What are the best careers and majors in this time of political and economical crisis?
What are the best degrees
Biomedical Engineering
Sociology & psychology, the hardest sciences
Fixing things, a mechanic, electricion, plumber/pipefitter who knows there shit and served a proper apprenticeship cannot be beat.
Anything that'll have you involved with building infrastructure or producing weapons systems
I'd rather like to know what trades have a high room for growth and what certs are worth it
nursing, childcare or cooking if you're a woman
What for? Either You'll die alone or your "wife" will cheat on you and grab all what you worked for.
Learn to do hero, that's the way to go.
So you can eat, have a nice house, and car you dumbass nigga.
Start a company that specializes in liquidation of assets. The retail industry is declining and will do so for the foreseeable future.
Social Justice Degree
Now how bout you show us those tits
Fuck careers. Entrepreneurship or death.
I also recommend a field that has to do with geriatric healthcare. The proportion of old people in the United States is going to increase cuz' no one having babies :(
computer science
any engineering
All other answers are fake news.
Cant someone give me a quick rundown on accounting major?
what does that even mean? borrow money?
Going to study International Relations + Economics, come at me h8ers
Not a woman you downie.
Is Computer and Information Systems good for a software engineering job?
Please archive it
Is... is that banana bitch?
None, learn a trade.
It means selling stuff that bankrupt companies and people used to own.
Is it a BSc?
This guy has a room temperature IQ.
Trades are good
STEM is pretty good if it doesn't involve computers
I'm going to be a shop teacher because there's little job competition these days and I like having summers off.
>Reply within 15 seconds
Norbot confirmed
>Live as cuck
Yeah, such a nice advice.
Damn dude you're everywhere
We all appreciate your public service
Hey faggot. Read this article.
>This guy has a room temperature IQ.
Because I advise against people making a high investment low reward choice?
Yeahh, you dumb fucking nigger
I have a degree in Management in the Arts.
What the fuck am I doing...
Okay m8 enjoy killing yourself when your parents die and not being an independent adult that can take care of himself.
Self Study degree in any hard science or business.
Most businesses don't trust university degrees anymore as the people who come out of those are practically braindead and lack any critical thinking or problem solving skills, there are exceptions of course
>high investment
University is dirt cheap in Canada. Less than 10,000 USD per year.
>Falling for the stem meme
Art is a dying field so you want an art history degrees for when it rebounds otherwise English degree since it's versatile.
>I have a degree in Management in the Arts.
>economical crisis
The greatest meme ever conjured by the right. The economy is doing well, just not for uneducated white trash or inner-city blacks
Pls make sure that the young men of the class actually graduate with an abillity to produce with their own hands more than just crudly shaped bongs and dildos
>University is dirt cheap in Canada. Less than 10,000 USD per year.
So at the end you're already 40,000USD in debt with 4 years (and that's the ideal scenario, let me remind you) of your life gone.
Man, people that choose this over no debt, an income and years of field related job experience sure must be smart.
Im thinking aeronotics or geology?
its called having parents and grandparents who have been successful pay for it
sorry you come from a shitty lineage
>Current year
You're not helping the stereotype that blue collar workers are dull.
Computer Science
This guy is only half right. Lower-level jobs such as Accounts payable clerks and general bookkeepers may be automated, but higher-level accounting, such as that which requires the CPA and CMA certifications won't be going anywhere anytime soon. His article didn't list any numbers and was just "muh AI," so here are some stats from the BLS:
>Employment of accountants and auditors is projected to grow 11 percent from 2014 to 2024, faster than the average for all occupations.
>In general, employment growth of accountants and auditors is expected to be closely tied to the health of the overall economy. As the economy grows, more workers should be needed to prepare and examine financial records.
With the economy on the upswing, things are looking great for the profession. I know there's only so much you can trust anecdotal evidence, but I had a job offer in my hand at the beginning of my senior year, studying for the CPA now.
Dual major in mathematics and chemistry
Just graduated and have a job already
What would the best degree be here:
Computer and Information Systems -> Software Engineer
Business Admin conc. In Finance -> Government job
Electrician Associates -> Electrian
So 1) you're a complete failure that can't manage to build a life for himself and 2) too stupid to use that available capital to invest into something more profitable than a degree.
Man, I sure wish I could be this smart.
Not a bad idea, can make 100k a year as a plumber or sheet metal worker if you get good overtime
Sadly not at IG Farben
I definitely plan to. If this whole "Gen Z is redpilled" thing is true, then I want to help guide them. If it's not, then maybe I can undo some of the damage. Either way, those little shots are gonna learn to make a goddamned bird house.
>you're a complete failure that can't manage to build a life for himself
Wut? based on what? because I chose to get a STEM degree instead of go into trade school?
I would have btw if I didn't have to opportunity to attend debt free. And no, I wouldn't be able to just use that money to "invest." But I'll have 5+ jobs waiting when I graduate since I didn't pick a meme degree and am not retarded with math and computers.
Forgot to mention how versatile the major is. Learning the theory behind bookkeeping and good accounting practices carries over into other business professions such as management, international strategy (i.e.: tax planning as one example), marketing and entrepreneurship (i.e.: knowing how to account for a small business if you choose to start one) so you're a more well-rounded businessman.
Put another way, it's easy for an accountant to become a middle-manager, but asking a middle-manager with a marketing degree to become an accountant is much more difficult.
>Wut? based on what?
The proud reliance on daddy's money here >And no, I wouldn't be able to just use that money to "invest."
Yes, like I said.
plc and motor controls
Nursing degrees make a pretty good living and you don't necessarily have to do bed-side nursing. I have a friend w/ BSN and she works arranging home health shit for old people (office job, always on vacations) and she makes like $120k/yr.
