Aztlan Reconquista Thread

Wall doesn't matter cause we're already here, fellow Chicanos check in, no cracker cucks allowed

Other urls found in this thread:

M*xicans are worse than the m*slims europe has to deal with.
>M*xicans have way ugly woman then M*slims, it's not even close. M*xicans are fat dark short with huge ears
>m*xicans are lower IQ, noticeably
>m*xicans are far more violent (see their IQ and violence rate map attached)

To start off, California checking, threw some eggs at an autist wearing a trump hat the other week

Why do you type like that, retard? lmao


New Mexico here, fuck Drumpf and fuck white people


Why do spics hate toilets?


Build a wall anyways i fucking hate my family over there. Also i want all the gibs

>latrino manlets achieving anything

Our boomer parents tolerated you. We won't.

I don't understand the end game, will you all be thrilled when you've turned the US into a shithole like Mexico?

come and fite me for it

Yes gringo

>spics in charge of thinking

They're all just trying to "get theirs" before the border closes. It's like those niggers trampling people to get the Black Friday deals.

Nice try cucklord


Make America Mexico Again.


While liberals are already claiming victory saying "demographics are destiny", they are missing a crucial detail: Trump's interest in White Immigration

Trump and Loyalists like Bannon and Sessions want to increase Immigration for whites. While Blocking immigration from most of the third world. He's interested in replacing the 1965 immigration act with a modified version of the 1924 immigration act which would benefit white immigrants. The whites will probably come from Europe/Anglosphere/Southern Africa when it comes to the country of origin. Instead of Southern/Eastern Europeans being blocked in this modified immigration act. It will target the most third world instead, As they've been flooding the US nonstop since 1965 with little to no success. It could also make immigration numbers shrink from 1 Million to 250,000-500,000 immigration arrivals, Most of which would be from Anglo or European countries. This immigration proposal might completely reverse the demographic downfall of America as the nonwhite birth rate is started to shrink, and since less and less third worlders would arrive the number of nonwhites births will shrink while the US will gain 1% of white growth in America each year because of this Pro-European/Anglo immigration plan. This, Along with the RAISE Act, Mass Deportations of both Illegals and Dreamers and Lowered Taxes could keep America a white majority country.

Related Links:
Sessions Praise of the 1924 Immigration act

Pat Dollard's White Majority Project

Donald Trump’s Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration


It's the marxist dream of a workers' paradise plus ethnonationalism, which will never happen. Of course they will either become American or turn it into a shithole. Here's some of their propaganda, it makes more sense when you look at it this way.

If they could think long-term, they wouldn't be Mexicans.

chicanos?, you mean tortilla niggers?

We fucking slaughtered you before and we'll do it again.

Hey spics. I'm in Houston. Just got more 40 round magazines to shoot at youdirty fucking beaners. Also got ice on speed dial and reported my ladyfriends uncles company for hiring spics. I assure you all places that employ your kind of vermin will be fucked with ice. Mark my words. You will be deported you illegal shitskin

>mudlsimes murder, blow themselves up, throw acid on people, gang rape white women, dumb as shit, still find the time to pray to allah in between committing all these atrocities

I can't believe yurop has tolerated you fucking ragheads this long honestly. If brits had any fucking balls they would be lynching mudlsimes left right and center for every knife attack a, car attack and gang rape.
Violence, rape and ignorance is mudslime culture.


let it be known Mexico does not support these tortilla niggers, and will say to all aztlan supporters, fuck you pinches indios.

I fucking love Sessions



Why would you do that to yourself?

They can't think out further than one year. Literally not capable.
Quit trying to appeal to the taco horde, your message is falling on deaf ears.

Fuck mexico. no one depends on your support you fucking worthless shitskin.

Spics are causing IQ average to go down.

Where's my fucking burrito, you stupid fucking beaner pussy? Get on that fucking burrito, chico. Earn your minimum wage and stop posting on Sup Forums.


How may illegals do you think are in Houston compared to the LEGAL spics. by all means deport all the illegal wetbacks im sure that will solve the mexican problem.

fuk you pinche indio de mierda, i wish you get war against the us so we at mexico can stand with our us gringo brothers, fuck all indios kill them all

>tfw you only hate niggers
most hispanics I've met are decent people, not saying we should let America become brown but my beef is with niggers not you all
have a splendid day jose

Eastcoaster detected.
We are literally losing the American southwest while all you fags east of the Missouri shove your heads you your ass.
At least blacks have a right to be in the country.

lol. fucking worthless retard. do you hear yourself? you sound ridiculous. get off Sup Forums for a while buddy. go outside.

>shove your heads up* your ass

>At least blacks have a right to be in the country.
too bad no one wants them here.


