Russian-American lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin admitted Friday he attended a June 2016 meeting with Donald Trump Jr. at the Trump Tower in Manhattan.
The liberal media jumped on the story noting that Akhmetshin a Russian operative and was helping Trump get elected.
But Rinat Akhmetshin was working with Fusion GPS, an organization linked to the Democrat party, and has worked the shadowy corners of the Washington lobbying scene for nearly 20 years.
Other urls found in this thread:
If hes a spy looking out for russian interests, of course he would coddle both sides during the campaign. Remember they likely thought Hillary was going to win back then
It's interesting, but you can't extrapolate this as somehow him being employed and more loyal to DNC than to his country
Look into it further
drip drip
He wasn't a spy. The media is making him out to be a spy. He's a DNC operative, and was part of the attempt to frame Trump and allow the FISA warrants to go through.
If he was a spy, why was he working for the State Department and listing himself as a translator for Secretary of State level projects on linkedin?
All valid questions.
He doesn't work with them, he hired them.
>his country
He has US citizenship
Dems were sloppy with this Don Jr screwjob. Plus they have the hubris getting the details to the NYT for little damage to Trump. Poor Profit Risk ratio They'll get burned on this one.
Cap from newsweek article linked by TGP
>the democrats planted a russian to get dirt and never used it during the campaign
Because they never found anything.
This shit only came to the surface because they got desperate when Hilldawgg shat the bucket.
Can we stop with this bullshit? None of this is going anywhere, we see these threads 30 times a day. SAGE
>Rinat Akhmetshin
This is a Turkic name. Why only Arabic Russians and Jewish Russians support Trump?
Hey peeps, how do you upvote/downvote posts and threads?
They started getting stuff out there in about November 2016 just before the election. For example the Heat Street leak. I don't think it was their original purpose.
Justice bump.
Low quality bait
Why is FusionGPS always everywhere? Who payed them for the botched Trump file?
"Grassley also alleged that Fusion GPS was working with Rinat Akhmetshin, ...'” Grassley wrote the Justice Department: “Fusion GPS is the company behind the creation of the unsubstantiated dossier alleging a conspiracy between President Trump and Russia."
Do some research into the female Russian Jewish lawyer. She HATES Putin. Her husband was involved in some major corruption in Russia (and Clinton just happened to be affiliated with the mess and the banks as usual). her husband was fired by the Putin government and branded a criminal. She is working AGAINST Putin. So if Don Jr. met with her it was with a Putin HATER. It will all come out.
First it was a Jeb PAC then after trump got nominated, a Hillary PAC took over funding.
She's not even married dude. If you're going to make shit up, try harder.
Crooked Hillary is going down
>old bitch who is a hermit in the woods is going down
LOL. who fucking cares?
The real shit they produced was in June 2016. By then it was probably the alleged HIllary Pac. Jeb was long gone.
The republicans hired fusion gps before the democrats did
Sure but I don't understand why Republicans (even Never Trumpers) would be setting up the Trump Junior HOneypot scheme.
Because they didn't want trump to win the primaries
How could they have used it in that short timeframe? And the fact is FusionGPS did not use it publically back then.
This guy also visited the WH on Jan 9th,2016.
Ah damn that really fucking stinks. Lol. The So-called Kremlin spy was hanging out in OBama's WH. What a joke.
Trump Jr's actions were still illegal though :^)
>(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.
>(g)Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.
What qualifies as solicitation under the act?
>A communication that provides instructions on how or where to send contributions or donations
Now lets look at Trump Jr's email chain:
>offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary
>Trump Jr: Great. It will likely be Paul Manafort (campaign boss) my brother in law (Jared Kushner) and me. 725 Fifth Ave 25th floor.
Trump Jr sent an email (a communication) to provide instructions on when and where to meet (providing instructions on how and where to deliver a contribution) for foreign nationals to donate "Political Opposition Research" (a thing of value) to "the Trump campaign"
Trump Jr also forwarded the whole email chain to Kushner and Manafort prior to the meeting, which they MUST have read to discover the time and place of the meeting, and which they attended.
>B-but "muh information" isn't a thing of value!!!
