What books are on Sup Forums's list?
Sup Forums books
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Here's my list, some I've already read, other's I haven't.
I've put them in order. of how I wish to read them.
Tom Sharpe - Ancestral Vices
Looking for more books like this.
"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley
"The Pin-Ups Collection" by Gil Elvegren
2014 National Electrical Code
Suggested Sup Forums reading: "The Saxon" by Rudyard Kipling. (This is a very short poem, well worth it.)
Reading the Dhammapada right now, afterwards I'm going to read Evola's Doctrine of Awakening.
All those books and you don't have the protocols? What are you doing user
This is the only book anyone needs.
Carl Schmitt Theory of the Partisan
Evola Ride the Tiger
Knut Hamsun Growth of the Soil
Half way through Imperium currently, great book so far, definitely a strange idea (nowadays) to suggest that Cultures as well as people have a destiny.
Will be reading 'Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft' next. Looking forward to that one.
If this thread can't even reach 200 replies, then Sup Forums truly is a dead joke of a board.
Currently at Heinlein's The Moon is a harsh mistress, some light holiday reading, but i like it. Picking either Machiavelli's Discorsi, Montesquie's Spirit of the laws or something by Alain de benoist next.
I would like an English copy of this.
nu/pol/ must be destroyed through a cleansing fire of knowledge
This thread will fall into oblivion in no time
I doubt any of you have actually read the Quran, but I really recommend you do. It's such a great book and has a lot of fallacies surrounding it, so people think it's a useless book. But really It's an eyeopener and it's redpilled on every issue. Here's a link to a full online version.
Thanks mehmet
Just go watch Bill Warner's lectures on it. Koran isn't shit really.
Lord of the Rings
> No Culture of Critique.
What's a good Eugenics book on differentiating race from the skull form, body structure, and facial features? That's the only part of biology that interests me.
Highly recommended and a relatively short read.
It was also considered too controversial for Arktos - take from that what you will. I'm honestly amazed that books like this can still be published.
Also looking for medical books, specifically eugenics.
"It's such a great book..." "...Koran isn't shit really."
Go fuck yourselves. I'd rather a newfag stick to some shitposts that waste their time reading up on how to be a proper worshipping sand nigger. Savages.
I can recommend notes from Charles Darwin and Francis Galton's analysis on inherited intelligence but that's all I know of.
The Northwest Novels are worth a read. Especially the Brigade.
Northwest novels?
What did you learn about our muslim friends?
I like to read.
Le Based
If Antifa did an alt-right book burning, it would be the world's smallest bonfire
Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America
Western Civilization Bites Back
Atlas Shrugged-no cucks, manlets or swj's
Just finished "the turner diaries". Although I'm not an Nazi and according to that book I will either be hanged of get the bullet, it's a must read! I was shocked how much resembles that book and our current western societies has it's freaking me out.
Have the read the prequel to that book, hunter?
>all that Evola
He's good and all, but if you really want to understand the esoteric truth underlying all of civilization, you need to read "The Golden Bough." The full unabridged version that's like 12 volumes long.
>not learning Greek or Latin and reading books in their original script
Those are actually some good books. It's nice to see someone on pol who doesn't just read a bunch of useless novels.
Everything on this, faggots
Thanks user, I try
if u read ur a fag
this pic
Not yet, Any good? I loved how he saw California changing, shocked how he described the media and the overall multi-ethnic agenda, the fact that people can't change their political views as long they still have their comforts.
Also the way how he discribed the civil war and the impacts of the organisation's tactics. It's a scarry book but still it made me understand step by step.
Every Sup Forumsack must read it no matter your political views! You start to understand that doing nothing isn't going to solve the "tolerance for the sake of tolerance" society build-up. How the media works, how the government and economy works. We need to go back to the "progress above all' mentality.
Go up to the post just after my original post near the topI save some of the more racey stuff for the end.
And military planning after.
Currently reading this, Was fortunate enough to meet David Irving once as well. I do wish that he wrote a book about Leon degrelle. He said he was truly a marvelous man but never got around to writing about him.
Fixt* had to rotate img
Does he have gyno?
Any1 know the northwest series of books?
can i read any of them stand alone
or do i have to read them in order?
Divine truth is everywhere in the world, first and foremost in the Bible, but also in many other good books, in science and in art. If you truly love God, you cannot allow yourself to be ignorant about the world he created.
Currently reading gulag archipelago, funny in an absurdist way
'The Moon is a harsh mistress' as well here.
Do you even realize Eugenics and race are two different topics? There is no prominent book that combines the two, and I've read all prominent books on racial anthropology. You're a fucking retard.
Just picked these up from an antique store.
Gonna dump a few infographics.
This thread deserves better. I'll post what I have.
Currently reading: The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzenitzen
Other books:
The Prince, Machiavelli
Rise and fall of the third Reich, William Shirer
Free to Choose, Milton Friedman
The road to serfdom, Friedrich Hayeck
Basic economics, Thomas Sowell
Art of war, Sun Tzu
The five rings, Miyamoto Musashi
Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
Worst book list ever. Set them all on fire and then jump in the flames.
10/10 starting choices user.
obligatory meme list
Book burning communist detected.
Rise and fall of the third Reich, William Shirer
Its been proven to have a lot of "holes" in it.
A lot of allied war propaganda used as "history"
and of course the author had a biased.
Just read table Hitler's Table Talk instead bro
anybody read might is right? going to buy it next week.
>Every book about historical events ever doesn't have a bias
This is why you read more than one book on a subject.
Rate my books, POL.
>This is why you read more than one book on a subject.
You woke senpai, I'm glad to hear that.
Enjoy reading it then.
>that book 2
>tfw I own that exact same print of Meditations.
really heavy read man. hope you are highly literate
>marcus Aurelius
I see you have Mere Christianity, then you should know that Marcus Aurelius hated Christians and his justification for his persecution of them came from Stoicism, he actively searched out Christians are tried to stop the religion entirely with extreme violence
No Caesar? LOOK at this man's flabby face, does he look like a man of integrity to you? There's a reason why Cucker was killed by Antony and Octavius, he was never Caesar's friend
Modern Murican/10
You ought to read some De Tocqueville and Locke if you really want to understand the traditional American spirit.
some diamonds there
ohhhh shit man you got the revised addition. please read this article. the third edition was not written by blavatsky and has been denounced by most theosophists as well as the 'revised editions' she did of the first 2 volumes due to its outright alteration of the origional unabridged version of blavatskys work. please read this article about it - blavatskytheosophy.com
That was convenient...
Oh shit son schopenhauer is on that list,
Any decent books about Mosley and the BUF?
I would befriend you
>Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics
>Way of men
I saw pictures of that author what an edgelord and a LARPer oh my god
Edgey about love but nice poetry, only read in latin.
The Holy Bible
Culture of Critique
The Abolition of Man
Rock and Sand
This Time The World
Mein Kampf
The Bell Curve