Giant iceberg the size of P.E.I. breaks off Antarctica


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Don't give them traffic

Only an idiot denies global warming in 2017.
Kek I still can't belive that Amerifats voted for a climate change denier. Fucking Drumpf pulled the US out of the Paris treaty.
Americans are the ones destroying our planet

>global warming

Has anyone proven this happened because of global warming and not because of some other natural process? Or are libs doing the typical *attributing anything that looks vaguely helpful to a cause before researching or understanding it* tactic?

Nobody knows what PEI is.

Hmm and your destroying your own country, stfu you dumb swede. You'll get beheaded by mohammad long before the next ice age.

no we all are do not play the blame game. paris treaty was useless and not going to do anything.

I used to think people in Europe were more educated than ”Amerifats” but I’m starting to think even the US is smarter than Europe.

Real or not, stop playing the blame game.

Also didn't the girls in your pic recently break up?

OP has never heard of Ice Core Samples.............

what do they prove?

Thats not due to global warming, faggot. Ice bergs were breaking off before we ever burn't coal.

Dumb ass! it means pretty enourmous intervals.

we go in and out of warming period of over 100K years without human influence, earth normal climate is New York under 2 miles of ice, But people who believe we are responsible, forget CO2 only makes up for 0.04% of atmospheric gases, but is 100% responsible for climate change

But we are smarter than Americans, 99% of scientists says that climate change is real.
Fuck off Norgay, I hate your pathetic cuck country

>pei is a type o

Nah its not a meme, keep living in denial kid.

Yes. Every article I've read notes that this did NOT happen because of climate change / "global warming." Ever scientifically literate person knows that ice sheets exist because of the GROWTH of glaciers. As the ice sheet grows further away from the coast, it's weight can no longer be supported and it breaks off. Glaciers do not calve because the are on land. Calving occurs in the portion of the glacier that extends over water.

>TFW The U.N. will be reclassifying your country to 3rd world status by 2030

"Everything is fine, its just a meme"

not to mention in the summer months ice sheet recede and break off,
they shrink and grow every year, satellite measurements say it's been growing every season, not shrinking

• in 1956 an iceberg six times the dimensions of this one was observed breaking off from the Antarctica; and
• in 1927 another iceberg four times the volume did the same thing.
We do not have the data for the previous centuries.

It broke off because the ice shelf GREW you faggot. Now there's more ice floating around to cool the water further. Mini ice age is coming

This is nothing new, hippie.

Glaciers grow because snow packs on snow packs on snow, etc. The ice pack grows outward like a pancake. Eventually a piece breaks off. That piece further cools the water. This all leads to the fact that there is no global warming. If anything, we're getting colder.

so some how glaciers all world wide are melting at a alarming rate. but you still believe it is not due to global warming.

you are woke my sir

we are heading into another solar minimum, and our maximum made other minimum look like warming periods

97% of scientists whose funding is dependent on them propagating the lie

Really activated the shit in my burka

Ah but, they are not melting

>icebergs haven't broken off a polar ice cap before
Titanic says 'Hi'

what receding then?

Global warming is happening.
Man's effect on it is minimal.
It was already going to warm and has done so faster before.
The planet WILL equalize.
We were never going to stop the coasts from flooding.
Humanity will be just fine and while some areas will experience droughts others will get more rainfall.
Global warming is hyped too much and instead of wasting effort and money in going green we should be engineering our coastlines to handle the inevitable floods.
It's still good to come up with alternative fuel sources but there's no need to hurry right now.

Or we both watch adapt 2030 or suspicious 0bservers


dip shit
in the summer they melt "a bit"
and in winter grow back
if you can't grasp this simple concept you're more retarded than we thought.

Most of the earth was covered in ice 1.8 million years ago. This ice age ended approximately 20,000 years ago. What caused global warming then? Automobile exhaust? Overpopulation? China's smog? Cow farts? Man?

Global warming is a hoax. The planet doesn't answer to man or his actions.

>ice never broke off in zillions of years
>the titanic was sunk because it was designed by stupid white men not because ice(((berg)))

check out this site
been checking in daily for several years. solar sun spots and out put are at a all time low

Nice site my dude. Check out suspicious0bservers YouTube channel for daily updates too, if you don't already.

oh I do, started watching him since 2011 for CME info, remember watching large groups of sun spots waiting for " it to happen". but now its rare you even see a tiny spot, most of the time there is 0 sunspots.

15 years back , sunspot activity

Prince Edward Island. Amerifat education and everything... helps to've actually been there I suppose.

Sorry, nobody gives a shit about your fake province mate

Literally no one in 2017 denies that global warming is a thing. The argument is the same tired shit that Bill Nye got BTFO on Tucker's show. There's no way to quantify at all how much is caused by humans. Not one "scientist" can say based on evidence that 98% or 80% or 50% is caused directly by human actions.

The planet has been doing this same shit in cycles since before humans were even a thing so if it turns out that 2% of it is caused by humans and 98% is out of our control there's really no reason to bitch and moan about it because it's inevitable even if you faggots stop eating cows or fracking or whatever you're crying your eyes out about this week.

