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Apologize to my attacker since he clearly had a tougher less privileged life than I had. Then accept it's part and parcel of living in a big city

go to the doctor

At first? Absolutely nothing because my face has been burned off. Maybe scream in pain as my skin slides off my skull into my hands.

After recovery? Hunt the fucker down and go full SAW franchise on his ass and end him ISIS-style, burned alive in a cage of fire.

Poor a basic liquid on it you moron

Wow Sup Forums hasn't turned into some raging psychopath that would then curb stomp the nigger who did it. 4 posts in and reasonable responses, wow.

Neutralize the acid with water


call in a nuclear orbital strike from my powerlifter rig

nothing. I'd turn the other cheek because I am a christian and think violence is never the answer for anything.

Acid attacks in the west? Thanks ISLAM!

Walking around Londonistan, Stockholmadesh or Parisobul without a medium sized bottle of water is a bad idea.

Pull out my gun and shoot the mother fucker and thing probably go blind as acid drips into my eyes.

I don't think it really matters when they use acid potent enough to burn your face off

Rub my face all over theirs.
Sharing is caring

I would assume my flesh would be eaten by the acid if I was a victim of an acid attack.

take over Tenpenny Tower

Drop the base to cause a nutrilization reaction and then kick the shit outta the attacker

Kek you'd stay on a hospital for months and cry with mommy faggot

All the acids in that video are as strong as acids get really, it isn't like in the movies when things just starts to fall off immediately. The people getting burnt horribly is because they are in a shocked state and don't have plenty of water accessible within seconds.

Ooo, tough guy over here

I always carry a gun and a bottle of ammonia.

Go to party all the night

Duck and Cover.

That'll work rite?

I'd like to see some amazon reivews.

Planned on taking my very attractive wife to the UK so I bought her one of these, I hope it protects from all types of acid.

I'd kill myself

Trip balls and yell incoherently about bats

Though It seems like hydroflouric acid is veeeery toxic and strong, so watch out when they start using that shit.

Watch the video. At the end its stated a weaker acid which wasnt featured in the video will have a greater reaction to the skin. Thats what the muzzies use to melt face i bet a weaker acid.

Find a coin to flip.

>Neutralize the acid with water

water doesn't neutralize the acid you moron, it dilutes it

>t. biochemist

grab soap or some cleaning stuff from nearby, those are usually basic

Scream and writhe in pain, like everyone else.

After recovery when I'm a disfigured mess? Do my best to make youtube videos about the dangers of Islam.

Use it as tragic background story to become a vigilante.

Is this the kikes next plan to cause their white sharia? Start having their Israeli Secret Intelligence Service members dousing random goyim with acid to encourage violent reprisal, thereby catalyzing their plan for a race war? Touché kikes, touché.

get full body bleaching to turn me albino white. electrolisis or laser hair removal full body. lift 247 but not aim for being a mountain of muscle instead try to be as lean and have as much definition in muscle groups as possible. stringy would be the way i would describe the look

they hang out on the subway in a wife beater and shorts with flip flops even in winter

Apply for NEETbux, buy a cool mememask on amazon, continue NEETlife

Whatever mr brainiac, point is it works

>Carry baking soda
>Pimp slap myself with the shit.
>Acid is now foam and I can use the rest to pimp slap the pussies.

Probably scream a lot as my face melted.

This actually turns out to be one of the many reasons NOT to let towel-heads into your country.

Any clue what ammonia would do over water? What about if said acid gets in your eyes? You just blinded no matter what?

Colombian necktie the offender parents

Nothing coz it will not happen to me.
Acid attacks targets mudslimes westernized whores.
I am not one.
And if i was one then i could do nothing.
Surprise attack, Acid in the face, it is over.

Stop autism. Stop larping.

For me it would probably be an improvement.

>This actually turns out to be one of the many reasons NOT to let towel-heads into your country.

But then how do we create diversity that is so beneficial to us? I mean, I love having asian, latino, and arabic food so closeby!

Bad things.

Just learn how to cook it yourselves and open up your own restaurants!!

Oh right, you cant cause thats cultural apropiation, fucking liberal burgers

Accept my fate and pray to God in name of Christ for how I might be being fallen. Everybody dies... Except for Christ and His bride(groom)

I don't know.
I would kill the attacker first then wash my face. But I don't know how to handle pain. I am sensitive.

