YouTuber Kraut & Tea thinks that Sup Forums is going Communist due to an influx of Redditors and Communists. What do you think Sup Forums?
The Political Future of Sup Forums
>youtuber Kraut & Tea
Literally fucking who.
worst thread of today
K&T is consistently wrong about everything.
His accent is also cringeworthy.
This place was overrun by brainless redditor dipshits years ago. I'm not familiar with this literal who but he seems like the kind of guy who showed up as soon as Trump was elected.
Embrace it.
Doubtful, more likely Sup Forums will subvert those champagne socialists into becoming Fascists.
>E-celeb thread
Sage this shit
Fairly sure the shills, reddit idiots, and leftists trying to agitprop outnumber us by like 10 to 1 at this point.
It seems to be common practice on the left to publicly "predict" your wishes, hoping it will aid in them actually happening. See: Trump presidency.
youre all retarded sage
Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole are dominated by contrarians and counter-culture. It was nazi while obama was in power, now it will be communist again like it was during Bush.
Regardless of commies, fascists, libertarians, etc. Any type of economy and government can work as long as they are white, nationalist and haven't been destroyed by jews in the past 100 years.
that's where your wrong kiddo.
communism was made by jews, for jews.
I've been here a long fucking time. Way back when everyone on Sup Forums was a libertarian/ancap. Then people started to see the flaws with that system and then everyone became a Nazi and generally accepted varying amounts of socialism. This tread is continuing and people are realizing how much Hitler was in the pockets of big biz and banks. Now we've started questioning the foundations of capitalism itself and exposing the inherent inconsistencies with traditionalism and capitalist.
Nice try shlomo take your revisionist history back to leftypol
“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.
This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”
Mikhail Bakunin
Reddit is what turned Sup Forums into a Pro-Trump Zionist cocksucker board. Some communism might be a welcome change, Remember, 98% of Jews left Cuba when Castro took over. In America Trump sucks their cock.
Incoming falsified studies from germshills saying Sup Forums is turning communist to create a commie movement meme.
Too bad commies are gay as fuck and it'll never work.
>social media fags talking about the change in any part of Sup Forums
>Hitler was in the pockets of big biz and banks
If you actually knew what you were talking about you'd know the nazis rejected capitalism just as much as they rejected communism
I don't support Jews, Marx, or Communism itself. I also don't support Capitalism. They are both the worst.
Do you not remember when everyone was libertarian? Do you deny that people have drifted from this viewpoint?
Communist are actual retards.
They go about Capitalism, but have yet to see one use the term correctly.
They are just middle-class cucks thinking they are intellectual but are down right fucking retarded, with circular reasoning and having to make up non statements and words to hide the fact they have nothing.
Fuckers just need some real life experience and live by their own fucking means rather than someone elses .
Real child like mentality when you think about it.
That's the story we'd like and what I believed for a while but it wasn't the case. Hitler liked to talk a big game about rejecting Capitalism but then gave private talks to big businesses and corporations assuring them that he would do nothing against their interests and massively privatized previously public industries.
Strasserism is the true red pill
Kraut today shilled for refugees on Twitter. He is the worst Faggot of all.
And i see no Communist Threads.
As long as Trump reigns and niggers stay Niggers pol will be pol.
He's right. I warned you retards about this last year and everyone kept vomiting back up the 'le Sup Forums will redpill them' meme while simultaneously admitting that large influxes of immigrants change the core ideals of a society. You newfags are dumb as fuck and more than deserve to drown in the red wave.
Out of the way fascist cucks, cool kids coming through.
Sounds like someone's spread FUD, comrade. Relax, all will be fine.
HA no.
They are only a small dent in the community at best. Half grow up and get red pilled and the other half become gay degenerates and wander over to lgbt or mlp.
>implying the capitalist class isn't defined by people living on other's means without having to work themselves
loving every laugh
>They go about Capitalism, but have yet to see one use the term correctly.
Thank you retard for making my point.
Capitalism is the private ownership of capital (that's the means of production)
What the fuck do you think it is?
You can't stop us.
communism is the reddit of ideologies
chekc them
Fpbp. Saged
>tfw you krautnap your fangirl and are such a good goy you fucked a black girl and called the alt-right nazeeeee, because they called you out on your bullshit
I also don't know why he lurks here anyhow. The civic cucks and liberals are just useful idiots for the islamic expansionist of the long Da'Wa. They can sell them Shariah as long as they call it moderate Shariah. LMAO
isn't that the guy tho allegedly proved to a Sup Forumsac that the holocaust happened, using math?
Communists have always been a vocal minority on Sup Forums, now they're seeing a small renaissance because of the return of political flags.
Of course, Kraut being a newfag doesn't understand this.
The majority of ancaps and libertarians along with their dreadful memes and autistic behaviour have massively come from reddit
As this guy said, I wouldn't mind so marxism around here to piss those retards off
>Kraut today shilled for refugees on Twitter.
How and why?
Hell no.
You faggots deserve to be shot.
