Welcome to the central headquarters of the fight to cleanse Sup Forums from the Kekistan plague and other pests, such as communists and shills.

The Kekistan shitfest has, indeed, it's roots on Sup Forums, but it has mutated on it's own on reddit, facebook, and most importantly, Youtube. The_Donald and the collosal faggot and attention whore that is Sargon of Akkad have successfully opened the path to our board by copying and corrupting Kek and most of the memes surrounding it. Thus, giving birth to Chanology 2.0.

The massive influx of normies will not integrate shall the Kekistan cancer be left to flourish. If they are attracted and stay here, the only way to redpill them is to ridiculize their unoriginal, cringy and retarded play-pretend. They will either see ut for what it is and adhere to one of the real Right-Wing ideologies or fuck off.

Keep in mind, Kekistanis: you mouthbreathing retards are allowed to only be our useful idiots, like a right wing version of SJWs and crybabies. We want none of your Civic Nationalism, BASED XDD NIGGERS, LGBT acceptance or other libtard beliefs masked in another package. For all we know this whole shit could be a very efficent psyops to undermine the right wing's recent advancements in the world. Fuck off

>What's the battle plan?
Make memes. This is a civil war. Create content or take it from here and spread it all over the board, and not only. Find every opportunity to shame them. Don't respond to their replies/threads, or do it to remind them to fuck off.\

REMEMBER to always bump the general, even if you have nothing to contribute. Exposure is key

DON'T LET Sup Forums BECOME Sup Forums 2.0



starting up with some cringe


Good luck senpai, they outnumber us 3 to 1.


have a bump for the effort

I trust we have the power to fight back. Don't doubt the power of weaponized autism

Bumping for Nacht der Langen Messers 2.0




Must Read for Newfriends




Wouldn't it be easier to make flagrantly racist/offensive memes related to kekistan? Normies won't wear tshirts with a flag they saw photoshopped into a lynching


Should we purge nazbols too or are they fine?

I knew this day would come, the redditors have fucked us, every board now hates us and mocks us, we need to retake this site, c'mon lads we can do this

Yea as soon as Sargon of Dragon dildos started shilling the Kekistani shite I know it was cancer. It's sad how it's even a flag option here. Yes we may have came up the the concept name and flag but it has since been hijacked by people so degenerate I don't want it back.

Then it is an even fight.

Reminder that this fat fuck is behind the kekistan shit

stop denying the 6 million!

there isnt enough gas in the world for this faggot

Shadilay, MAGApedes, we did it!

No nigger is a "based" nigger. They're subhuman garbage, nothing else.

Nothing more satisfying than PURGING FILTH.

>Not acknowledging this site has always been 90% shitposting 10% worth reading.

Phew, summer is strong this year.

This we should attack sargon of cuckkad he's also a liberal so no love lost

You should really stop and ask yourself, am I any less of a faggot? I mean christsakes user...just look at your op again.

>every board now hates us and mocks us
the non-grassroots agitation on the rest of Sup Forums is out of hand.
absolutely should retake Sup Forums and /vg/ for starters, vidya is our domain

not a bad idea leafbro



what's wrong with using the old strategies of demographic control?
i'm hesitant because i view any d&c as immensely damaging at this juncture.
yet here's a bump for discourse.

the more we talk about kekistan ,the more we fuel the cancer , just stay quiet , it will die off yea it'll take some time but at least it will if we constantly complain we only give it credence

Sup Forums is lost. Surprisingly /wsg/ and /gif/ seem to be coming back around.

the only circumstance where lefties are ok is as temporary passengers on helicopter rides

No the more we attack these kekistani, 64th and 1/3rd dimension underwater checkers XD cunts the faster they fucking leave or stop their nonsense. Great start would be removing the cuckistani flag option.

They are useful idiots who one day will take the redpill

I don't see a problem here.

...and our old strategy of co-opting stupid shit?
this is how to fix it if you want to fix it ---> I'm not going to help the cabal with d&c and you shouldn't either.

but isn't fascism around socdem tier when it comes to the economy? aren't socdems leftists too?

>there is more phoneposters than computer posters

Those are truly dark times

you are too optimistic imo

They're fucking annoying reddit autists is what they are

Bump. I'm going to start gore spamming Reddit threads I guess.

Hahahaha i would kicm him with my new Nazi Boots

What a fat faggot

It's easy, we just need to cross this board with a fringe board. Like the /mlpol/ prank. All the T_D fags hated it. None of us care. We just need some content on here that will turn them away. And unfortunately usual Nazi memes and racism won't do it this time.

Should we call 8ch. ?

