The JQ is being spread far and wide get in here and bash on them so we can kek when their shills arrive. We must have JQ threads going 24/7 for the exponential number of new fags arriving daily
We came from this bread
The JQ is being spread far and wide get in here and bash on them so we can kek when their shills arrive. We must have JQ threads going 24/7 for the exponential number of new fags arriving daily
We came from this bread
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck yeah brothers! The fire rises!
kek I love the enthusiasm!
Auschwitz rare pic dump. The theater
Thank you brother for making this thread. Here's some recreational sporting events taking place at muh death camp
Why would an extermination camp have a nursery Sup Forums?
Or a dentist?
Or animals and vets?
Or currency?
Dumping everything I have
I'm working on getting a career where I'll basically be spying on (((our greatest ally))). Whatever you need brother you have more allies than you could imagine
email me at [email protected] and I will give you a free copy of my book mate and let you know a few things we have planned
Ok, no offense but I'll be sending it from a freshly made bs email, can never be too safe these days
Must be shoped that pic
kek no prob. I will soon be doxxed when my book is published so I am not really sweating it. I will only be a public face of the cult of kek
(((Our greatest ally))) dindu nuffin to the USS Liberty
What do you want us to do ITT? Spam our redpills and infographics?
kek wouldn't you like to know
Basically these threads will be one huge ammo dump for newbies, so yes
just keep the threads going mate. Post whatever you want soon the shills will arrive and try to argue with their kike logic, and when they do we drop red pills . The nets way to red pill is to let Juden use their kikery bs lies and expose them one by one
like we did here →
Okie dokie new friendo, email sent
I've been coming here for a while, I still think you guys are anti-Semitic retards. I'm immune to your red-pill propaganda, because I'm so much smarter and better educated than you.
Lol. Sure you are sweetie. Now please explain to us in your own words why we shouldn't hang you along with the rest of the jews?
Oh no, I'm shaking in my boots. With all these lynchings of Jews and Jew allies going on, I'm really afraid for my life. Please don't come after me.
kek I lol'd this mein nigga from the other thread
You have a chance to beg for mercy. Don't waste it. You won't have this opportunity again.
You gettin ready for the future buddy? Cuz it's coming
It has already begun desu, we both know it
We should keep these up 24/7 and call them Jewish redpill general threads to make them look nicer
responded bruv
Muh anti semitism
you missed the first bread desu catch up
I heard that the starving men in the pics are always victims of supply route bombings from the Allies, and that the Final Solution was about relocating Jews outside of Europe. Can anyone confirm this with sources?
Know how to make a pastebin bro? This and NSG will be fast allies
quick flick for the good goys
Well I figure the Jews owe us and explanation and we are going to get it. We are well past the point of ambiguity here. Jews, beyond all shadow of a doubt are guilty as charged. For posterity Jews will be captured and taken prisoner where they will be made to confess their crimes on live nationwide TV before being led to the gallows. During football season it'll be a good halftime event.
Check out the NSG thread in the catalog my brother, they have EXTENSIVE links all backed cited sources that will answer these exact questions and more
kek public execution will be in vogue once again
I don't but OP could just make a Word document (or use notes on mobile) and make the general thread. Then we can all just save it as a copypasta
Got it, God bless you brother
I wrote a book bruv :-). Already signed the publishing deal will be on the shelves in a few months the phase 2 begins
Good goy.
hahah love this pic, we are doing Kek's work
B-but in school I learned that every child and woman was put in a line and they walked into furnaces.
What is it called
Here's an /hrg/ thread. Hope this helps
The Six Gorillion
I personally hate football but normies love it. So it'll be reformed after the great deworming of the American dog. No more niggers on the field, only white athletes. Sports are just another Jewish weapon against whites, Dept. of Bread and Gaymes.
As it should be. We'd also hack the Israeli airwaves and make sure the executions are displayed on every TV screen there on a 24/7 loop, that is, between the blacked jewess and open borders promos.
Why OP is a faggot
I lol'd
The working title is Communism: The Birth Of White Supremacy, it's ironic of course since white supremacy ideology amongst the Nazis is a Jew myth. But I don't want to tell the title here there are shills everywhere and the Juden will try their kike trickery to keep it from getting on the shelves. I will announce it on pol when it is published the we begin phase 2
kek I like your style
kek obvious kike
We have HRG, JQ and NSG threads all up and running at once. Pol is back boys!
