Why is Sup Forums filled with religious shills nowadays? I used to think Sup Forums was filled with smart people that knew what was sensible and what was not. The most bluepilled thing you can do is follow a religion. But now, you can't post anything on Sup Forums about how illogical it is to be religious without a bunch of shills telling you you're wrong.
Sup Forums, what the hell happened to you? Why would anyone believe in this shit? There's zero evidence proving the existence of god. There's tons of religions out there anyways and every single one of them has its own book, and when you ask for proof that said religion is the one true religion, they reference their book.
The Bible (buy-bull) says Christianity is the one true religion. The Qu-ran says Islam is the one true religion. The Torah says Judaism is the one true religion. The book of Mormon says Mormonism is the one true religion. What makes your book more true than any of the others? And furthermore, how the hell is an old ass book proof that a god exists? Where are the miracles? Why hasn't god shown himself in 2,000 years?
Science we can prove. Every day, we discover something new that once we attributed to "god did it" but now we can demonstrate through science how it happens.
A book is not proof. And furthermore, "You can't disprove god" is not an argument for the existence of god. You're the one claiming god exists. That would be like me claiming I can fly, and saying "You can't prove that I can't fly".
Wake the fuck up, Sup Forums. I thought Sup Forums was against enslaving yourself to a stupid system, yet there's so many shills here that are all for enslaving yourself to the most archaic system of slavery there is, to an imaginary being that will torture you for not believing in him despite him not proving his own existence.