Longest handshake in history

Trump and Macron!


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Friendship with UK has ended, France is new best friend.


>Hold me Macron, i'm scared

He's tapping that frog ass rn. I can't blame him tho

As long as Putin is okay with it


"mummy may" BTFO

I love this image


they seem like best buddies

I fucking love how Melania dresses, idk why but she's literally the only celeb that made me realize I could even pay attention to that shit

>maybe if i squeeze his hand really hard all the time he'll start to like me

>why is this faggot squeezing my hand so hard?

Yes, i was very impressed as well to see an american lady who can dress (but not that surprising since she isn't an immigrant from europe).
Hopefully the upper class in the us will take notes.

i fucking love trump holy shit


why is every faggot trying to apply domination techniques to the trumpman? I mean come on what a little man thinks holding a handshake and grabbing the trumpman arm at the same time is going to establish domination in the relationship?
lmao these retards reading body language books and thinking is gonna work with the trumpsman.. haha

I think it's mostly so press has time to get a picture of the handshake and show friendly relations with just a picture.

it's not to show dominance
it's a political move, he's expressing total "friendship"
it's too soon to tell what he intends on using that for
macron wanted more journalists and photographs to make sure the whole fucking world would see it
there are billions of pictures ffs
I'm intrigued

I think it's because Trump does the same


I thought it was nice. The real story here is Macron's seemingly 180 on things recently. He's looking more nationalistic than Le Pen did. Did he really fool everyone?

that's a lie, post some proof besides the shitty copypasta

macron is getting his globalist buddies to shill for him the same way clinton did

>Wants to deport illegals
>Says he'll govern like a king
>Pressing the EU on Brexit trade deal

I don't doubt he could be a globalist but its a start and quite a different tone than before he was elected.

He is just cute as a button and he loves Trump!


>lots of words
>no evidence he'll do any of this
>trusting an ex-banker globalist on his word only

He said there was no such thing as French culture. He's no a Nationalist, hes a Shekel miner, and Trump likes those qualities.

Why are Trump tards so obsessed with their "great leader", fuck me, he's a fucking business man you idiots. Stop worshiping him and saying MAGA, Praise Kek etc so cringe