Actually Scottsdale, Arizona here. The illegals and non-integrators are the problem. Living in Columbus, OH now I can tell you nigs are 10x worse.

go back, spic


It's funny when mexicans defend Aztlan (American Southwest) when that land never belonged to Mexico, it belonged to the Natives, it was taken by the spanish from all you idiot Mexicans yellin about AZTLAN don't even realize what you stand for and fighting for is for the Spanish Conquest and Imperialism of Spain in Mexico and

There is legitimate issues with the Black community, maybe separate ethnic communities are the answer, that's an entirely different conversation.
But again, at least the blacks have a right to be here.

noh, fuck you you fucking traitor, leave Mexico and still want to represent us, fuck you, your out, you aint no mexican, no latino, youre shit, fuck you pinche indio

This are land

i've never heard a single person yelling about or even mentioning this aztlan bullshit and i've lived in California all my life.
The only place I ever hear about this shit constantly is on Sup Forums. You would actually think mexicans believe or support this shit if you read Sup Forums long enough.

Go on the mexican internet, ya greasy taco eater

La Leech

we will boot out as many of you freeloaders as we can and you can fix your own country, you tamale lard retards

this "are"

Be lucky we didn't take more. Be lucky one of our government officials was a fucking pussy and didn't want to get more of your land. Be grateful we allow you to live in the Current Year plus 2.

But please, please continue, I'd love to have more beaches.

Actually its you beaniggers that are commiting more murder and rape than the sand niggers are

Isn't it nice that our biggest ethnic conflict is this kind of thing, instead of thousands of years of religious strife and genocide, like what you see in the Balkans threads? You Chicanos and Mexicans are fine by me.

Why do mexishits love beheading and fucking kittens so much?

lol. i don't care about your shit country. i don't wave your beaner flag. you call me a 'traitor' but that implies previous loyalties. I didn't come from mexico and if the whole place got nuked i couldn't care less.

>Chicanos and Mexicans are fine by me.
spic or Texan detected

Spics are better than sand nig-

not going to happen

are you counting terrorist attacks as single acts of violence, Achmed??

the same fucking reason chinks love eating dog, the same fucking reason burgers love black dick, the same fucking reason bongs love hijab... fucking retard

>But again, at least the blacks have a right to be here.
Based on what? And there are many Hispanics not here illegally.

Post civil war blacks should have been given a plot of land in Africa and some money and we wouldn't have any of the racial issues we have today. I don't think most ethnic groups can get along side by side.
Just the reality of the world


Vete a la verga pinche Brayan pendejo estupido baboso, perro arrastrado, ya matate


fuck you pinche indio, stay there, we dont want you, if you get deported i hope you get stabbed pinche indio

Nope I'm White, although I've lived in Texas and California.

Fuck indio trash. The Spaniards can stay.

east coast and mid-west mexiniggers are Puerto Ricans in most cases... not that it makes a difference.

hahahaha, but hurt because your mexico doesn't want you, fuck you indio de mierda, go fuck yourself with a black dick, if you ever get deported ima get a knife in your ass

whatever you are speaking is a disgrace to the spanish language

Now I'm all for seceding and everything, but your not taking Texas.

It's much better to have 100% of shithole than .01% of a palace.

sand niggers are worse than spi-


lol, why are you so angry? don't worry i'm not getting deported amigo. I'm American. :)

Have you been to Texas lately? I was just in DFW.
It's already theirs.


Chicanos are the worst thing that ever happened to America

these niggers only want to steal what you've made instead of going back and making our country great again

good luck with that lmao


im fucking glad fucking indio, start loving america because mexico doesn't want you back fucking mongrel

Top kek, I'm a citizen Brayan, try not to get decapitated


Hmmmm how about you fix mexico, there is a reason Mexico is a 3rd world shithole, your politicians, cartels, and rich all shit on you and you faggots don't do shit about it just cry like faggots and leave ur precious mexico to come to the USA like fuckin cocksuckers are worse than the Syrians.....grow a pair of balls and act like men retake your country and Praise HUIZILOPOCHTLI not THE VIRGEN MARY!!!! The Spanish, The Church and your own ignorance have made you into a country of 3 world faggots!

>because mexico doesn't want you back
oh no im fucking devastated! what will i do now!?

Delusional boomer detected.
It's been happening during the last 20-30 years and we did nothing to stop it.

>Walking pleb poster

kill yourself hermano.

wow you're ugly

stop asking for aztlan you fucking nigger, we dont want it, we dont want you fucking indio


calm down carlos, fucking antifa

I live in Corpus and even the hispanic population wouldn't stoop to this place being anything but Texas.
Don't make me fucking laugh.

at least im fixing mexico from mexico fucking indio, you left like a fucking rat,now we dont want you fucking traitor.

i don't believe in aztlan bullshit you fucking retard. it's not some epidemic Sup Forums makes it out to be. no one supports fucking nonsense here.

hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha well this is a joke.

Colorado & Utah? C'mon bro