I'm considering that myself although I'd rather be an MD but I'm 27 and haven't even finished my AA yet due to poor choices when I was younger.
>1 post by this ID
What a surprise
Do YOU do one of those things?
> Having a KEKreer in 2017
INB4 employer lays you off after 20 years hard work
INB4 cutting your balls off for your boss
INB4 spend you whole life doing something you don't want to do
INB4 having to spend your whole life in an inhumane cubicle
No thanks. I'd rather die.
How easy would it be to do one of these courses if I spent the next half year reading philosophy books? I don't have much formal qualification, but I'm easily the smartest person I know.
Fairly easy for you because you sound autistic as fuck.
I have mine in Clinical Engineering, and can confirm that it's an excellent career- even if you only use it for maintenance rather than design.
why the fuck do you have a picture of my ex-wife Rachel
Culinary Arts.
Best backup plan you could ever have
>you sound autistic as fuck
Lol. How so?
> "I'm easily the smartest person I know"
what do you think of getting in the field with a 2 year degree
I am though. I might be slightly biased.
Military, this way you can do the raping.
Everything in STEM.
If you're doing anything outside of STEM, then please do the world a favor and off yourself you subhuman brainlets.
Do anything but listen to this asshole's advice. Culinary degree is worth absolutely nothing. Any moron can cook. No manager gives a fuck about your culinary degree and will hire a beaner to do the job rather than pay the markup you think you deserve because of that useless paper. Learn something useful.
t. Worked in restaurants for years
Someone give me a rundown on computer science plz
Leaning a trade in a recession is a waste of time, trades are the first to be laid off when everything goes to shit and nobody is accepting apprentices when the economy is slow
t. trade school student who graduated into a recession and only found an apprenticeship after 27 months of searching
2 years in trade school and then 2 years job hunting to make $23/h as a first year apprentice...not worth it. In those 4 years I could have got a CS degree and be making 60k+ starting
>comp sci
Completely terrible degree. A lot of hiring opportunities but the pay cap is extremely low for the amount of work you have to do and you have to compete with pajeet for positions. The money in computers has moved towards hardware and managing networks, as companies are content at the moment with hiring third world programmers to make a steaming pile of shit and then hiring one senior programmer at the end to come and clean everything up.
>computer and information systems good for software engineering
Impossible to tell without the syllabus.
Lots of great things to study. The key is finding something that can survive the ups and downs of the different markets.
Don't bet all your money on any particular industry being great. Be able and willing to move around between industries and pick a field of study that can survive that.
For example: in a great oil market a petroleum engineer can make more than an electrical engineer. But when that market swings down, so does their paycheck. And because they don't have a great number of prospects available, a lot of companies won't hire petroleum engineers in a pinch. This is because it's obvious that they will leave the minute the market swings back up.
Good majors are the ones that are in many markets. If your major is needed somewhere for national defense/security in any way shape or form, chances are you will be okay.
Does anyone go for MD degree anymore or is it just a total waste of money/time?
I have tough time wrapping my head around the amount of debt I'd have to take on to do this.
i got a useless bachelor of arts in political science from a state school
what jobs/careers can I realistically pursue
I'm no expert but most engineering degrees, BS in business with as many internships (important) as you can since business related jobs value experience more than anyone, a more specific business degree would be valued also, like finance or accounting. Medical school is also a good bet.
Yeah right. Thats why most end up programing or in marketing.
Law enforcement if you're not a fuckup
How good are the prospects for someone going into Bioinformatics?
Anything Computer related i would say, all my mates at uni who did courses like that went straight into fairly well paying jobs once finishing.
i know several people that can make $1000 a day pumping septic tanks. i know how much i had to pay them when my tank stopped up. it also doesn't smell bad like you think.
This too
Don't do it
Depends on your skills/internship experience mostly
>t.jc denton
Holy shit nice bead user. Is that an automatic weld? If tig then I will give you three of my best niggers for your stable
Can you elaborate on this? Is it simply because of the debt or is it not rewarding? Everyone seems to be saying medical field is a safe bet but I don't want to be miserable.
Debt is terrible and if you're 27 it's not worth it. I was 22 and having med school interviews (multiple top 15 places) backed out when I looked at the big picture. And you're 5 years older. Also consider that your history may make it more or less a tougher process than what I had. GL user
I've just turned 18
I'm thinking about going to University next year
Would a major in physics and minor in zoology or biology be algoods?
Gives me valuable understanding of how the universe works, and gives me insight into our fellow creatures that inhabit this planet
There would be job opportunities because I would have important abstract thinking skills from physics, and having a minor in zoology or biology shows that I'm not a soulless STEMlord automaton
I'm a premed biomedical engineering major. I'm doing an internship right now and I'll be getting royalties for the next ten years off a product I helped develop. Hopefully it'll pay for med school
Are you Chinese? I am getting a strong foreign vibe from your post despite your digits
Ok thanks user. I wasn't arrested or anything retarded, just spent all my money on getting fucked up instead of focusing on school.
Fuck that debt though.
>picking a minor that has nothing to do with your major
You may as well minor in fingerpainting.
The exact same jobs/careers as someone who didn't go to school at all. Good job.
>t. Top graduate in POLS, now self-taught programmer.
word. Biggest kek of my life is this guy I went to high school with went to a Private Culinary School out of state. Racks up 100k in debt. Muh i cant pay my loans on chef's wages.
You already have your Ph.D. in gender studies from being a Sup Forums famous tranny, rose
Why didn't you apply to law school?
Get an MD, you'll make 500k starting as a surgeon
What do you do for money? How do you survive? Is it only NEETs posting shit like this?