Why are the Germans on here such faggots
Give them all some bumps
Thanks. I'm just an elderly gentleman who's had enough of the Jews and their crimes.
Trips of truth, you heard him boys!
Why are the Jews larping as Germans here such faggots?
Here's a good redpill on Jewish involvement in communism. I would highly recommend reading Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald
Ok so there are very few shills in here at the moment so I want to let everyone know about the Cult Of Kek.
There is a "secret society" known as the Cult Of Kek we are the anti Illuminati (don't worry if you don't fully understand yet you will after you read the book) we are normalizing Nazi regalia and re-shaping culture and public discourse and stealing the enemies symbols and using them against them. After my book is published we will begin phase 2 which is the IRL political movement and publicity stunts that will red pill the masses. I have radio interviews and good youtube channels where we will be spreading the message, we will make it safe for the new "Nazi" party to come out into the open and for people to know who the leaders are and how to help the cause. I hope you continue monitoring this email because we will need you. We already have over a million "useful idiots" but there are few "leaders" coordinating things, but things are being done for a purpose. We have psyops and counters to their moves.
You forgot to archive it
>splcenter org/hatewatch/2017/05/08/what-kek-explaining-alt-right-deity-behind-their-meme-magic
You got me there
This, kosher camouflage
So we need to have fundraising and a membership drive. What products or services can we offer Sup Forumsacks to get shekels to fund the movement and how do we get you paranoid autists on an email list or roster and keep the shills off?
Nordics are worse than Jews.
Northern Europe has practically no Jews. And yet they're also the most left-wing and and Cultural Marxism infects all aspects of society.
The countries with the most Jews are Israel and America, and the right-wing controls all 3 branches of government in America, and a right-wing coalition has been in charge of Israel for most of the last 16 years.
The state in America with the most Nordics is Minnesota, and what a coincidence, they invite all of Somalia to live here.
We have to start talking about the Nordic Problem.
Fidget spinners
with swastikas, iron cross, KEK cross?
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?
This one desu
Fuck off shill. Nordics have kikes just like us
Wait for the next trendy meme like Kekistan to pop up. Then sell stuff associated with it
what about anime shit, pillows waifu shit etc? I am not into it all but I don't judge and I want to give you guys what you want and be able to help the cause.
Idk about anime. Although I'm not personally into that stuff
We need something that will last desu we have to establish a permanent source of income for us to start making irl moves. I mean tell me what you all want and I will spend 2k and buy it and open an online store to get started
Kosher camo=Wasmannian mimicry.
All funds will go towards the movement. I have many moves already planned and once pol sees what I am doing and to tier legit more will invest
I think stormfags (us kek) love anime because it reminds of them pure Aryan femininity before the kike corruption
Eh, we need a better source of revenue than NEET bux. Start with tshirts with normie friendly dog whistle slogans
>I hope there are some non-Jews in my camp
We'll see, sweetie, we'll see.
elaborate? Also if any other of you all want to do the same as I said I am not shilling whoever wants to be part of this is welcome to open heir own stores to make money for the cause and profit for themselves w/e they decide to do. Every dollar counts. Of course we don't want nay fags opening stores just to profit from what we are doing without giving money to the cause. I have big plans that will net big results as far as red pilling.
It's all I got mang
Thanks guys
The Cult Of Kek only has an online presence now but we will soon be doing things IRL as I said. Kekistan is only the beginning so I don't know why stromers hate on Kekistan they play an important role. They are the public face of the movement
I hope you all realize what I am talking about and see what is happening here. It has begun
A group like that will always have shills. So, we could make a forum and charge for people to be members. Anybody with a lot of capital could make hats, t-shirts and flags printed with our nazi memes. Just imagine how well a nazi themed cave spongebob t-shirt would do. It would spread our message and make money for our cause.
What I really would like to do next is open a house kinda like in fight club or a volunteer campaign base of operations thing where we have money to feed everyone and buy the shit we need for the counter movement. Like I said I am serious af here it has begun this is my lifes work
Could I have it too?
Just send you a mail.
[email protected]