Global warming was far worse (if we're using rising temperatures as the main factor) during the Middle Ages where they had no coal and weren't burning fossil fuels at all and even moreso during prehistoric times. Explain how that's possible if it's humans who are the main cause of the shit with their bottles of chlorofluorocarbons from hairspray bottles, fuck-o. :^)

Do you believe a 0.2C warming contributed to that iceberg's formation?

Try china and india chuckles

it just came out Russian threw a front company has been giving Green Peace millions to push Anti-Fracking,
If US fracking tech expands to Europe will kill Russia oil export and control on the world oil market.


>pre existing warming trend normal for coming out of ice age
>incessant hammering over and over of "in 20 years you all gonna die from global warming" for the last 60 years
>literally millions and millions of years of data where C02 levels were many fold higher then now with no correlation to global temperature
>historically the only unknown is what the fuck would have happened if C02 levels were allowed to drop even further.




This shit happens all the time, faggot. Larger ones than this broke of in, for example, 1993 and 2000.

It's fucking normal. It's called nature.

>Nobody knows what PEI is.


What are you, dumb?

To me this sounds like bullshit.

Just based off logic if all this ice was melting at an "alarming" measurable rate then it would be, agenda or not, all over the news as sea levels are visibly rising and the melting glaciers are causing mass flooding in their local areas.

I'm not nor have been seeing any such coverage. Which alway makes me immediately discount "the sky is falling" type statements. if global warming is real and people want to get the word out you'd be better served by moderating your message and providing real and verifiable proof that the average person can see/read. For something thats supposed to be "obviously happening" I don't see a whole lot of physical proof popping up on all the news sites.


Checked and kekd.

Global warming makes the world better: More rain and a longer growing season in all the good parts of the world. Backward places that cant plan far enough ahead to pick new crops have failures. As long as the west doesnt pay climate change reparations to everyone in the world who wants nine kids, we're in the clear.

I know what it is, I live here after all.

>(((ice berg)))

>Let's conflate man-made "climate change" (not global warming, you idiot, that's the term they used after global cooling, but before climate change) with natural climate change

Nobody's debating that the weather is changing. The question is: are humans at fault? Mars is getting warmer too, which points towards "no".

higher CO2 level have show to improve crop yields, and better water consumption. due the plant not drying out due to the number of hole fro CO2 exchange, prove FACT


based nordbot here to save the day once again

Stfu green fag.
It’s already been declared that the ice(((berg))) has nothing to do with global warming.

P.E.I? People's Empire of Iraq?

Only Antarctic observation since ca. 100 years then suddenly a big part breaks off.
>Wow, just wow it's something special
No it isn't and if we wait 1000 years I'm sure even greater parts will break off.
Almost nobody debates temperature fluctuations. What's debated is the cause.

penis enhancement information

Out of all the top polluters we are pretty low on the list.

everyone and anyone who doesnt believe global warming is man made is a moron who probably believes that communism works.

It's a province in Canada.

It stands for Potato Eating Irishmen.

the (((paris accord))) was shekels for the european elite it didnt help shit but fund the eu and un.

im not trying to deny global warming, im just against what (((they))) are trying to justify with it like jewing average people with carbon taxes and forcing them to move to big cities with nigger and multiculturalism because living outside them requires you to own a car and you cant fucking afford one after they make them jew priced because muh global warming

>Planet is just now coming out of an ice age.
>"The ice is melting it's going to be an APOCALYPSE!!!"
>"W-we-w-we're going to become VENUS even though our atmosphere is less than 1% carbon and Venus' atmosphere is more than 95% carbon!"
>T-the planet will be a hothouse in twenty years!
>20 years later nothing much has changed
>J-just give it 20 more years, you'll see!!!!!!111!1


Global warming isn't man made and you can't prove it is either. If we were being honest we'd say "science doesn't know how much, if at all, influence man has on climate.

old as fucking dirt , kys

I come from a small seaside city of half a million people. I grew up by the seaside and watched as the beach disappeared and the local authorities had to expand it into private territory.

Oh, it is real. I've seen it. But I don't care - all it will take to burn down irreversibly is one single left-leaning president.

Might as well enjoy what little time we have.

If we assume that your utterly unsubstantiated assertion is true, the only solution would be to immediately prosecute a total extermination campaign against China and India, and disbar anyone from ever developing industry in those nations ever again.

>that's awfully close to HAARP.

>link a article from CBC
>no reporting that it's normal, it's called calving, and not the largest or last to fall off.
Do homework Jeeves, al gore didn't invent the internet either, disputed what he says.

>OP didn't even read the article before coming here to shitpost
At least he had enough respect to post more than once.

>small seaside city

which small seaside city faggot?

fuck off

Good way to grab attention though.

the ice is breaking because it's growing, and it's based on an active planet. there are all sorts of huge frequencies causing changes in global ice.

probably fucking charleston

although not small, but the city limits probably fits that description of 500000 people

I appreciate the irony of photographing this from a kerosene burning jumbo jet