Why does China have no self guilt?
Why does China have no self guilt?
Not stupid and easily manipulated enough, isn't it clear?
Only cucks have self guilt.
You can call chinks subhuman, insectoids etc. But they are certainly not cucks.
guilt is literally a white person concept, other races dont experience it because it takes holding yourself to certain standards that you've hurt others, not just that you've been caught and regret losing social standing, such as experiencing shame, which is more universal
Don't think of the Chinese as a people, think of them as a hive of insects.
The Chinese have been devoid of emotion and empathy long before communism. It's historically and culturally ingrained in them due to 2000 years of being conquered, massacred and raped.
Having no emotion and empathy makes one unaware of one's own actions. Hence, the sociopathic lack of guilt, remorse, conscience, and shame in the average Chinaman.
Because chinks are the niggers of Asia.
because if they did they would continue being invaded and oppressed by foreign powers
China not being cucked is a blue-pilled myth.
Even historically, the Chinese were cucked, repeatedly.
China was a chaotic clusterfuck for most of history. The Chinese had to abandon the things that make one human (empathy, morals, honor, etc), in order to survive.
Good shit.
Do you mean on an individual or collective level?
didn't you bongs like blow chinese cities up for the legal right to sell them drugs?
then annexed Hong Kong as punishment for the inconvenience murdering them has caused you. then did it all over again 15 years later.
Yeah, but they felt bad about it a hundred years later. Also, Hong Kong was objectively run better by the Brits than any Chinese city was run by the chinks.
Because Mao completely destroyed traditional Chinese culture and morality with his Cultural Revolution.
... remember, palestine never exited
>You can call chinks subhuman, insectoids etc. But they are certainly not cucks.
Actually, they're all of the above.
One thing's for sure, the Chinese love dying.
How is it that the Chinese consistently score 2-3 points more on IQ tests than whites on average, yet they act like the mexicans of asia? 104 Japanese IQ is believable, but Chinese? What am I missing here?
Guilt about what?
They cheat. China is the most dishonest country in the world. It's proven.
the fact there's a fucking billion point four of them back home, and always under the control of either chronically inept, corrupt governments or conquerors that routinely fail to feed them or massacre them intentionally
translating individual traits to a community under those conditions typically only works with negative attributes such as aggression or sociopathy
That's a shit ton of dead chinks, wonder what the battles looked like.
Human wave attacks.
Woops sorry for blowing you up in the name of self-interest don't worry chang we made sure to clean up the place before we left yeah fuck u two faced cunt
This too.
...and this.
Regarding the previous image, keep in mind that the Han dynasty came after the Qin dynasty, which shows that there was a drastic regression in artistic ability once the Qin dynasty was ousted and the Han came into power.
Because (((they))) aren't interested about killing the chink race
Then why does the US owe them so much money hahaha. Government shutdown anyone? Anyone? Please let US borrow money to stay afloat haha
Seriously, the chinks are like the most incompetent race on the planet. Kinda pisses me off that such a nigger-tier race has so much access to resources. Without their 1.5 billion subhumans to work as factory slaves, they'd be nothing.
and so are you.
they have no soul
So the US owes them a ton of money hahaha. So what does that say about US?
chinks have no sense of honor, loyalty or integrity this is what makes them savages.
all of the non-white groups have their caveats,
Nigs=stupid and less evolved
arabs=prone to inbreeding
chinks=no soul
Wait for the Chinese to create a great catastrophe that will wipe out 50% of their own population.
5000 years vs 200 years, good luck with that haha
when will the japs purge the subhuman chinks
you ever buy a harbor freight tool, and compare it to an american made one?
fuck off kike.
The shilling is strong here. If you don't have guilt you seem to get spammed.
They know exactly what the fuck is going on and they're watching all of you westerners carefully to see what moves your leaders will be doing next.
You mean "assembled" in america one haha. Nothing is "made" in america without foreign parts now, dont kid yourself.
>Qin was a red haired caucasiod
Still you owe them trillions of dollars
Because chinks are insects.
Because they didn't steal their land from a native population.
Because their infrastructure and wealth didn't spring from decades of slavery.
An americans have no self control, why they are in so much debt and fat as fuck hahaha
You are not a chink larper right? Seems like every chink thread you show up and derail it with history posts. The yellow threat is very real to the west, it feels like you are trying to brush it off? We should be talking about how to actively destroy them not hoping that they'll destroy themselves.
Stfu speak proper engrish first
Because Asians are a bunch of subhumans who don't care about things like compassion, community, and the brotherhood of man.
GED engrish better for you? Hahaha
Is he gonna eat that fish?
You mean "us". Right, Chang?
Chinese are based asf
If you're not an undercover Chang, then you need a better grasp of psychology and its applications.
they are smart
One fine example of the inability of the Chinese to feel guilt or shame is in their culture of street shitting.
Guilt is inherent. Shame is learned.
The Chinese have neither.
Guilt comes from empathy. From your own point of view, not taking others into account, you are always or very easily justified. You needed something from your point of view, so you took it, and it benefitted you - lacking empathy means lacking guilt.
No soul.
China had a long history of cuckoldry. The result is what you see today, working slave labor in a jew run factory with suicide nets, while communists dictate everything you do.
When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Reminder that all cultures are equal.
Not a care in the world.
It doesn't wipe its ass.