Why can't AmeriCANs cook?

Why can't AmeriCANs cook?

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look at these shitposters kek

>12 liters of coke for 2 adults and three little kids in a single week
Holy Christ, how? Why?

literally poison

their coke has real sugar so it doesnt really give you pancreatic cancer and diabetes like american soda does

do you think people just started drinking soda suddenly in the 90's? corn syrup is literal poison, much more so than cane sugar.

>How? Why?
I'm a fucking spic and even I don't drink that poisonous garbage.

I used to drink a 2 liter a day from 14yo to 22. I think I drank water three times in all of those years. I'm a European mongrel though, not a spic.

>Drank water three times.
Enjoy those kidney stones?

That just sounds painful.
I don't like drinking a whole can of coke, it hurts to burp up.

>how to get cancer

I like how all of the American families are either spics or niggers and the only Canadian family is some mystery meat disaster.

What a fucking crock of shit. They didn't even have to pay for their food probably, or at least very little of it. Instead, White people are taxed so that these Turd Worlders can reproduce like rabbits and replace us.

We are being fucked twice.

Never had them. I never gained much weight either. I'm 6'2 and I never went over 180lbs. If I didn't have coke before noon, I'd get caffeine withdrawal symptoms. I also drank straight from the bottle...

Jesus fucking christ, I can't chastise you though I used to be a severe alcoholic.

I'm also the only one who isn't overweight in my family. Go figure.

I haven't had a soda in three years though. I only drink water and milk now.

Buy a goat senpai, best milk ever.

But I'm white...

Yeah, I'm 25% spic and I have a goat, you should be fine.

I'm an American and I cook 3 times a day. I eat fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains just about every fucking day.

I also supplement that with wild-caught fish, organic eggs, and grass-fed meat from time to time, usually about once a week. The "Americans can't cook" thing is a meme. Dumb people eat the most processed foods. You can still eat real food in the U.S. for really cheap (potatoes, rice, beans, fruit, etc) and many people still do.

Plus, we're a nation of 330 million people- there are a lot more of us than in your pissant Euro nation, and there's going to be more people eating poorly. So piss off Eurocuck, you will never know that feel to live in a land as great as America.

>pic related, what I had delivered to my door today from local farms.


You and your goat have to go back.





I'm from the South. And we can cook.

Born here m8, mom decided to have kids with a half mexican. I am staying here, build wall.

Sorry, desu. Better brush up on your Spanish.

Why cant white people season their food

lol, were you and I in the same anthropology class about 7 years ago?

Pizza and ramen noodles.

proud of you user but you don't need to get butthurt at some memeflag european shitposter

Notice a white families table would be nothing but basic mayonnaise and packaged macaroni.

Goat milk is actually pretty God Tier, but I don't blame you for not drinking it.
I used to get a giant jar of it once a week from my neighbor. Great stuff.

I look completely white though and know the culture and language, I can blend in and be the jew.

Mom is currently cooking shrimp and scallops with pasta while I'm cracking a cold one. Being american is the greatest gift God ever bestowed upon myself

you can do better than this. I believe in you.

if they did a good white American family this would have been better.
despite the memes, I have never seen a black family that cooked good food.

I bet those veggies cost you 400$.

The Californians they used were white, but they also look like they're from the 90's.

no wonder american blacks have a high rate of diabetes

You gotta go back

I cooked much today.
Let them eat trash if they want to eat trash.

This. I know a guy who swears he can only drink coke with real cane sugar and that it has actually helped his health

>The Californians they used were white
Yeah, I must've overlooked them.


>because race is only skin deep

You have to go back, hombre

Best cheese too.

i agree with him. at this point if mexico refused to export their coca cola i would just drop soda entirely and start drinking tea and water exclusively.

Never been, born here. youtube.com/watch?v=Ps7xmW-9LXQ

>I know a guy
You sound like a fucking 10 year old when you use anecdotal crap like that.

Protip: Plebbit.

Yup, I love my goat. Fuck store bought cow shit.

Uncle Bens? AWYISS


Taco bell Mexican pizza is delicious


>Still cooking
Kek, why aren't you ordering take away, or eating at restaurants? Fuckings poorfag

This is true I only know 12 fit or skinny blacks

Silly Achmed thinks that his dad's kebab is a restaurant,

Germany, Italy etc healthy.
Murica: fat fat fat fat

I never said race is skin deep, I am the most racist person I know. I curse my parents everyday for making me a mongrel spic.


*enhance image

OP post proves just how retarded the MUH SEASONIN shit really is

You have to go back. Being a self hating spic isn't enough.

Fuck yourself, I made a mince meat pie FROM SCRATCH, cooling on my oven top right now. BTW, it's a BRITISH style pie.