> 10 to 1
still cant match our power levels
It is probably just Jim profit dropping the namefagging after he got his flag
>One autistic spaniard from leftypol spams one communist thread after another
>worst thread of today
We're taking over whether you like it or not.
Not hard to do either, when one understands Marxism better than most Marxists.
>YouTuber Kraut & Tea thinks that Sup Forums is going Communist due to an influx of Redditors and Communists
considering that faggot is Reddit incarnate and probably spamming leftypol shit I'm not surprised he thinks that
I don't mind him, but he's a fool here.
Most everyone who ever posted on this board started out very liberal.
The reason why they no longer are, is that liberal ideas can't be defended here.
Leftist ideas work on emotion. Shame. On reddit etc, if someone demonstrated right wing ideology on /r/news etc, they'd be swiftly banned, and if they weren't, people would memorize their names and downvote them as soon as they posted.
That's assuming they wouldn't be doxxed, etc.
Here, with anonymity, that can't happen.
Anonymity has its ups and downs, but the biggest thing it has going for it, as far as Sup Forums goes, is that ideas must be shown and defended on -merit-.
Feels are irrelevant, "How dare you, racist!" is nonexistent.
We see that blacks have lower IQ than whites and Asians. We see that the majority of those in corporate media management are Jewish.
We see whites being told to have fewer children, while the leader of France is scolded and called racist colonialist for suggesting Africans do the same.
It doesn't matter if you're a communist. If you stay here, if you read this, if you listen long enough, you will move further right.
So we found the shill but who is this shill?
sdssddsds have any other connected social media accounts?
No no retard keep going..
>Sup Forums
>Go Communist
Not gonna happen. Communism is the dumbest ideology on the face of the Earth. Just like in real life Communists on Sup Forums will spout a bunch of shit about how their shit tier ideology is gonna take over but it will never actually happen.
If Trump gets impeached (which looks increasingly possible), Sup Forums will definitely move further left.
>e celeb shit
kill yourself my man
I'm ok with this. I hate commies as much as I hate the current nazi faggotry. Nothing will change for me.
/pol is definitely going left, but it might ahve more to do with billionaires becoming aware of it and pumping their money into shills. The shill phenomenon/problem will never go away now. The same way it won't ever go away for reddit. Partial exodus is already underway
welcome to the future.... THIS IS NOW A COMMUNIST GENERAL!!
no one cares about this faggot fuck you
you have nothing to lose but your chains and nothing to gain but the world!
Its literally about ten faggots from bunkerchan who have nothing better to do than post commie threads day and night.
What does leftypol get per day? Like 100 unique users?
>reddit refugees
But they are fucking liberals?
Fpbp sage
sorry kiddo... this board is our new colony
Keep dreaming NEET
pol is one straight garbage slope, there is always room
That kraut is an anti-racist cuck. Of course his fantasies reflect that. The moment Sup Forums becomes communist is the moment all humans have left sub-humans behind on earth to restart on proxima centauri.
>Can't even keep your own board
>Wants to 'colonise' other boards
>advocates for communism that has only ever failed
Pinochet was a success, south africa a success (economically until it deviated from capitalism and freedom), panama is a success.... Capitalism *usually* ends up successful for countries that play by the rules and work hard. No matter how hard you work under communism, the state will take it all for themselves. Get to the choppa
Dude Your hero is a moron.
People are brainwashed with marxism, people don't go back to illness once they've been cured.
get off my board classcuck... the natsuck general is located 6 feet under the Communism General
>communist gloating over death of political enemies
that's some great advertisement
its not happening because the "communism is cool" irony was done years ago during the bush era
see also somethingawful or any other place that existed during 2004-2008
the era of leftism is dead
leftism is simply weaponized virtue signalling for the bottom 40% of society, it can never survive on a lightly moderated pro free speech anonymous board
It's going to stay conservative for a while longer, it's only been a few years. Once it is the dominant opinion in America, they, anons will rebel again
umad bro? your corporate masters are about to ban Sup Forums in your capitalist paradise
Sup Forums will become a transhumanist board
Holy hell dude y'know your ID is LITERALLY posted on every post. Samefagging to this degree is just sad
i forgot this was the "politically correct" board.... need a safe space?
Only because of the retarded larp flags. There's too much opposition to communism/marxism for it to flourish on this board. Commies need to be shot.
>umad bro?
pol is satire. he is a faggot.
Nope. This board is anti SJW anti democracy anti commies. It's called politically incorrect. Being a commie isn't politically incorrect. Look at Barney Sandals. Saged
i like
How about you play by your own rules? We'll play by ours.
No, commie threads are designated shitposting threads.
It's just a group of /leftypol/ faggots who are trying to find a home because nobody can stand them, not even other leftists.
The skeptics want to build an audience by fucking with Sup Forums. Let's have some fun with them.
I like socialist viewpoint and I like the nation state. National socialism and National Bolshevism sound pretty similar..
but I just smell Antifa with national Bolshevism