Allowing women to drive was a mistake.
Allowing women to drive was a mistake
Roasties strike again
Angry rejected autistic virgin detected
>middle shop girls
They do not look like they are in middle school
thats 3 down imo
Fuck of Kekistan flag.
She killed off some competition. She knows that nobody her age wanted her roast
Life in prison. And plaster this shit all over the news. Spread the word to dumb fucks who insist on texting while they drive. Tired of hearing about bullshit Russia garbage anyways.
>Fuck of Kekistan flag
It's just a regular Kekistan flag, user, and not a Fuck of Kekistan flag. I haven't seen the latter. Does it look anything like this?
>middle school girls
What the fuck are they putting in the water
to be fair those girls crossing the street were probably staring at a phone all the same as the driver. last week I literally watched a retard try to turn right at a red light without ever looking to the right, and a retard pedestrian stepped into the crosswalk without looking right or left.
spoiler alert: the retard hit the other retard and it was avoidable on both ends!
if you're staring at your phone while walking along the street you deserve to be run over by someone staring at their phone while driving down the street
You could make conclusion that cellphones were a mistake
yeah even the driver looks near 30 instead of 24
I don't care.
I agree op
I do not know what it is about women that makes many of them terrible drivers. Where I work you can watch people driving and I can't count how many incidents were caused or involved women.
They drive too close to the car in front of them, go down the wrong way on a one way, I notice many of them drive with two hands on the wheel and peek over like they can't see
It seems to be a general lack of attention I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with their disinterest in driving. While men have always been one with the automobile most women could care less. They know not what type of engine they have or the tires their car needs etc. They will know if they drive a Kia or mustang or Honda and that's it
Had they been fucked up the ass by their step dad yet? If not, a waste.
>her age
Here's a( you) I guess
A fucking waste.
It was a fucking accident. I don't feel like she should be punished, she just needs her license revoked.
Would still fuck
Treat the idiot the same way you would treat a drunk in the same situation. They have been warned repeatedly. Time to start making examples of them.
And can we make cell phone inoperable when moving at a speed greater than 5 mph?
Damn. Think of those perfect middle school vagina's that were wasted.
They could have made many penises very happy. Sad!
I think someone should accidentally shoot you and get a reward
>be me
>identify potential b8 thread
>begin investigation
>sorry kid, nothing personal
>don my alter ego(my name related)
>teleport mouse over OPs ID.
>one post by this user
Every. Time.
yeah maybe even reward her for surviving! like a purple heart or something
i think i just vomited
>texting while driving
You're fucking retarded if you do this anywhere other than a red light and you're not the first car in your lane.
>implying they haven't already have
Why do you think young men are charged more for insurance? Because they are reckless and feel like they own the road. Young men cause way more accidents than women, and texting/driving isn't exclusive to women. You people sound like angry virgins.
>doing it at all
Enjoy getting COPPED
Wouldn't risk it lad, either for legal or practical purposes. I've been rear ended in that exact situation and if I'd had a phone out I probably would have panicked a shit ton more than when I had two hands on the wheel.
They were texting Chad or Tyrone to ride some dick that day.
And nothing of value was lost.
>more accidents
More fatal accidents. Women have more minor accidents, iirc. When men fuck up they're statistically likely to fuck up way harder.
>three roasties dead
What a tragedy :(
imagine fucking the love of your life, she gets pregnant, and the kid turns out like this.
I want to see the aftermath pics
1 roastie kills 2 other rosaries and goes to jail
I fail to see the problem here
>Allowing women to drive was a mistake.
Why can nobody just put down the fucking phone?!!!
You'd be surprised by how many people text and drive. Complete morons.
Because people are too dependent on it and too poor/dumb to use hands free systems.
It's sad to think how many retarded cunts drive around with their faces in their phones. And how many are going to cause a death, yet they're just plodding along oblivious to the horrible future that awaits them. But even worse, their victims are enjoying dinner right now, perhaps talking to their moms on the phone or hanging out with friends and being dorky. They have no idea that some spoiled modern western woman is going to place her momentary social interactions above their entire existence. They don't know that there's a stupid cunt who's going to be typing 'omg, like, he's so cute, you think he's into me?' to some frenemy she barely likes while she smears their guts all over the street. The entire future they have planned, gone. The memory of joy and happiness that their family knew will never come back. 4-5 lives ruined because some worthless cunt who should never have been allowed outside without male company had to fulfill her idiotic socialization instincts over instagram every second of her worthless life.
>More fatal accidents. Women have more minor accidents
You proved my point. Women are more careful, while men feel like they own the road and are more willing to take risks to feel badass or something, which is why they're involved in more fatal accidents. It must be hard not knowing what you're talking about sweetie.
I text and drive all the time even on five lanes of traffic going 70+ MPH and never had any close encounter. Youre a dumbass if you cant text and drive without incident
Middle schoolers are huge now, yo.