Left and right was a Jew plot to devide France -the strongest power at the time-.

if you get into semantics, the Nazi party should be considered left.

bump desu

For the cause, have a bump

8ch is too autistic, they can't handle any sort of banter or shitposting

and so would be nazbol and strasserism

Maybe, but thid is serious

Friendly reminder that we don't want kekistani faggots here.

We could. Doubt they'd help though. 8ch is made up of people who left here a long time ago because it was getting too soft. I will say that Sup Forums memeing Trump really lead to the current situation the board is in.

Oh wow another /intl/ divide and conquer thread. Is this based Bradley? Nanobot?

Originally the right wing -or right seat at the parliment- was for nobility, and the left for the (((merchants))).

But the jews love their semantics..i woudn't get much into that.

We will never get anything done by just telling reddit retards to fuck off. What we need to do is make wonderfully racist memes that feature pepe and the kekistani flag. Then the reddit fags will stop using those symbols because genuinely right wing politics are bad.

This already happened. Why do you think 8ch has grown so much in the past few years?

Eaxtly. Isnt that the goal you retard? To return Sup Forums to its former glory? Who else then the ones banished from here? The german intillectuals would blitzkreg this board to shreds if asked nicely. They also hate jews

Gay black based nazi pepe raping donald trump

This is a picture of "It"

nice argument faggot

there's nothing to divide here. We are the jews of the internet. We can influence and manipulate normies without tracing it back here on social media/other outlets.

Why would they help? They have 0 vested interest. Why put all that effort into a temporary fix of this board when they have what they want already.

>that pendant
Gods dammit.

That could work, but I'm awful at making memes. I made pic related with pepe but I don't think it goes far enough.

it was a psyop from the start. sarcuck knew what he was doing, it was intended to subvert. he lost his mind after reading rules for radicals

Redpill them instead of insulting/shaming them. If you don't agree, you're probably a D&C leftie.

I have a stupid fucking idea. Sup Forums harbor pretty much purged the board and allowed it to be rebuilt. Obviously Hiro/the mods won't do that for us again, however we could achieve the same effect by another means.

What if we had a good old fashioned board war with Sup Forums? They would fuck Sup Forums up beyond all recognition and newfags wouldn't be able to tolerate all the gore and trap porn very long.

I honestly don't think sargon of acuck is smart enough to understand what he's doing. I think he's just bandwagoning for the views and the ad revenue.

Sup Forums is only pr0n now.

Nah, fascism puts an emphasis on invidualism outside of established core rules, such as anti-degeneracy and racial purity, and retains a lot of free market principles.

Anyone got pics of that autistic Kekistani that got beaten up at one of the Trump rallies? He came on here and started sperging out after it happened. I think maybe some boomer lady maced him and his fat friend.

I think this could work too.

This would be somewhat effective. Problem is getting organized and provoking a reaction from Sup Forums.

He knew exactly what he was doing. kekistan is a piss take of Ethno nationalism. it was payback after he got his twitter taken down and for his meltdown posting IR porn.

fuck off, their whole ""movement"" if it could be called so tends to leftism


I support this. All we have to do is ask them. Or start Gore/trap/what ever threads and dump the images here.

I mean, come on, look at this fucking shit


I don't keep up with him that much, so I could easily be wrong.

fuck off /intl/

but you forgot that the mods are fucking faggots too, they would probably ban like there's no tomorrow

pretty good idea tho


Maybe i'd take you seriously if you wouldn't use plebbit spacing, maybe. Sage.

Wow i can just see two years from now people wearing PCSG on youtube talking about how they were oldfags!

You know this shit never works because all of this shit gets coopted by other outfits who dont feel like they 'fit in' and waves of newfags wash up on the shores of Sup Forums and Sup Forums

I guess the cycle continues.

So stupid it might just work, but the /mlp/ might work better.

We're dealing with greenhorns that are ATTRACTED to the cool and edgy. It might be better to ironicly fag the board up a bit.

That's not plebbitspacing you absolute retard.

(((Alex Jones))) hates the Bohemian Grove because it's anti-Jewish and anti-Nigger.


>less than 1 min to trigger someone

>Thor's Hammer

you know, it's a lot sadder the fact that shitistanis are in so large numbers here that the libtards think that all of us to support it

Get aids you turbonigger

We can keep the communists, at least some of them actually know shit about politics and history
To be frank, Sup Forums is kinda at war with the whole chan, I don't lurk a lot of boards but whenever I do there's always some dumb asshole making a Sup Forums thread in /sci/, /lit/ or /his/ to name a few...

Just swarm cuckads twitter, and wear him out mentally. He'll start making mistakes, his life will get harsher and harsher, and then he'll come to his senses and submit. It's what happened to literally every e-celeb that stepped out of line.

average kekistani

>unironically being triggered this much
One may think this is Tumblr.