The Federal Election Committee already ruled (
>Trump Jr's actions were still illegal though
Then why hasn't he been arrested? If it's so clear cut?
"visited" for 13 hours
are the east wing tours really 13 hours long?
It says right there at the bottom that 11:59pm is the default end time so it may give incorrectly long estimates.
>Why hasn't Trump Jr. been arrested while his father has the power of the pardon?
Gee I wonder. Just because charges have not been filed yet does not mean they will not be at some later date.
>Just because charges have not been filed yet does not mean they will not be at some later date.
>any day now, says increasingly nervous man
It's going to be a long 7.5 years for you, friend.
Just... can you imagine if CNN and the MSM don't cover this...
It is self evident to any rational observer that Mueller's play has to be to try and get Trump removed from office FIRST, before filling charges against any members of the Trump administration since it is obvious that Trump would have no compunction with using the power of the pardon to make any prosecutions of Trump administration members impossible.
None of that strategic chess, however, has any bearing on whether Trump Jr violated campaign finance laws, which he plainly did on a simple reading of the relevant law and relevant FEC advisory opinions.
>has any bearing on whether Trump Jr violated campaign finance laws, which he plainly did on a simple reading of the relevant law and relevant FEC advisory opinions
Yeah, no. To declare information as "a thing of value" would require a court proceeding agreeing that it is. This won't happen because of the door it opens. If that were the case, the wide array of meetings by politicians and their aides with foreign nationals would suddenly become possible criminal violations. I'm sure your non-existent law degree from Canada's Dogsuck U might lead you to different conclusions though.
Have an upvote leaf redditor
It's nice to talk about it, but it's slow to do anything even though nothing will ever come of it, just like every other claim.
Leaf, how is information a donation? Also, what is wrong with I crimnating shit on a potential president? How is that bad?
Also, what about the 20M Hillary took from the Saudis and who knows what from Ukraine
>citing campaign finance laws
No one has accused DTJ of paying for or accepting any money.
Try harder
They still need to prove the Trump team got something from them and gave something back in return. Junior and the rest may have acted unethically but illegally will be harder to make stick.
I guess we'll know if Trump ever makes a press to fire Mueller.
The same deep state that illegally and poorly manufactured this narrative also has done the same to countless legitimate foreign governments. They have butchered 2 million in the middle east with 0 gain to anyone not in their corrupt mafia. I dont even care. I hope Trump and Russia team up to slaughter liberals, most of whom are only happy to gloat about the planned destruction of western society , and the planned replacement of whites in western countries. I hope Putin rapes their children.
Veddy veddy niiiiiiiiiiiiiice!
Intelligence so sexy
I guess the only thing left is finding a video of Rinat and OBama playing some one-on-one hoops?
>Here, you propose accepting without charge, from Canadian third party and independent candidates, certain printed materials used in previous Canadian campaigns. The materials would include flyers, advertisements, door hangers, tri-folds, signs, and other printed material. You plan to use these items to assist you in your own campaign. Although the value of these materials may be nominal or difficult to ascertain, they have some value. The provision of these items without charge would relieve your campaign of the expense that it would otherwise incur to obtain such materials. Thus, the provision of such items without charge would constitute a contribution and, as such, would be prohibited, particularly in light of the broad scope of the prohibition on contributions from foreign nationals.
>If, however, Mr. Hochberg imparts poll result information to you or anyone else working for your campaign, including any data or any analysis of the results, or if he uses the poll information to advise your campaign on matters such as campaign strategy or creating media messages, such poll information will constitute an in-kind contribution from Mr. Hochberg to your campaign, and an expenditure in an equal amount by your committee.
These two advisory opinions from the FEC show clearly that provision of polling information to a campaign that the campaign would normally have to pay to have generated or assembled would be considered an in-kind contribution to a political campaign. Political opposition research, like polling, is a service that campaign pay for and thus the provision of political opposition research by foreign nationals to the Trump campaign was clearly prohibited under campaign finance laws.
But let me guess... intent was required to prosecute Clinton for destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice, and selling state secrets?
Fuck off, Matlock.