And this is exactly how Britain dies

I carry a small container of baking soda with me, easy to crack open

If I didn't seeing as I'm a disfigured mess I have nothing left to lose right, might take some of the fucks with me now that I have sith powers

Try to become more basic

> 'muricans
> coocking
Lel. Although sadly we're not better in that department either.

carry some strong NaOH then

Transform into Mason Verger?

Run at him and rub my face on his

Pull out my concealed 9mm and mag dump in the general direction of the attacker. Depending on severity/loss of eyballs, possibly put last bullet in my own head.

At least you preserve your face
Chicks dig the glasses and guide dog bro

>trying not to scream in pain while my face melts just not to sound racist

Or "Two Face", if you're going by the original source material.

Ever see Law Abiding Citizen? Something like that. Tied up and sedated, and go to work on him in the most horrific ways possible for hours, maybe a day or two. Eventually I would skin him alive and rub him down with kosher salt.

in theory yes basic solutions would neutralize the acid but in this situation you're just splashing more chemicals on your face, it's not precise or anything

much better to just wash with large amounts of water to just get the stuff off you. It's why they have those water eye wash stations and showers for emergencies in chemical lab and not "nuetralization showers" or some shit

Granted I survive?

Find the attacker, kill them and their family. If the attacker is found by the law first, and he sits in jail, I still kill his family.

Who knows? I might just lose my mind and start the next crusade!

well i wouldn't tell the police about it, i don't want to be racist and i deserved it anyway because of my white heritage.

This. Spineless pussies like , are the reason attacks like that happen in the first place. Most men aren't men anymore, so why fear retaliation?

>become more basic
Fuck off Carlos


I would be tripping balls


Throw fire on fire. Works well. Only if you get killed can we start killing them with governments put here by God. Doesn't exist anymore. We exile them to jails now. Good enough

they use drain cleaner which isn't acid but a potent alkali

9/10 millennials dont know the answer to this question

assuming they use an alkali which is what most of the attacks are could you nuetralise it with something such as lemon juice

If you're based, does that mean you're acid proof as well?

I wont be. I watch Muslims very carefully and tract their every move when in my vicinity. I'm always ready.

You're too kind.

i was clowning the breads from last night limey.
but for real how are you going to know what kind of acid is eating away at your flesh, some burn more with water, some might burn more with lemon juice. i predict its only a matter of time unill people start wearing face shields around in public

Someone ever tries to throw acid in your face, you try an' throw acid right back in theirs.

spit acid back

>inb4 muh tough guy operator

I'm pretty aware, if I had any warning at all, I'd shoot the perp before he got away. assuming I was a victim of it regardless, I'd kill 5 muslim women and 15 muslim children, and as many men as I could.

>they are muslims right?

If not, the same as above, convenient excuse.

PS, >inb4 reddit spacing

Turning the other cheek means forcing the person striking you to meet you as an equal, as in forcing them to hit you with a fist as opposed to the back of their hand. It does not mean being a pussy that lays down and fucking dies because some sandnigger wants him to.

I'd shoot the attacker with both my legally carried open and concealed weapon.

was it muslims??? It must have been muslims


After reading around water for face and saline(eye drops) for eyes is probably the safest bet.

Put a mask over my face and become a serial killer of whichever race/religion did the attack until I die

This post is a joke

The worst part about the acid attacks in the UK is that it's not just muzzies any more. It's a gangland phenomena that the nigger and chav drug dealers picked up after seeing just how devastating acid can be thanks to muzzies throwing acid on their sisters.

So now if you cross the wrong scumbag or get in the way of some drug dealer or pimp's "business", you get a Lucozade bottle full of acid squirted in your face.

>Ban guns they start stabbing each other
>Ban knives they throw acid at each other
Good job British government! Hooray for diversity and cultural enrichment! It's inspiring to see the British youth learning from the rich cultures of their immigrant communities who have seamlessly assimilated into the British underworld!

Recover, rent a truck of peace and a 6pack.


exactly, give attacker a christian face hug

I'm not s slutty women, so my chances are 0.

wake up from my dream of being european

No way especially if you are a fit good looking white man. These lowly criminals will stab,blind gang you in impotent rage. Anita is a good example of this. They have been known to bring weapons to a protest and stab people with HIV needles as a sort of revenge.

Face the wind and piss directly up at my face.


I would try my best to be based.


That didnt last very long

Basically always carry a jug of water, it's simply the most effective method.
If you get powder thrown at you though water might make it worse so I still have no answer to that.

This. I'm so sick of the suicidal retards who think that phrase means they should let themselves be slaughtered. Turn the other cheek but suffer not a witch to live? Can't have both you insufferable cunts?