What's worse then communism?
What's worse then communism?
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This post
You sure got him good xD
Zionist Feminist Marxism.
>naked samefagging
Why are libs so inept at everything?
What's worse then Zionist Feminist Marxism?
What's worse then Ancaps?
This one?
that doesn't make any sense, troll. Try harder.
cummunism was created by messianic jews to fufill the prophecy in the talmud that Jews would one day own all property in the world
it is ultimate surrender to the jew forever
"intl"/leftypol that think that "subversion" is the same as creating threads each 30s and idiots here are unable to just deal with it.........
If you don't believe me, just ignore all posts and see how these meangless lefie post occurs
>Is dildos redpilled
>Is some news from last year Y
Fucking idiots, I hate you all
>muh muh something is off guys, I dunno what
The fact that the police protect them. Here's the one time they didn't in the US.
You're dick rotting off from VD.
Bigfoot is real and he tried to eat my ass
Stalin was the good guy though. Lenin and Trotsky were the kikes.
>enforcing the law is bad
Autists like you who prefer to selectively enforce the law depending on the politics of the victims or perpetrators are going to ruin civilization.
What's worse than lefty/pol/?
>killing is okay when it's x
them sitting and crating theads 24/7 here?
If you haven't noticed that is what they are doing to the board right now....
>Somethings happens
>Is green socks red pilled?
Seriously they think this is subversion....
Back home we just ban them, but wtf cuckchan who makes like 60 threads each hour, or how it works.....
I'm not here often but this is not cuckchan and you know it, just ban them
Ok, since you two are fucking normie dildos, knowing what you think is true about history, would you have condoned violence against the Nazis prior to muh holocaust?
communist jew jihadist
Not unless they initiated violence. Having wrong opinions doesn't justify violence.
>muh NAP
Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone was this fucking oblivious? There would be zero war and violent crime across the world!
>What's worse then communism?
No gommunisms DDDDD
So would you say that the mods allowing these threads to take place is worse then the posters themselves?
t. Ahmed al-Muhammad Saladin Abu Aladdin
What's worse than people being this fucking oblivious?
Bad grammar
Hitler did try a coup and was sentenced very lightly for it, if he were punished more appropriately then he wouldn't have come into power. His ascension into power is also not very legal but the power structures ignored it because it conformed with their politics.
It's not >muh NAP
It's enforcing the existing laws.
Those who created it, the jews.
people who don't know than from then.
But in all seriousness commies should be raped to death by foreign objects.
I know it's a meme but i feel this is how any society with guns and no government would go down. So this
What's worse thena people with bad grammar
>existing laws
Not a valid argument. Existing law in the US used to be that communists were traitors and niggers weren't people.
This one
>used to be
Fuck off.
>communists were traitors
And no it wasn't law, your political, religious, etc. opinions are protected under the US constitution.
yea jews
What's worse than Leafism?
What's worse than Capitalism?
What's worse than Islamism?
Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same retarded coin
their food.
>implying they aren't the same thing
Communism is an economic system.
Authoritarianism is a political system.
2 communisms
Yes someone already say that. What is worse than Jews?
Communism is authoritarian in its economy.
The brutal endless drowning alienation of capitalism, and the temporarily embarrassed billionaires that prop it up for their masters.
whatever the hell is happening now
You are still comparing the people's (direct) control on the economic system vs the people's control on the political system.
You can have a communist democracy where the people vote for their leadership but have no direct influence on the economy or you can have a capitalist dictatorship where the people can influence the economy via their purchases or businesses but have no access to the political system.
>what is the 1st amendment
>what is the 13th amendment
We all know the worst thing ever devised in human history is Universal Healthcare.
>What's worse then communism?
Doesn't exist.
You have to be 18 to post here, Jesus Christ.
Your grammar.
implying communism is not a Jewish ploy.
Extra communism
Double communism.