How mad are you?

Ofc they do, natural food is expensive in the USA. I hope Americans enjoy eating food filled with gmos

Learn karate.

They're still fatter than us now because of their "real sugar" coke

You're not American even if you like to pretend you are
The U.S is made for WASP's and the south is made for Anglo-Celts.
If you're not pure Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Celtic, GET OUT

Black cuisine is just a series of phone numbers.

New England and Colorado is honary EU

I am a virgin and don't plan on breeding, I pay my taxes and give back to society, I have no criminal record. I am not going to mexican't.

>this is a 10/10 gourmet dinner in Shartistan

You won't have a choice.

Make me fucker.

Northern NH here, don't associate us with your filthy experiment. Almost everyone in my town would gladly watch the EU burn to ashes on Pay-per-View.

verifiably wrong you scare quote spouting moron. they are fat because shitskins cannot understand basic nutrition. please return to radditz where your faggy little speech patterns belong.

My personal favorite from the collection.

get off the fucking internet you ass-gobbling bag of suet

Mostly the same, but I usually eat out at lunch. But it's not burgers n' shit, even though I love burgers. Just a sandwich of some kind, or pita+hummus+salad.

Dinner is basic but good. Pork/Beef/Chicken, cauliflower rice, broccoli, kimchi combos.

Breakfast is usually a coffee and avocado toast that I prepare myself.

>avocado toast


Umm.. no. Did you mean black famlies?

I love the #4 from Taco Bell. It's a mexican pizza and two taco supremes. Sometimes when I'm feeling extra gluttonous and disgusting I add a combo burrito to all that. Then chase it all down with a baja blast mountain dew. Damn it's good to be American.

I would totally be friends with this family! They eat everything I eat.

It's so good though.

I do Ezekiel bread for the toast, it's healthy as fuck and delicious. Sometimes I even put an egg on that bitch.

The us is an inmigrant country. Deal with it Ahmed

While we're here, have you heard of fecal transplant?

Yes, I'm talking about taking the shit of one person, and putting it inside another, whether by a medical procedure, and huge hose up your ass, or yes, eating shit. More specifically, gut bacteria, which plays many quite unknown roles in your metabolism, and remains very little studied. It's the next big thing in medicine, and so far the results are quite miraculous. Some studies were even halted halfway through because it works so damn well, scientists found it unethical not to treat the control groups.

What's more important is that not only what you eat defines the composition of your gut bacteria, but then transplants don't even hold if you keep the same shitty habits, and food pumped with pesticides and antibiotics is sure to ruin your gut flora.

It's time to switch to 100% organic food and learn to cook user. It's still all early studies, but the results are so close to fucking miracles, better take a headstart.

wtf did they took the kuwait pictures with their slaves ?

Here's the unedited photo.

Not gonna lie, never heard of avocado toast until Sup Forums started meming it.

Tried it, shit is SO cash.You should try it too.

I know man. It's just funny with all the avocado toast nonsense going around right now.

Dude, this is bullshit. Sugar is sugar. I'll give you corn syrup is worse, but not by as much as you're making it out to be.

t. Fat Fuck who got fat drinking "organic, cane sugar," yadda yadda soda.

At least tell me they turn it into bread or something. How the fuck do people eat bird feed?

Corn syrup isn't bad because of cancer and whatever. It's bad because it tastes bad.
American food is the worst since you guys are the only ones who ruin your food and drink with corn syrup.

is that a pic of mr daggers?

Sadly this is true, most black people eat terrible diets. You will almost never see American blacks who are in shape beyond their 20s. This is even more true down South, where everyone eats fried food.

Go back to a European site/board you sodomite. Americans have the CHOICE to eat good, great, or bad diets at ANY income level. I got all that food in my first pic, plus these plums and tangerines for $41. On top of that it's all organic and locally grown and it was delivered to my doorstep. You would never be able to get that where you live and you know it. I have a feeling you're just angry because we all know that Europeans are oppressed and Americans aren't. In fact I would say that the three salient points of European life v. American life are that Europeans are

(1) required to be gay
(2) required to live in an apartment rather than a house
(3) not allowed by the government to have a dog

If I were you I'd be pissed, too.

>doesn't understand basic chemistry

>real sugar
top kek nice mental gymnastics fat boii

Of course they don't eat raw grains and seeds you mong

>The capitalism is real. Coca-Cola has a tremendous stronghold in Mexico, as well as, I'm sure, many other third world countries. Drinking Coca-Cola is almost a sign of relative wealth, no matter how destructive to the body it may be.

Show a pic of humans if you want an answer, queer.

Half their country is overweight or obese