated by a hill and the crime rates on both sides are drastically different.

One side is filled with blacks and spics

The other is filled with white kids and asians.

If this is real lmao at your ridiculously retarded existence senpai.
You got your sister deported by being a dumbfuck and now you have to raise her kids, go pick up that tec 22, place barrel in mouth and squeeze that trigger

Good idea the .22 bullet will bounce around in the skull to ensure death, his brain will turn to mush

>I'm the legal guardian for her twins.
no father? Dont lationos have strong family values?

>I'm the legal guardian for her twins.
what about the father of the twins? Dont all biologically children of american citizens get entitlement to citizenship?

>My sister got deported for illegally carrying an assault weapon
She got deported because she's not supposed to be here, good riddance
Raise those tikes correctly and be the cool yet stern uncle or just ditch them at an orphanage

I really wish the founding fathers were a little bit more racist tbqh a Mexican with a gun is no Bueno

>My sister got deported

Good riddance.