Don't liberals pretty much listen to Hollywood which is just rich people telling you other rich people are bad?
>we hate white people now vote for the people calling for your ethnic replacement you racist.
Enjoy never holding power in this country again.
> telling the poor people that other poor people are the reason they're poor
but user his message was
> The supply-side Globalist immigration and trade policies-- created by and enforced by the washington elite-- are the reason you are poor
Whites will always hold power in countries we live in. Look at South Africa
>literally indistinguishable from all other candidates
sage is the name of the game
More like a rich guy convincing poor people to vote for him by understanding their problems and openly addressing them, while at the same time acting and talking like one of them.
>be me
>Name related
>see possible b8 thread.
>Mouse over OPs ID.
>ONE post by this user.
>Occupy Democrats
#MAGA you degenerate cuck
>everyone who disagrees with me is a broke hillbilly
>guys why did we lose
Another kike post trying to get people to get behind the impeachment of Trump.
Make more threads faggot... only your fellow shills are responsive to that.
Sup Forums could give a shit
i dont mind being poor, its the being forced to live around shitskins part that i dont like
yes. i'm voting for dwayne
President Trump to you. Our president. Hey bot get over it and cash your shill check.
Fuck PRESIDENT Trump. There, I fixed it for you.
>Mexicans have a right to be in this country
>Marxists have a right to exist
>Degenerates have a right to exist
The left believes these lies to be true.
What a garbage meme
If your nazbol, criticise him for being a zioshill
I like this thread
God, you fuckheads are retarded!
Inbred rednecks are retarded uneducated shitbagS
arent these the same idiotic group that wants to import millions of muslims?
Drumpf supporters unironically vote against their own economic interests
>I've been bleeding from that asshole nonstop since last November and I really hate white people for rejecting my satanic whore candidate.
> I get so triggered by gay coupled, Mexicans and gender politics that I vote for corporate whore con artist who instill unsustainable economic policies that clearly don't favor me
Really makes you think
Fuck Hillary
Poor people are poor because of their own choices.