Testosterone General - /TeG/

Say no to soy and embrace your masculinity, since only the strong men will be able to protect their women.

Have you noticed how weak and fragile do modern teens look compared to 30 years ago?
In fact, testosterone levels go down 1% each year= 10% in a decade.
If we don't stop the contamination of our youth, in 20 years we'll have a West of hermaphrodites, defenseless against invading hordes and mentally handicapped like a woman.

>Tips on how to increase testosterone levels

>Hormones and political leaning

>Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views


>Interesting Video

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/as long and you can smoke in moderation/type/op/

Soy isn't good. It's very high in estrogen. But you know what else is? That's fucking right: red meat!

yet every manufactured foodstuff in our market comes partially or directly from a soy source

Milk is okay though right? I don't care if it causes cancer, I'm not going to stop drinking milk.

Everything causes cancer. You'll never hide from it. So fuck it.

Why are you obsessed with testosterone? Masculinity so fragile

Isn't left just breakfast?

i support this thread

provide proof without misconstruing BGH as estrogen

Smoking also increases testosterone dramatically and rapidly. Just don't go smoking packs a day. It also deepens your voice. Hence why many betas in their 20s these days sound like teenagers with a gay tint to their voice -- they don't smoke and lack testosterone.

I eat my own cum in order to feel rejuvenated

just buy testosterone at the drugstore if you
so craving it
why eat poor dead animals?

this is true
i wonder why smoking is discouraged and being beta is encouraged now....

Soy for the goy

Reminder that you can't be high T and not Christian

t. Non smoker

>he doesn't want to be feminine

Here's a secret, senpai. Women fucking love femininity in males now.

I fap 3 times a day and in a constant state of sexual frustration. It's distracting and a waste of time and energy. I least thing I want now is an increase in testosterone.

Being a feminine male is a sin

femininity is easy to fake, masculinity is not

rather than ejaculating into your mouth, next time slide the tip up your ass; it will take care of your t problem


Ray Peat is essential anti-estrogen reading

There are better ways of naturally increasing testosterone without such negative health effects. I know some people think the anti-smoking campaigns are based on lies but it's visibly evident that smoking makes you less fit, plus I know a lot of weedy soy boys who smoke

Can't really confirm this. I quit smoking a pack a day recently (went full retard) cold turkey but I didn't notice any drop in my voice when I did smoke.


you're a faggot and obviously you don't care about this stuff, but check this 1980s yearbook of a random highschool
see how developed all the guys look, especially when you compare it to a current highschool in a western country?

Ah yes, ejaculating into your own mouth is part of any quality fitness program


All you need

Honestly looking at pretty girls make me horny and increases my test to peak levels, pic related, average north mexican woman

>in a constant state of sexual frustration
bc after fap u get prolactine lvl increase
this is a tricky nature mechanism to prevent one alpha male fuck all girls around
u ofc can avoid it with cabergoline
or just with rare fap

My man.

its like I was made for this thread, op


koreans leftist..
koreans are some of the most racist people in the world.

Anyone serious about naturally increasing testosterone should be taking Vitamin D3 and Zinc supplements (and also maybe fish oil)

I am just sitting here chuckling that you had that video already on hand

curiously pre-1960s countries had smoking advertisements calling out the health benefits of smoking, at least for males.

Sven please

thanks man, that's very useful

Look at those fat fucks on the right, disgusting.

Red meat should be consumed once a week if not less. Chicken is much better and should be consumed until the end of time.

Wrong. Get out of the basement and get laid, Jeffrey.

I visited Monterrey last weekend. It is full of indios. I used to go back in the early 90s and it's very different now. There are literally neighborhoods where everyone speaks some other language that isn't even Spanish.


and fuck off niggers go back to africa

in korea
white = rich elitists
black = poor african farm workers


Finally a website that doesn't push the fish oil meme

Ray Peat dropping mad red pills on fish oil toxic waste


Unfortunately most people have been fed a stead diet of fish oil propaganda their whole life and refuse to even THINK about the fact it may be shit

The gospel of fish oil fundamentalists
>fish oil is good for you
>because omega 3 fatty acids are good for you
>lmao dude the doctor said so!

That's the extent of their knowledge of fish oil, sad!

another extremely valuable website

sorry, kpop idols are hot

gr8 b8 m8

What are you even pretending faggot. Somebody posts a video and you come up with some made up bitching.

>fish oil

good meme


technically vegans have the highest source of testosterone :/.and lowest body fat ratios.Only genetic freaks and people on steroids have higher sorry chan bot :/.

What foods contain testosterone mainly?

Those guys on the left score a TON of pussy in Nipland.

pretty sure Lemmy fucked over 5,000 women before he kicked the bucket

Every one of those boys look like fuckin girls... except kris.. he looks like he came out of a fuckin final fantasy game

Funny things is those skinny fags most likely have more test on the account of not being fat fucks.