Self driving car technology, or at the very least, automated collision avoidance technology, cannot come soon enough. Collision avoidance should be a government mandated standard safety feature in every car, as ubiquitous as airbags and seat-belts. Imagine all the lives that could be saved.
You are the idiot for breaking the law and endangering your own life and the lives of those around you. Stop texting and driving, you goddamn degenerate.
What about the freedom to drive your own car?
Lets just be bubbled wrapped robots with mortgages and consume till we die
Why would you admit to texting? Just say you had a sneezing attack so you dont go to jail.
People are fucking dumb I swear.
>I text and drive all the time even on five lanes of traffic going 70+ MPH and never had any close encounter.
You only have to crash once you fucking shithead.
You are allowed freedom, except at the expense of others. It's people like you that argued against seat-belts and airbags, and yet, here they are. Collision avoidance is going to become standard in all vehicles, with or without the government. It's obvious that the market is heading that way, car makers are going to put it in on their own to get more sales, and with self driving car technology growing exponentially, soon cars won't even have steering wheels, and we'll all be safer. But rest assured, collision avoidance is coming first, and there won't be any "avoiding" it.
I was driving home today and had to pass an obvious retard going below speed limit in the left lane. I check the car as I pass and I see a girl in her 20s looking down at her phone which was positioned slightly above the steering wheel. What the hell is wrong with people?
I need to get eagle vision and upgrade my car's horn so every time I see this shit I blast my horn as I pass. Hopefully this will wake the tardfuckers.
The difference is that some of us are quite capable of doing this without any danger. We understand spatial relationships, can accurately judge relative velocities of objects in our environment, and know how to prioritize instantly.
Yet we get lumped with the same morons who are incapable of looking further up the road than the length of their bed, and can not juggle between more than one task in their minds, no matter how fucking simple those tasks are.
If I ever accidentally killed two girls I'd kill myself.
It has been scientifically proven that texting and driving is equal to, if not worse, than drunk driving. Google it, there are dozens of peer-reviewed studies. But go ahead, keep up your "Iamverysmart" attitude until you kill someone. Human beings are not evolved for multitasking, the fact of the matter is, you when you are staring at your phone, your attention is off the road, and all it takes is a split-second to get into a collision.
If your phone does anything beyond making phone calls you are filth.
>If your phone does anything beyond making phone calls you are filth.
And you're a Luddite. Technology is always moving forward dude, you must embrace it. All it takes is a little self-control to not use your phone in an inappropriate or unsafe situation, but you absolutely cannot deny the incalculable value of having a supercomputer with access to the summation of human knowledge in your pocket at all times.
Lol. Inferior beings, such as yourself, will always prefer to believe that horsehit. It makes you feel "equal" somehow. Stay pleb, dullard.
Oh shit, she's getting additional charges for deleting the texts that distracted her to begin with as well as possibly panicked texts she sent in the aftermath. THE ROAST IS TOAST
>Lol. Inferior beings, such as yourself, will always prefer to believe that horsehit.
Are you implying that proven, peer-reviewed scientific FACTS are beliefs? Let me guess, you believe 9/11 was an inside job and the Earth is flat. Crawl out from under your rock, this is proven science, not simply a "belief". And no one, absolutely no one, has the "right" to endanger others.
I can do that too very easily but I rarely do it and only in emergencies. I prefer to keep my eyes glued on the road and I genuinely enjoy driving, driving fast and passing all the slow people. One of the reasons I pay attention to the read incessantly is that people are very predictable. It's very easy to spot a driver who will cut you off despite you doing 20+ vs him/her by the way their car moves.
I value my life, my intelligence and my future and gambling it by using my phone while driving around retards is not a worthwhile trade off.
>'was TEXTING'
>Let me guess, you believe 9/11 was an inside job and the Earth is flat.
God dangit.
probably true
>Allowing women to
speak when men are talking
>was a mistake
I found the woman beater everyone
>People are fucking dumb I swear.
Just like you. They get your records from the phone company
This. Cunts should be in the kitchen making sandwiches.
Being better at something means to constantly push the limits of what you are capable of in order to better handle shit.
Women don't feel the need to do that as much when they're driving (many of them can't, though there are competitive exceptions), they don't take risks and generally don't get a 'feel' for the dimensions of the thing they're driving and the myriad of less-than-safe-but-still-useful driving techniques that exist beyond their everyday usage.
In Heideggarian terms, the car does not yet feel ready-at-hand to them. It feels like a clunky extension of themself, not a sleek and fast extension of your ability to navigate obstacles at high speed.
Men will get in more fatal crashes learning how to master the art of driving.
Women will take the rules of driving into account and that will be enough for them, so anytime something out of the ordinary rules of the road happens, they are less likely to respond in a quick and efficient manner and get more dings as a result.
I'm guessing you don't have a girlfriend. At least not with that sexist attitude. It's 2017, the modern woman will not tolerate your sexist bullshit attitude. You can try to hide it, but it will eventually come out and she'll dump your ass. Why is it so hard for neckbeards to respect women? Is it because they can't get any?
