>Wake up
>See this
what do
Wake up
Let out a flurry of curses that commiefornia isn't lower than sea level.
If you thought their behavior was hilarious before, just wait 'till you see what being on an island does to a culture. (See also: Japs and Bongs)
Swim 30km to the shoreline and dig a deep hole to hid from the dinos.
Kill off the few negros that survived and claim the new land as a white ethnostate
Texas white ethnostate after purging of spiks
COOL! I'm going to be living on a Island!!
drown apparently
comfy as fuck on the beach sipping a margarita in northwest arkansas laughing at all the methheads washing up on the beach from oklahoma
Enjoy my beachfront property.
Arizona Bay bby
lol wtf, this map is totally retarded.
who ever made this does not know shit about actual elevation. The area they have under water is literally the spot with the highest average elevation in the US.
with massive sea level change, the map would actually be inverted.
They have Nevada underwater, when almost all of nevada is 2-3k feet above sea level. They have almost the entire Midwest above water, when it is only 700-900 feet above sea level.
wtf happened to the great lakes?
Crash down to earth and fucking die?
Click on thread and add some spice in all fields.
Not wake up because I'm dead, but be disappointed that California isn't gone
Realize I'm in Cretaceous period. Go hunting
It's from the past stupid.
Celebrate because Tennessee would actually win the SEC championship. And Memphis is gone.
I live in California. I would:
1) Celebrate that the rest of the nation got rid of us.
2) Pick up a gun and purge all Commies and Illegals
its a period map you dumb fuck the world was like that once
fucking shit they sunk ventura.
The most cancerous places are gone though. The only thing thats left are the Sierras.
Enjoy my new beachfront property in Arkansas. Surf a little, then hike a few trails in the Ozark mountains. Fuck, that would be paradise.
Go swimming
>youtube com/watch?v=zKsv9jgUzVc
>forbes com/sites/jimdobson/2017/06/10/the-shocking-doomsday-maps-of-the-world-and-the-billionaire-escape-plans/#5a44a46f4047
Also this picture is fake. Asia was connected to the Americas and Africa was connected on the other side. Also the Great Lakes area had no water because the meteor that hit the ice sheet only 12k years ago was still millions of years away
You already live on an island. What are continents but large islands?
>what do
>Late Cretaceous
Walk the dinosaur, nigga.
Looks awesome tbqh
Desu desu desu
This mn is losing land every year to rising water levels
That island is around Austin so you would have to purge all the commiefornians first
Well I'd be about 450 miles from the nearest shore, so probably go for a swim.
Shit wrong post
Wait for Mt Rainier to promptly blow up and push me into the water where I can fuck fish and start the evolution of the Jews.
Texas looking comfy af
>mrw when manitoba is good but alberta is fucking sunk
>wake up in Iowa
>enjoy my new seaside home
I don't wake up cause I'm in Florida.
This would be perfect for establishing Cascadia
I wouldn't wake up.
looks like im swimming
I like this answer
thank god niggers can't swim and California has to take in all the spics
Well, muh Great Lakes are gone, so I suppose head West or East for water
autistically screech
>tfw colorado gone
>Texas, SC and Florida are practically gone
>the great lakes dried up so now we're connected to NY, Michigan and Illinois by plains
I'd probably start killing
Great lakes were created from glaciers later on
Well minus all the fucking dinosaurs of course.
>great lakes just up and disappear
What logic is this?
looks like dallas might have made it. praise kek
>wake up to beachfront property
So wait god smites all of Texas and leaves AUSTIN?!?!
WTF I love Idaho now.
There wouldn't be any sand yet...
OMG I can't wait for this timeline.
SHHIIEEEETT, muh new beach front property. go buy a boat.
Be pissed bc the wrong part is underwater and the flood only had to happen a little more to the west to be truly a glorious gift from nature
embrace "Alternative"life styles....red America is Gone.....
Make sure a T-Rex isn't nearby.
>Map of sea levels during the cretaceous
This is during the fucking Cretaceous you knob.
During the last 65 million years, The American west, to include Nevada, has undergone uplift due to the collision of the rockies to the American plate.
Get a boat sail to the paradise on earth known as Texas Island.
Visit my new beach
Enjoy my new beachfront property, shooting commiefornians as they try to swim onto my property.
>live in Alberta
Probably drown but have the solace that my body will replenish our oil fields
I have to wonder about this map. The petrified forest here in Arizona has evidence of the first pollinating insects dated to over 80 million years ago. I have a hard time making that jive with it being a part of an ocean less than 5 million years earlier. The rockies aren't supposed to have started getting pushed up until about the date of the insects are supposed to have existed here, and the Mogollon Rim (main feature resonsible for the elevation into N Arizona, I believe) is believed to have formed about 20 million years ago.
Anyway, if I woke up to see that, I would probably think
because I'd be a dinosaur in space or something
That's no paradise. That's called Austin.
Wonder what happened to the rocky mountains. There's no scenario where Texas would be underwater but not commieshitstainistan.
>less than 5 million years earlier
yeah cuz forests usually take 7 million years to grow...
And it is impossible to think bugs evolving from sea creatures on lands formally inundated with sea water...
My property just became beachfront and the value exponentially increased
I'm not talking about the forests, I'm talking about the geologic features and processes required to take the land mass out of the ocean. Either there were more islands there, or there was another rapid (geologically speaking) land moving event that I have not heard of.
it appears that much of it is though.
All the parts where liberals live are under water. The inland and mountainous parts of CA have conservatives.
Would Cascadian anons fight for Cascadian Reich? We could massacre the Tacos all along our southern border.
In the case of Mexico this is a much needed flood.
>Wake up
>See this
what do
Is Steven Universe world a shithole?
t. Someone who browse Sup Forums
truly a god
>My state is fine
Go back to bed, feel dissapointed it missed the west coast
Where are my great lakes?
>no Eurasian steppes
user, we just solved like half the problems of history.
Yea. The good parts...
>SCAR still on map
Yeah you're still gonna lose kid
wtf is this
A better world, my syrup slurping friend. A better world.
>Wake up
>all those natural harbors
I form the greatest merchant marine the world has ever seen
>Yucatan is kill
Fuck this