Test makes you a baldie fuck that.

gr8 sources m8

that's mostly genetic

Meat. Real food for real men.

High testorsteone. Low intellect. No morals.

>muh testosterone
t. overcompensating virgin dicklet

>real men
>gay leather jacket

>High testorsteone. Low intellect
lmao all those leftists

Jews have already invaded the thread i see

Yes goyim smoke and get lung cancer so only betas are left, good goyim

They like it in pictures, they still fuck Chad.

Or have you not left Mummy's basement lately?

I've been getting into Motorhead recently and I have to say that they're very impressive. They had a huge sound for a 3 man group.



>literal Harvard doctor says fish oils is okay to take if you might be omega 3 deficient and don't eat chia seeds every day like some fag

Bullshit. Most of the faggots I have seen smoking cigarettes are little pussies.

i got laid about 50% more when i smoked compared to when i didn't

>doing all that work to protect estrogen so it can absorb your test

Smoking men had 15% higher total and 13% higher free testosterone levels compared with men who never smoked.


To much general general general fuck this lame ass thread

Nicotine is a vitamin

I blame video games and current trends. Vidya keeps boys inside so they stay pale and scrawny, and facial hair was in style back then. Nothing will make you look 10 years older like a mustache and thin rim glasses.

>>High testorsteone. Low intellect
I'm not the one who posted the OP pic, blame him.

Nofap gives em ass cancer and alimony finishes em off

change your flag faggot
niacin/nitcotinic acid is an essential vitamin though, look it up everyone else

There are secrets. Tricks.

You can't avoid the xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens in our food and environment. Jews put them there for a reason. It is systemic. Further, these substances accumulate in the body. You are always taking in more.

Test boosting practices are a half measure. The jew has done what is required to lower the testoserone of the cattle. Are you willing to do what is necessary to reverse it?

25mgs of clomiphene citrate per day. Doing that for a month will boost your total T to 1000 ng/dl no matter how bad your hormonal situation is.

plenty of trannies and gay men smoke, senpai

Then pick up some weights

Close your legs pussycuck

The powers that be want us all to be vegans.

Veganism is not an optimal diet for humans.

Humans are omnivores. We had to be to survive.

Eat a little bit of everything, including meat, and never eat til you're full. Always leave the table a little bit hungry.

Japs and greeks smoke more than us. Less lung cancer. There is something called truvada now. Straights think their porn is gay. Phallic things dont make you womany. Vaginas do

This is exactly why I started smoking

there are a lot of trannies that are masculine af despite taking hormones though
probably a topic of another thread though

50-100 mg of cyproterone acetate daily works even better

this one cites several studies, including (((yours))), and they contradict themselves - perhaps some of those studies were financed by tobacco companies?
> …And even though tobacco seemingly doesn’t decrease testosterone, it can still become lethal (think lung cancer, etc)

T. Chink

No one is advocating addiction, retard.

Take me back to a simpler time.

It's a vitamin. Fuck off nobody cares. Weed is in titmilk. What is more masculine? Fighting propaganda and deeply held bullshit beliefs? Or shilling for pear earth heteros?


Fish oil destroyed by a phd biology professor with over 40 years research experience

Ever notice how trannys that smoke usually have deeper voices and more masculine faces?


There's a reason Jews advocate strongly against smoking.

so did Hitler


>By Howard LeWine, M.D
>contributor at jewish world review

Just look who keeps pushing fish oil, surely it's a coincidence


hmm idk I love dicks and I'm pretty feminine

>lmao all those leftists
>youtu.be/C3KsuzfSMjg [Remove]


those punches. i'd be too busy laughing to get angry

are you also behind this pasta?
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/as long and you can smoke in moderation/type/op/

That is a selective androgen receptor modulator with anti androgen effects you cum gargling colon cowboy. It is used by mentally ill men who want to play at being a woman.

Clomiphene is a selective estrogen receptor modular. It blocks estrogen from the receptors. In men, estrogen is created by converting testosterone via the aromatase enzyme. If the hypothalamus in your brain does not register an adequate level of estrogen, it releasea a cascade of hormonal signals to the pituitary gland, which it turn signals the tested to produce more tesoterone.

In short, clomiphene blocks estrogen, the body makes estrogen from testosterone, so the male body's reaction is to start pumping out testosterone.

>The powers that be all want us to be vegans
what are ag-gag laws

they don't even push into exhausting the muscle groups. they feign a few movements, then stop and switch to something else after a couple of seconds. they're just going through motions hoping people will watch them, not actually in training. fucking retards.

Nah, but I do mention it occasionally. It's good to wake people up. Men need to increase their testosterone levels back again. It helps deepen the voice, and many betas these days sound like teenage girls.