It's like every new show they produce is some kind of weird spin on the Daily Show.
> "Hey let's bring in a non-American to tell Americans how awful America is. That'll get ratings!"
It's like every new show they produce is some kind of weird spin on the Daily Show.
> "Hey let's bring in a non-American to tell Americans how awful America is. That'll get ratings!"
TV is literally the electric Jew. Very few channels are uncucked, only ones I can think of that aren't are AMC and HBO.
was it ever good?
>watching the propoganda box
What did you expect?
I'm surprised that they haven't gone under yet. Do people not care that there's almost nothing comedic on """""Comedy""""" Central anymore, or is pandering to leftists simply more lucrative?
Southpark during its early and then Republican leaning phase was pretty good
It was, before Trey Parker became a literal cuck, raising his wife's black son.
it became real life nigger
The channel that Bill Maher and John Oliver are on is uncucked?
fpbp as always~
Fucking bitch cuck. I had no idea about this.
Southpark is still libertarian anti liberal leaning. They were never race realist anti immigration republicans.
The same thing that happened to most TV.
It became easier and more profitable to cater to people who still watch TV than to try to improve their product so that the rest of us watch TV again.
Have you seen MTV lately?
TCM is the only uncucked channel
I disagree. South Park used to be right-leaning libertarians, while they're now generic leftists.
>They were never race realist anti immigration republicans.
Goobacks was anti-illegal immigration. It satirized both sides, but even then, the """""compromise""""" was that we should make their countries better instead of letting them come into ours.
should be re-named annoying central. somebody must be watching it.
How are they generic leftists now? And listen to to their season 8 commentary. Trey parker has always been for globalization Matt stone disagreed. Most of their episodes are just compromises between the two. Trey's first wife was japanese. And Matt exclusively dates and is married to black women. They've never been our right wing they're closer to Penn jillette style weak libertarianism
There have been tons of episodes that have a liberal slant, but I think they really jumped the shark when they did the Trayvon episode and demonized self-defense. Even left-leaving libertarians like Penn Jillette or Gary Johnson don't go quite that far.
I'm not suggesting they were ever in the "14/88 gas the kikes race war now" crowd, but their earlier work had a much more obvious right-wing slant compared to today.
yes when it was trigger happy tv crank yankers chappelle show reno 911 they need to bring all of those shows back and play jackass reruns
self hating millenials filling the writing positions.
Early 2000s. At least the political people were American.
bc it will, cucks love hearing from other countries who hate the US. It vindicates their opinion to feel oppressed
>defending a fucking shitty cartoon this hard
Jesus christ, you are a fucking faggot.
>Comparing bill maher to john oliver
Comedy Central really started going downhill when liberals Jews like Jon Liebowitz took over. They had relatively conservative guys like Colin Quinn and Nick DiPaolo, but they got pushed out.
Adult Swim had the same problem. The original Adult Swim creative talent were goys from Georgia and the South. Now it's libtards like Tim Heidekkker and Jews like Eric Andre.
for fucks are they are both fucking shit. All talking head are fucking shit. Kill yourself.
>Do people not care that there's almost nothing comedic on """""Comedy""""" Central anymore, or is pandering to leftists simply more lucrative?
Of course it's more lucrative or they wouldn't do it. SNL had a huge ratings spike when they attacked trump, as have the news networks.
THAT'S WHY THEY FUCKING ATTACK HIM. It's all ratings (((money))) because these people are too uncreative and dull to be funny on their own. They get a huge ratings bump because people still aren't tired of trump, which is why Comedy Central alone has 4 fucking shows dedicated to attacking him:
Daily Shoah
Problematic with (((Moshe Kasher)))
Jim Jefferies Show (Aussie lib shitposter irl)
The President Show
>but they make fun of all presidents
Obama never had 4 shows dedicated to railing against him every day from one network, nevermind a single show directly about parodying him. Although years ago Bush had an animated show about him called Lil Bush. (see pic)
And this doesn't even include the other networks like Samantha Bee on TBS which is another feminazi anti-trump dumpster fire of a show.
You'd have to be a fucking moron or leftwing partisan hack to not see the overwhelming bias against republicans.
Hallmark channel is the best. Golden Girls, Home Improvement, Last Man Standing to name a few. Its nothing but the best shows.
Old southpark shows were fucking timeless.
>predicted Miley Cyrus would be the next degenerate after Britney Spears lost her mind
>mocked LGBT through Mr. Garrison becoming a gay man -> straight woman -> lesbian woman -> back to a man again
>mocked transgenders through Kyle's Dad becoming a dolphin and complaining there weren't dolphin bathrooms
That's just off the top of my head. And most of this stuff occurs literally 10 years before the issue becomes mainstream and actually happens. It's a genius show, although the last 2 seasons have been dogshit and I think Trey and Matt know it.
I can't believe people still watch TV in current year.