See The Federal Election Commission has concluded in multiple advisory opinions that specialized information like polling information and even something as simple as a few dollars in paper pamphlets can be considered in-kind donations to a campaign and therefore "a thing of value" for the purposes of the act.
I do
The Goldstone guy who sent Don Jr. the carefully worded but full of lies email had a visit to the Obama White House the week before. Funny that. The exact wording that would qualify for a wiretap . A cleverly set up entrapment by Lynch, Obama and cabal. A junior first year journalist student could see this as a scam a mile away. Our media-too stupid? Too mind controlled? Too dishonest? Too blackmailed? Who is controlling them? CIA? Deep State?
So show me the document the russian lawyer gave the trump campaign and where the campaign used them, otherwise your opinions are useless in this case
Where did I mount a defense of Hillary Clinton? If she did anything illegal then lock her up. The only people who see advocating the rule of law as a partisan issue are those who see the rule of law as an enemy to their political interests.
Unfortunately for you, the act makes solicitation as illegal as receipt, and defines solicitation very specifically to be:
>A communication that provides a method of making a contribution or donation
>A communication that provides instructions on how or where to send contributions or donations
Arranging a specific in person meeting with this Russian lawyer to receive the documents and political opposition research you believe she has clearly meets this threshold since Trump Jr provided the time and location for the meeting.
This is why he hurried up suddenly and sent the Russians home at Christmas time:
>someone must have caught on or started to catch on to their hoaxes.
Pol so desperate to spin the narrative holy shit it must feel awful to discover trump is 100X more corrupted than Hillary and bigger kike puppet than any president in history. This is the best time line
You are citing campaign FINANCE statutes. There hasn't been an accusation that any money changed hands. You are grasping at straws here
The Russian Jewish Putin HATING lawyer lobbyist who met with Don Jr. was married to Alexander Mitusoy. She is also said to have been enlisted by Comey as an asset to spy and had an affair with a NYT reporter. More here:
Archived that satire/fake news site for you.
>whatdoesitmean com/index2335.htm
>the executive is in charge of interpreting the law
No sweetie, that's literally the job of the courts.
>certain printed materials used in previous Canadian campaigns. The materials would include flyers, advertisements, door hangers, tri-folds, signs, and other printed material.
This isn't information, these are literally materials.
>Hochberg opinion
Here we have poll information bought and paid for by one person for one purpose being counted as a contribution as it is now being re-purposed. Nowhere does is state that first hand knowledge of an event or activity is counted as a contribution. If I witness a potential candidate punch a baby and then inform an opposing politician, have I made a contribution or have I exercised free speech?
Stop trying to preach about laws you don't understand, shill.
You seem to have reading comprehension issues so I'll try and simply this for you:
>If, however, Mr. Hochberg imparts poll result information to you or anyone else working for your campaign, including any data or any analysis of the results, or if he uses the poll information to advise your campaign on matters such as campaign strategy or creating media messages, such poll information will constitute an in-kind contribution from Mr. Hochberg to your campaign, and an expenditure in an equal amount by your committee.
>If, however, Mr. Hochberg imparts poll result information to you [...] such poll information will constitute an in-kind contribution
An "in-kind contribution" is specifically defined in campaign finance law as constituting a "thing of value" for the purposes of the section on campaign contributions by foreign nationals.
It's pretty clear that the phrase "contribution or donation" refers to money.
really taps my wires
I find the Sorsha Faal articles have tidbits of good info. to follow up on. American media is so shallow but Sorsha drops a few breadcrumbs that have been astonishingly correct and insightful. NEVER shoot the messenger until you check out the message for yourself.
Stop hiding behind the treehugger flag, Canacuck.
>If, however, Mr. Hochberg imparts poll result information to you [...] such poll information will constitute an in-kind contribution from Mr. Hochberg to your campaign
It's pretty clear in black letter that specialized information qualifies as an "in-kind contribution" to a campaign since the FEC concluded exactly that it does.
This wasn't a poll result. This opinion is completely fucking irrelevant.
A thing of value like a bottle of wine, or a fancy dinner, or box seats at a big game.
Not information. Jesus, you're desperate.
This information has nothing to do with poll results making this opinion worthless in the current case.