>implying he'll ever be in a room alone with a female
t. 28yr old virgin
>implying you've ever had a real conversation with a mixed group where a woman(above 6/10) said something on topic that was intelligent
>current year
Found the cuck.
1. I'm divorced
2. She was a thieving, cheating whore. That's why I divorced her.
3. You can fuck off back to R eddit, junior.
But if less women die behind the wheel, who is *really* better off? Men, who "push the envelope" and as a result die more, or women, who drive safer and more conservatively, but die less on the road?
>In Heideggarian terms, the car does not yet feel ready-at-hand to them. It feels like a clunky extension of themself, not a sleek and fast extension of your ability to navigate obstacles at high speed.
I remember one time I almost flipped my German car attempting to see if it could handle a sharp turn at fast speed. Many lulz were had as my car bounced between left two wheels and right two wheels until I finally stabilized it.
No one was around me at the time.
haha, here goes the normie throwing the hissy. Cant get their head around the fact that they share the world with people whose brains are capable of processing information at a much higher speed than their own.
Here's a simple fact for you dullard. I can sit in traffic on a highway and text becasue I am capable of judging the relative distances and speeds of not only my own vehicle but those in front of me and behind me. To the point where I know if I have time to glance at a message ( which I can see and process the content much faster than you ). I can judge whether I can send a reply or not, to the same degree as switching channels on a radio station.
Too bad God gave you life in the slow lane, normie. But its okay, they make the laws to suit the slow brain functioning of your sort. Just dont expect the rest of us to obey it.
PS. We dont get caught becasue we are aware of our environment.
aussie in new zealand
this picture begs more questions than answers.
>But if less women die behind the wheel, who is *really* better off?
Women cause more accidents by driving like slow tardroaches. It's true, look it up. Slow drivers cause accidents by forcing faster drivers to attempt unorthodox passing strategies in order to get around them.
If not treating women like garbage makes me a cuck, then I'm a cuck.
Keep telling yourself that, I can't blame her for cheating on a misogynist who treated her like dirt. Probably cheated with someone who actually treated her like an equal human being and not her inferior. You got what you deserved, bitch.
Yeah, I dont make a habit of it either. The thing is I can do it when I know its safe, something that morons like this guy are simply incapable of understanding.
Nice, b8. I r8 it an 8.
It was drugs that turned her into a slag.
It's past your bedtime, kid. Learn something about life before embarrassing yourself.
>highschool prom pics
>middle school
>brains are capable of processing information at a much higher speed than their own.
You sound like such an arrogant prick. You only *think* your brain processes information faster, but a truly smart man wouldn't endanger other people's lives (or their own) in the first place. Anyway, the fact remains, texting while driving is illegal. That makes you a criminal, and therefore scum. I hope the police catch you one day, and you get a HUGE ticket. As you pee yourself to the officer, acting like a pussy ass little bitch, I hope you learn your lesson.
Haha! You must be a woman.
>It was drugs that turned her into a slag.
Can't blame her for taking drugs for some mental tranquility, after all, *you* were her husband. If I was married to you, I'd become a drug addict as well.
And thats not evidence unless you admit to it stupid shit. All you'd have to is claim you sent a message before you started driving but because bad service it took some time to send.
You have to admit to it.
Fuck your mom you stupid cunt
the two middle school girls were probably texting too while crossing the road
glad to see evolution still in effect
Damn, kid. You can do better than that. Put some effort into it.
here's your (yo)
Be interesting to see how the judge rolls on this one. Perpetrator is a white middle class female, pretty. But the victims are also white middle class females, pretty also and younger too.
I've got a feeling it will be a light sentence, as "the victim still alive has suffered enough".
But that what you cant get your thick head around, dullard. There is no danger. We dont do it if there is danger. Get that through your dense skull.
It makes feel great that dullards will always live an inferior life, never knowing the full richness of life. Why? Because they deserve it for spilling their boring mediocrity upon the rest of the world.
texting while driving
HAHA stilly woman
thats why i only drive while my penisis in my anus
People don't know how to multi-task or make actual phone calls anymore.
What's the fucking point of even having a cell PHONE if you never call anybody?
Haha, you think you're so situationaly aware that a cop will NEVER see you with your phone out? The law is the law, and you're breaking it. You are a criminal, scum lawbreaker. You will get caught, it's only a matter of time.
It'[s not a question of who's better off. It's an analysis of the relative obliviousness of half the population trying desperately to equalize everyone and not understanding just how oblivious and non self-reliant people are created that way. I'd rather have the strength/ability and will to determine my fate than have someone decide on a logistic basis roughly how many people can permissibly do an activity 'safely', and how they are allowed to carry that out.
Yellow-to-red light ticketing have just increased crashes due to the cucks and women bowing immediately to the scary force of law and braking before thinking.
I'd take a beautiful drive fully controlled by my vehicular ability any day over the possibility of a society of infinite whiplash.