It's pretty clear you have fuckall understanding of American law, as you're a Canadian.
>If, however, Mr. Hochberg imparts poll result information to you [...], such poll information will constitute an in-kind contribution from Mr. Hochberg to your campaign
Feel free to at least TRY and logically distinguish poll information from political opposition research. Both are specialized types of information campaigns usually pay to have generated for them, both are information, and both would logically therefore qualify as an in-kind contribution to a campaign.
Get back to me when you actually have some logical arguments to make or supporting evidence to cite.
>Apples=Oranges goys
Your stupidity is mind numbing
>both would logically therefore qualify as an in-kind contribution to a campaign.
>t. canadian with zero legal expertise
Yes retard. Again things of quantifiable value. Like the labor gone into polling. If they came in with a completed TV ad for the Trump campaign to run, that would be an issue since it is of quantifiable value. If nothing was exchanged there is nothing like that. If information alone was exchanged it is nothing. Even an attempt to prosecute this part of the law for something like that would run up against the 1st amendment. I assume you are a smelly foreigner with a piss poor understanding of the law but have seen others make an attempt.
>Get back to me when you actually have some logical arguments to make or supporting evidence to cite.
Sure, see: .
Furthermore, find me the precedent to declares What Trump Jr. did was illegal. And no, opinions from the executive branch don't count. Find me the court case that lays this precedence down.
Your argument only holds water if the word "contributions" legally includes information. RAW, it seems to imply it is specifically talking about monetary contributions and donations, not dirt.
don jr is not a foreign national those laws dont apply to him
on jr did not accept money from them, he broke no laws
>If he was a spy, why was he working for the State Department and listing himself as a translator for Secretary of State level projects on linkedin?
Because this is real life and not a James Bond movie. Why wouldn't a spy be working for the State Department or working as a translator? The State Department is a HUMINT goldmine because Americans don't know how to fucking shut up about classified information.
>This isn't information, these are literally materials.
>Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents that detailed what she believed was the flow of illicit funds to the Democratic National Committee.
Those were also materials.
> poll information bought and paid for by one person for one purpose being counted as a contribution as it is now being re-purposed. Nowhere does is state that first hand knowledge of an event or activity is counted as a contribution.
Unfortunately, the email chain makes clear that Veselnitskaya was not the source of the "political opposition research" and in fact the email chain makes clear it was given to her by other persons. It thus was not her first hand knowledge but rather the product of the labour of other foreign nationals in gathering and compiling it. SOMEONE paid for them to be gathered, and Veselnitskaya was just delivering them to Trump Jr and thus the parallel with the polling information is exact.
>>the executive is in charge of interpreting the law
>No sweetie, that's literally the job of the courts.
As you well know, this exact issue has never been before the courts and so Federal Election Commission advisory ruling are the best resource available for assessing the issues at hand, since campaigns literally solicit advisory opinions from the FEC for that exact purpose.
He's probably a double agent.
Fusion GPS isn't democratic.
The founder wrote the book exposing:
>s "street money" passed around to ministers and others in the black community in exchange for Democratic endorsements
Maybe fusion are patriots defending the country from Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics:
>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."
Holy fuck, you're actually a fucking idiot.
>information becomes a material if it's printed
It's going to be a long 7.5 years, buckle up buckeroo.
>>information becomes a material if it's printed
Are you quite serious? Literally what is a brochure then? It's literally printed information and was specifically deemed to be prohibited by that FEC advisory opinion.
Tell me, when someone pays to print a flyer that says "Vote for (x)" are they paying for the flyers or for the information to "vote for (x)?"
The information was not deemed what was bought it in your first example, materials were.
Information in printed form is literally what a brochure IS, and besides that, the other advisory ruling that ruled that poll result information was an in-kind contribution totally vitiates this point anyway, since information itself can be an in-kind contribution.
Literally they set up the meeting as pretext to get a fisa warrant. Not to get dirt. Fucking hell its not that hard to follow is it?
He should be firing Mueller. The whole thing is based on bullshit based on what Comey said, where it's been pretty much proven Comey only did it to get back at Trump. Mueller is a fucking political hitman at this point, his only job is to find dirt or make it up to get Trump out of office.